Zombot Tuskmaster 10,000 BC is the boss of Frostbite Caves appearing in Frostbite Caves - Day 30 and possibly Modern Day - Day 34 in Plants vs. Zombies 2. It takes up space in the two columns and three lanes farthest to the right. It uses its trunk to shoot blasts of ice into the lane in front of it (also kills a plant that was planted on that tile). Once these ice chunks are broken, they release zombies from them. It may also launch ice shards at plants, similar to other Zombots' missile attacks. It can only be damaged if the massive block of ice surrounding it is broken, in which the Tuskmaster will be stunned for a while before forming a new block of ice around it. Unlike the other Zombots, this one does not move, and stays in one place the entire time, because it appears to be built into the ground, which is shown when beaten.
In Arena, defeating the Tuskmaster 10,000 BC will award 10000 points, increasing by 10000 points each time the Tuskmaster 10,000 BC is defeated. Higher leagues will increase a multiplier for points scored, with a maximum of 5x in Jade league.
Dr. Zomboss was real impressed with himself when he came up with the idea to build a weaponized woolly mammoth with the power to blast snow and ice out of its mechanical trunk. But what Dr. Zomboss didn't realize until it was too late: He's allergic to mammoth fur. Now he has to load up on allergy medication every time he wants to take the darn thing out for a spin.
Zombot Tuskmaster 10,000 BC
Undying Low
The mammoth mech with an ice blast from the past.
Dr. Zomboss was real impressed with himself when he came up with the idea to build a weaponized woolly mammoth with the power to blast snow and ice out of its mechanical trunk. But what Dr. Zomboss didn't realize until it was too late: He's allergic to mammoth fur. Now he has to load up on allergy medication every time he wants to take the darn thing out for a spin.
The Zombot Tuskmaster 10,000 BC randomly performs one of the actions:
It will create one column of ice blocks that absorb 600 damage each. If all of the tiles of the nearest lane are fully covered in ice blocks, it will fill the next closest lane. This also kills plants that are planted on those tiles. When broken, it will release random zombies, which are as follows:
Arena - Tumbleweed & Friends VS Zomboss Tournament[]
Number of columns
Summoned zombies
Arena - Gloom Vine & Friends VS Zomboss Tournament[]
Number of columns
Summoned zombies
Arena - Teleportato Mine & Friends VS Zomboss Tournament[]
Number of columns
Summoned zombies
Boss Rush event (China only)[]
Number of columns
Summoned zombies
It will fire ice blocks that will destroy selected plants.
It will blow frozen winds, up to two lanes, that will freeze your plants.
The Zombot Tuskmaster 10,000 BC resides in a 3x3 ice cube that absorbs 1750 (2500 in Penny's Pursuit) damage before breaking, revealing a stunned Zombot. During these few seconds, the plants can attack the Zombot Tuskmaster 10,000 BC. Afterwards, the Tuskmaster quickly refreezes another large ice cube around itself as well as a fresh first lane of ice blocks.
Zombot Tuskmaster 10,000 BC, along with the Zombot Dinotronic Mechasaur, are the only Zombots that are based on an extinct animal.
There is a glitch when facing in Modern day that zombies can still attack even after defeated.
Though the Zombot is stationary, its Almanac entry says that it has "Hungry" speed. However, it may just refer to the speed of its attacks.
It is the first Zombot that cannot move, the second being the Zombot Multi-stage Masher. Instead, it uses its trunk to attack plants.
Its eyes are different from the other Zombots, as they are a very light shade of yellow, the pupils are brown and have a ring around it.
Zombot Tuskmaster 10,000 BC, Zombot Dark Dragon, Zombot Sharktronic Sub, Zombot Dinotronic Mechasaur, and the original Zombot are also the only Zombots with two eyes.
It is currently the only zombie that has a comma in its name.
Although ice blocks made by Zombot Tuskmaster 10,000 BC are completely different from other ice blocks, the player can still melt them using Hot Potato.
However, this does not apply to the larger block around the Zombot itself.
It was originally named "Zombot Mastodon-o-tron."
This makes it the second Zombot which had its name changed during development, with the first being the Zombot Tomorrow-tron.
The body of Zombot Tuskmaster 10,000 BC, Zombot Dark Dragon, Zombot Sharktronic Sub and Zombot Dinotronic Mechasaur cannot be seen fully.
Coincidentally, they are based on animals.
Zombot Tuskmaster 10,000 BC is the only Zombot in Plants vs. Zombies 2 which has more than three abilities.
So far, this is the only Zombot without a lane clearing attack. This is replaced with its freezing trunk blow.
Zombot Tuskmaster 10,000 BC is the only boss that does not release zombies with Plant Food.
It is the only Zombot that does not directly summon zombies.
Zombot Tuskmaster 10,000 BC can only be stunned by breaking the ice that protects it. Also, it is stunned for a longer time than others.
In its namesake, 10,000 BC refers to the era of caveman.
If the player does not plant at all, the Zombot will keep doing its attacks, including creating more ice block columns until the ice reaches the far left side of the lawn, in which it will stop creating ice until the blocks are destroyed.
In the Chinese version, the player can freely plant on the ice blocks created.
The Zombot Tuskmaster 10,000 BC can be stalled by Stallia if it is placed right in front of it.
This makes it, the Zombot Sphinx-inator, and the original Zombot the only Zombots that can be stunned in a situation outside of special circumstances like Plant Food abilities.
If a zombie is released from an ice block after Zombot Tuskmaster 10,000 BC is defeated, the zombie will not die but instead continue to attack.
In Tumbleweed's BOSS FIGHT Tournament, it summons some other time based zombies, despite they are from their respective worlds.
It is able to kill a Power Mint using its blast of ice, despite the Power Mints are usually immune to any attack. This only happens in Arena and Penny's Pursuit.
Unlike other Zombots fights in Penny's Pursuit, battling Zomboss with the Zombot Tuskmaster 10,000 BC happens in the Frostbite Caves lawn instead of the Penny's Pursuit one.