In Arena, defeating the Dinotronic Mechasaur will award 10000 points, increasing by 10000 points each time the Dinotronic Mechasaur is defeated. Higher leagues will increase a multiplier for points scored, with a maximum of 5x in Jade league.
It will fire missiles on two random tiles. Missiles will not only destroy the plant on that tile, but also damage the surrounding plants. Primal Wall-nut will not be destroyed, but instead degrade. They would also do splash damage on the plants around the 3x3 area. This can also be interrupted with Plant Food.
It will fire lasers that will decimate all plants and zombies in a single row and leave scorch tiles for 5 seconds in the row. Primal Wall-nut, however, will not be decimated. It will only degrade, as the laser will only deal 1500 damage same as a Gargantuar smash. Primal Potato Mines will explode immediately if it has armed itself. The attack cannot be interrupted by Plant Food, but it can be interrupted before it attacks by a health degrade.
It is mainly based on the skeleton of a sauropod, the group of long-necked herbivorous dinosaurs, while also seemingly having plates along its back like a stegosaur.
The missile that the Zombot fires looks exactly the same as the one that the Zombot Sphinx-inator fired, but unlike them, these missiles do not create two tombstones since Jurassic Marsh does not have any tombstones.
The missiles are based on Zombot War Wagon and Zombot Tomorrow-tron (the latter was only before the 2.4.1 update) since those two Zombots have the ability to spawn more than two missiles after firing it.
In terms of appearance, Zombot Dinotronic Mechasaur and Zombot Dark Dragon are almost identical to each other.
Both only show the head and neck of the machine.
The way they summon zombies on the lawn, the animations and textures are also identical.
The ground shakes when they stomp to a different lane. While the Dark Dragon stomps 4 times every switch in its first phase and 3 times in the other two, the Dinotronic Mechasaur always stomps 3 times.
The ground does not shake when Dinotronic Mechasaur first enters even though its footsteps can be heard. Also, his footsteps are silent for the rest of the battle, unlike Dark Dragon.
When they are defeated, their eye pops out.
size comparison between full body and lawn
In 2022, GUDI Bricks released a Zombot Dinotronic Mechasaur toy that supposedly uses a full-body reference of Zombot Dinotronic Mechasaur created by EA.[1] This is the earliest known instance of Zombot Dinotronic Mechasaur's full body and the first instance showing that he has four legs. It also depicts him as a sauropod instead of a theropod, in contrast to Plants vs. Zombies Heroes.
The full body shows that Zombot Dinotronic Mechasaur's body is longer than the player's lawn. His trunk alone is roughly the length of the lawn and product images show he is about as around 4 tiles wide at his hips and shoulders. Each of his paws is fairly larger than a tile.
As hinted in one of the product images, even Zombot Dinotronic Mechasaur is dwarfed in size by his immense draconic predecessor.
The Zombot Dinotronic Mechasaur is currently the only Zombot to summon every zombie in its world besides the Flag Zombie variants, as every previous Zombot avoids summoning at least one zombie from its world.
Zombot Dinotronic Mechasaur is the only Zombot to have a laser attack. It is also the second zombie to have a laser attack, the first being Gargantuar Prime.
The Zombot Dinotronic Mechasaur shares the Gargantuar Prime's laser animation.
There is a glitch where after the money bag is collected and if a Primal Potato Mine is planted on a Zombot, it would still explode on the Zombot as Dr. Zomboss teleports away, despite being defeated.
When the Zombot Dinotronic Mechasaur roars after he enters the lawn or to summon zombies or dinosaurs, the pupils on its eyes will turn red and enlarge for a moment.
The glass part that Dr. Zomboss is in is the same one that the Zombot Sharktronic Sub had. The only difference is the top part on the antenna is purple instead of yellow.
For some reason, the zombies don't get burned by the Zombot's laser attack.
From an unknown update, this Zombot received nerfs, as it can be stunned by Primal Peashooter, and its missiles no longer do splash damages.
In the Chinese version, its Almanac icon only shows the head.
This version of the Zombot Dinotronic Mechasaur (with Zomboss) was used in an ad for the Science Pack in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes.