Zomboni is a zombie (according to the Suburban Almanac entry, he is actually more closely related to a space ogre) riding a Zamboni: an ice resurfacer with a red Z on it that leaves a temporary ice trail on which nothing can be planted. He is the 3rd zombie to appear in the Pool, and the 13th zombie to appear in Adventure Mode.
Zombie Bobsled Teams usually appear after the Zomboni leaves an ice trail behind (except during the final battle with Dr. Zomboss, Dr. Zomboss's Revenge mini-game or in Survival Mode, where they do not appear at all). The ice trail usually disappears after a while or can be destroyed by Jalapeno.
The Zomboni applies ice, steam and pressure to your plants.
Toughness: high
Special: crushes plants, leaves an ice trail
Often mistaken for a zombie driving an ice machine, the Zomboni is a totally different life-form more closely related to a space ogre than a zombie.
The Zomboni applies ice, steam and pressure to your plants.
Toughness: high
Special: crushes plants, leaves an ice trail
Not to be mistaken with a Zamboni® brand ice resurfacing machine. Zamboni® and the image of the ice-resurfacing machine are registered trademarks of Frank J. Zamboni & Co., Inc., and "Zomboni" is used with permission. For all your non-zombie related ice resurfacing needs, visit www.zamboni.com!
强度: 高
特点:碾压植物,留下冰道 [sic]
In English: Saturn Peach Zombie
Oil Truck Zombie uses coal tar to run over your plants.
Toughness: high
Speed: crushes plants, leaves an ice trail
Driving an oil truck, Oil Truck Zombie is coming aggressively, who can stop him?
The Zomboni absorbs 1350 damage and his appearance changes upon absorbing 450, 675, and 1350 damage, with heavy shaking and smoke at 1350 damage before exploding. The Zomboni crushes plants and leaves a trail of ice that cannot be planted on. When he gets killed, he explodes (the scorched animation plays if killed by Cherry Bomb, Doom-shroom, or Jalapeno or despawns if using explosive plants after being punctured by Spikeweed or Spikerock). Chomper and zombies despawning in Level 5-10 and Dr. Zomboss's Revenge when Dr. Zomboss is defeated will skip the animation. The explosion deals no damage. The wheels can be punctured by Spikeweed or Spikerock, leading to a one-hit kill. While it will destroy the Spikeweed instantly, it will take 9 impacts to destroy Spikerock. It is worth 7 points in zombie spawning.
Before a Zomboni enters your lawn, the sound of a car engine turning on will be played. This will alert you to when he enters your lawn. Wall-nuts and Tall-nuts cannot stop the Zomboni, as he will simply run them over. Magnet-shrooms are also useless against the Zomboni. Zombonis are also immune to the movement-inhibiting effect of Snow Peas, Winter Melons, Ice-shrooms, and Kernel-pults. Spikeweeds or Spikerocks can be used to puncture its tires. Any instant kill will destroy it as well, as it is only as tough as a Buckethead. Although the Zomboni will leave an ice trail that nothing can be planted on, the Jalapeno can be used to melt the ice trail and kill the Zomboni simultaneously. If you kill the Zomboni, but you did not melt the ice trail, a Zombie Bobsled Team may appear. The ice trail will melt by itself eventually, as long as no other Zombonis drive over it. Piling on damage, just like any other zombie, will destroy a Zomboni, though this can be difficult, due to the Zomboni's immunity to freezing, higher speed and good health. A Chomper can devour the entire machine, and is one of the quickest recharging plants capable of defeating him. Besides Spikeweed and Spikerock, it is recommended to use the Jalapeno. This means to choose the Jalapeno and its Imitater version (if you are playing a level with many Zombonis and want to have a faster recharge). On ground levels, if possible, place a Spikerock at the very edge of the battlefield and in every lane, and it should stop numerous Zombonis.
Zomboni has a very large hitbox, so another good idea is to let hypnotized zombies eat him, since he will ignore hypnotized zombies and will not damage or crush them. But keep in mind that Zomboni himself is immune to hypnosis, and this may be harder to do in daytime levels as you need a zombie ahead of him to survive and actually eat the Hypno-shroom.
Note: Plants cannot be placed on the ice left by a Zomboni for a short period of time, so plan ahead, and have defenses set up in advance, especially if you decide to use Squash.
During this level, an ice trail left by a Zomboni will not disappear. The Jalapeno is at its best against Zombonis. Setting a Potato Mine, Squash, Spikeweed, or Chomper early in anticipation of a Zomboni helps significantly. Once a Jalapeno removes the Zomboni's ice trail, use Spikerocks to block future Zombonis.
In Survival: Endless, dozens of Zombonis may spawn stacked on top of each other. Already given the problem of Gargantuars and Giga-Gargantuars, using Spikerock might seem tempting, but put it quite far left so it will not die so quickly and most Zombonis and Gargantuars will die, and sometimes Giga-gargantuars. Cob Cannons can help significantly, since they can fire corn cob missiles on the Zomboni's ice trail. Placing a Spikeweed underneath many Zombonis will pop all of their tires before disappearing. Explosives with a large blast radius, like the Cherry Bomb and Doom-shroom, can destroy Zombonis in multiple lanes. Below are a few common structures to automatically kill Zombonis. The ones with Winter Melons are not always stable. It depends on the splash damage of Winter Melons from other rows, so they work better in Day/Roof scenes than in Pool. Since Zomboni slows down as it goes, less firepower is needed when Zombonis go deeper into the setup.
These giants are very useful in Versus Mode when playing as the zombies, for a multitude of reasons. They are immune to being slowed or stopped by any plant. They have a high toughness, and can instantly destroy plants in their way, eliminating the waste of time needed to eat. They also leave an ice trail on which nothing can be planted. Most importantly, if they get far enough with their ice trail, they will automatically summon a Zombie Bobsled Team for free. So if your opponent picks slowing or heavy offense plants such as the Melon-pult or Snow Pea, these are a must. Even if the Zomboni gets destroyed, the Zombie Bobsled Team provides backup.
As stated above, these zombies can provide a great help if playing as the zombies, but supply a great threat when playing as the plants. One almost cannot face them without instant kills. A good idea is the Jalapeno. These will destroy the entire Zomboni and its ice trail, and blow up the entire Zombie Bobsled Team if they have already appeared. Another good idea is the Squash. These recharge fast enough that you can overtake two or three Zombonis in succession using them. Since they can also be placed right by the zombies' spawning border, they are a very good idea to take them out before they have a chance to do any damage. Two Repeaters or the damage equivalent can also be used to take out Zombonis.
He is the first zombie encountered that can crush plants.
He is the first zombie encountered to drive a vehicle.
If a Zomboni appears on Roof levels, it will stop laying an ice trail after it reaches the slanted portion of the roof. However, his sprite will not rotate accordingly.
A small Zomboni (obtained by hacking Big Trouble Little Zombie) can crush plants about half a square away. This is because while the sprite becomes smaller, the hitbox does not change.
So far, the Zomboni is the only zombie that has a changed description in the Suburban Almanac for some versions.
Zomboni will not appear in Night levels because of the presence of graves; it would not make sense for the Zomboni to leave an ice trail on the grave but have the grave still be standing.
Zomboni's Almanac entry is cut off because of lack of space in the entry box. Other versions have the full entry, because the entry boxes can be scrolled down.
A glitch allows daisies on the lawn to appear on top of the ice trail once Zomboni has passed (in the Game of the Year edition).
In the iPad version, the Zomboni driver's head is a lot bigger than most other zombies' and Zombonis' in other versions.
This is because it shares the same head used that is used in the iPhone/iPod/Android versions for an unknown reason.
Usually, the Zomboni just rapidly shakes as it moves until it eventually explodes after a second.
When punctured, the Zomboni may just stop, jump, then freeze as the machine vibrates before the explosion occurs.
Rarely, the Zomboni may fall on its backside if it hits a spike, only for it to explode soon after.
If hit by an explosive/incendiary plant like Jalapeno or Cherry Bomb, Zomboni is reduced to a pile of ashes before disintegrating, despite most of the vehicle being made of metal. If the second and third situations happen and hit by explosive/incendiary plant, however, will make Zomboni despawn thus not completing the animation.
If it is hit by a highly-damaging physical attack like Squash or Potato Mine, he just explodes without playing the rumbling animation.
If the Chomper eats a Zomboni, the animation will not even play.
If the Zomboni remains and Dr. Zomboss is defeated, he will simply despawn alongside other remaining zombies thus the animation will also not play.
Zomboni is the only zombie that cannot be stopped or slowed by anything (beside being destroyed or going further in the lane).
Tiny Zombonis (encountered via hacking) leave a full-size ice trail.
In normal gameplay, Zomboni will be defeated by any type of instant kill. However, in its appearance in Co-op Bowling, it does not get killed instantly by Explode-o-nuts. Instead, it will just get the same damage it would get by a Wall-nut.
Also, in its appearance at the PC version of Wall-nut Bowling (available just by hacking means or save file editing) it has the same health as a normal Zombie, instantly killed by even an ordinary Wall-nut. This happens because the Wallnuts in said minigame deal 1800 damage (same as a Cherry Bomb Explosion) to any armor-less zombie, including Zomboni.
Zomboni still can move and crush the player's plants when it is about to explode (except for when it is killed by Spikeweed and Spikerock). This can also happen with Catapult Zombie .
Zomboni and Zombie Bobsled Team are the only zombies encountered in the Pool area that are not aquatic.
In the Nintendo DS version, the Zomboni does not degrade.
The Zamboni will still degrade even if it simply struck Spikeweed/Spikerock or is killed in a devastating direct-damage hit.
Zomboni is one of the four zombies to not fully be a zombie, as its old Almanac entry states that is a space ogre. The others are Baron von Bats, Zombie Bull, and Treasure Yeti.
Its description saying that it may be more closely related to a space ogre might possibly refer to it having "oni," an ogre-like Yōkai, in its name.
In the Game of the Year version, if one looks closely at the Zomboni, he or she can see that the zombie does not have a neck. Part of the background takes the place of the non-existent neck (there is green when the background is a grass tile), so the head appears to be floating.
The unused seed packet.
Unlike Catapult Zombie, the Zomboni's wheels do not move forward. This also shares the same with the idle animation, as the wheels are rotating back and forth.
Through hacking, one can find an unused Zomboni seed packet, meant for I, Zombie levels. When you put a Zomboni in an I, Zombie level, it will act normally and can even squish the brains if the Zomboni makes it there. The ice trail will never despawn and can still prohibit plant spawns.
Zomboni is the stronger version of the Catapult Zombie due to the vehicle's ability to crush plants.
If the player lets this zombie reach the player's house, the game still show "THE ZOMBIES ATE YOUR BRAINS!" text. It is possible for a Zomboni to get off his vehicle off-screen after entering the house or dropping down the chimney to eat the brains as shown that a biting sound is still heard during the game over cutscene thus this is the only time that he can eat. Same also goes for the Catapult Zombie and Gargantuar.
If the player lets a Zomboni spawn in I, Zombie Endless, the ice trail is still there even if a streak is completed. So if the player starts the next one, the row with an ice trail will not have plants in it, allowing for the Imp to not get attacked and safely eat the brain unless if there is a Threepeater on adjacent lanes and projectiles from Starfruit passes on that lane.
Zomboni can crush instant-use plants that zombies can't eat them if timed correctly and planted on Flower Pots or Pumpkins. However, for explosive plants case, they will explode immediately similar to being crushed by Gargantuars. Tangle Kelp can also get crushed by him but only using hacking tools. Squash, on the other hand, is completely immune to get crushed.
If the Zomboni is popped up by Spikeweed/Spikerock and blown up by explosive plants, he will despawn similar to when Dr. Zomboss is defeated, using explosives on a body of a headless zombie when dropping into the ground, on Level 5-5 and Bungee Blitz and upon Dr. Zomboss' defeat, Gargantuar, Giga-gargantuar, Bungee Zombie when hit by explosive plants seconds before grabbing a plant, and Tall-nut Zombie with its head still intact that drop into the ground, skipping the exploding animation and sound when dying. Same can also happen with Catapult Zombie.
Accessing the website in Zomboni's description actually leads website thit sells Ice rs (Zamboni).esurfacer