Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
Chinese Dave Bust
This article is about content available solely in the People's Republic of China.
A plague has swept this era.
This article is about content that is no longer available. As such, it is archived.

Zombies are reanimated, mindless, decaying corpses with a hunger for human brains. They are the main antagonists of Plants vs. Zombies: All Stars, as the objective of the game is to prevent them from eating the player's brains. Zombies, like their defensive counterparts the plants, are varied in strength as well as speed, and command unique aspects which must be countered appropriately.


Zombies are common foe and appear in every level. All of them deal damage to plants, either with ranged or melee attacks. At the end of every level one zombie will be proclaimed a mini-boss of the level, which grants that zombie an ability to use their active skill, if they have one. The cooldown of all active special skills is 4 turns.

Zombies with the "Action" type always use their active skill. Zombies without this type can only use their active special skill if they appear as a mini-boss in the level.

~ - This skill was removed from the game.

Name Image Attack Type Special skill First appears in
American Suburbs
Basic Zombie2 Melee Basic None Day 1
Pole Vaulting ZombieAS Ranged Basic Active: Throws 3 poles to damage frontmost plants on the lawn Day 1
Flag Zombie Flag Zombie2 Melee Basic Active: Summons 2 Basic Zombies on 2 random tiles around him Day 2
Conehead Zombie Conehead Zombie2 Melee Armored Active: Hides behind his cone to ignore all incoming damage for 1 turn Day 2
Football ZombieAS Ranged Armored Active: Throws a rugby ball to damage the frontmost plant in his lane Day 4
Primitive Tribe
Primitive ZombieAS Melee Basic None Day 1
Slingshot Zombie Slingshot ZombieAS Ranged Basic Active: Throws a rock to deal massive damage at the closest plant in its lane~ Day 1
Club Zombie Club ZombieAS Melee Basic Active: Deals huge damage with his club~ Day 1
Primitive Conehead Zombie Primitive Conehead ZombieAS Melee Armored None Day 1
Mask Zombie Mask ZombieAS Melee Armored Active: Dances to restore health of all zombies on screen~ Day 2
Beehive Thrower ZombieAS Ranged Basic Passive: Beehive also deals damage to all plants near its initial target Day 3
Primitive Buckethead Zombie Primitive Buckethead ZombieAS Melee Armored Active: Restores health to himself~ Day 6
The Great Wall
Great Wall
Great Wall ZombieAS Melee Basic None Day 1
Great Wall
Great Wall Conehead ZombieAS Melee Armored Active: Hides behind his cone to ignore all incoming damage for 1 turn~ Day 1
Great Wall
Flag Zombie
Great Wall Flag ZombieAS Melee Basic Active: Summons 2 Buckethead Zombies on 2 random tiles around him~ Day 1
Spear Thrower
Spear Thrower ZombieAS Ranged Basic None Day 1
Great Wall
Great Wall Buckethead ZombieAS Melee Armored Active: Restores health to himself~ Day 1
Broadsword Zombie Broadsword ZombieAS Melee Armored Active: Deals damage to all plants in his lane~ Day 1
Great Wall
Catapult Zombie
Great Wall Catapult ZombieAS Ranged Catapult Passive: Attacks farthest plant in its lane. If he's in the middle lane or a boss supporter, attacks the middle column of plants instead Day 1
Talisman Zombie Talisman ZombieAS Melee Basic Active: Deals massive damage to plant hand-to-hand with his fingernails Day 6
Ancient Egypt
Mummy Zombie Mummy Zombie2 Melee Basic None Day 1
Conehead Mummy
Conehead Mummy2 Melee Armored None Day 1
Flag Mummy Zombie Flag Mummy Zombie2 Melee Basic None Day 1
Explorer Zombie Explorer Zombie2 Ranged Basic None Day 1
Ra Zombie Ra Zombie2 Ranged Basic Passive: Damages all plants in his lane
Active: Steals health from the plant with the lowest health
Day 1
Tomb Raiser Zombie Tomb Raiser Zombie2 Melee Basic Passive: Has extra health Day 2
Buckethead Mummy
Buckethead Mummy2 Melee Armored Passive: Bucket grants him extra health Day 2
Pirate Seas
Pirate Zombie Pirate Zombie2 Melee Basic None Day 1
Seagull Zombie Seagull Zombie2 Melee Basic Passive: Flies over plants, heading directly towards the player's brains Day 1
Torch Kung-Fu Zombie Torch Kung-Fu Zombie2 Ranged Basic None Day 1
Swashbuckler Zombie Swashbuckler Zombie2 Ranged Basic Passive: At the start of the wave jumps from far away to the middle of the lane Day 1
Conehead Pirate
Conehead Pirate2 Melee Armored None Day 1
Flag Pirate Zombie Flag Pirate Zombie2 Melee Basic None Day 1
Wild West
Cowboy Zombie Cowboy Zombie2 Melee Basic None Day 1
Conehead Cowboy
Conehead Cowboy2 Melee Armored None Day 1
Pianist Zombie Pianist Zombie2 Ranged Catapult Passive: Attacks farthest plant in its lane. If he's a mini-boss of the level, attacks the closest plant in its lane instead Day 1
Prospector Zombie Prospector Zombie2 Melee Basic Passive: Destroys himself upon contact with a plant and deals huge damage to it Day 1
Kongfu World
Admiral Helmet Zombie Admiral Helmet Zombie2 Melee Armored Passive: Helmet grants him a lot of extra health Day 1
Drinking Zombie Drinking Zombie2 Melee Basic Passive: Deals extra damage with his fists Day 1
Exploding Zombie Exploding Zombie2 Melee Basic None Day 1
Qigong Zombie Qigong Zombie2 Ranged Basic Passive: Attacks all plants in two front columns Day 1
Conehead Kung-Fu Zombie Conehead Kung-Fu Zombie2 Melee Armored None Day 1
Hammer Zombie Hammer Zombie2 Melee Basic Passive: Deals extra damage with his hammer Day 2
Gong Zombie Gong Zombie2 Melee Basic None Day 4
Journey to the West
Western Zombie Western ZombieAS Melee Basic None Day 1
Grail-Head Zombie Grail-Head ZombieAS Melee Armored None Day 1
Wok-Head Zombie Wok-Head ZombieAS Melee Armored Passive: Has extra health Day 1
Rake Thrower Zombie Rake Thrower ZombieAS Ranged Basic Passive: Attacks the farthest plant in its lane Day 1
Bear Mountain Lord Gargantuar Bear Mountain Lord GargantuarAS Melee Basic Passive: Deals more damage with his axe Day 1
Spider Demon Imp Spider Demon ImpAS Ranged Action Active: Shoots cobwebs to deal damage to all plants Day 1
Red Boy Imp Red Boy ImpAS Melee Basic None Day 1
Viking World
Viking Zombie Viking ZombieAS Melee Basic None Day 1
Conehead Viking Conehead VikingAS Melee Armored None Day 1
Dragon Zombie Dragon ZombieAS Ranged Basic Passive: Attacks all plants in its lane Day 1
Horn Zombie Horn ZombieAS Ranged Basic Passive: Attacks all plants Day 1
Far Future
Future Conehead Zombie Future Conehead Zombie2 Melee Armored None Day 1
Future Buckethead Zombie Future Buckethead Zombie2 Melee Armored Passive: Bucket grants him extra health
Active: Restores a part of his health
Day 1
Disco Jetpack Zombie Disco Jetpack Zombie2 Ranged Basic Passive: Can be pushed back by Blover's active ability to the far end of the screen Day 1
Future Flag Zombie Future Flag Zombie2 Melee Basic None Day 2
Bug Bot Imp Bug Bot Imp2 Ranged Mech Passive: Stays stationary
Passive: Has a protective shield that acts like additional health
Summoned via Gargantuar Prime and Zombot Tomorrow-tron
Disco-tron 3000 Disco-tron 30002 Ranged Mech Passive: Stays stationary
Passive: Has a protective shield that acts like additional health
Transformed from Bug Bot Imp via Zombot Tomorrow-tron
Mecha-Football Zombie Mecha-Football Zombie2 Ranged Mech Passive: Stays stationary
Passive: Has a protective shield that acts like additional health
Transformed from Bug Bot Imp via Zombot Tomorrow-tron
Gargantuar Prime Gargantuar Prime2 Ranged Mech Passive: Stays stationary
Passive: Has a protective shield that acts like additional health
Transformed from Bug Bot Imp via Zombot Tomorrow-tron
Dark Ages
Wizard Zombie Wizard Zombie2 Ranged Basic None Night 1
Imp Monk Zombie Imp Monk Zombie2 Melee Basic None Night 1
Imp Dragon Zombie Imp Dragon Zombie2 Melee Basic None Night 1
Bandit Zombie Bandit Zombie2 Melee Basic Passive: Sometimes dodges Tree line's active ability Night 1
Peasant Flag Zombie Peasant Flag Zombie2 Melee Basic Active: Summons 2 Wizard Zombies Night 1
Imp Wolf Imp WolfAS Melee Action Active: Scratches a plant hand-to-hand and restores health equal to damage dealt Night 2
Knight Zombie Knight Zombie2 Melee Action, Armored Active: Restores a part of his health Night 3
Jester Zombie Jester Zombie2 Melee Action Active: Reflects all received damage back into its lane for 2 turns Night 4
Neon Mixtape Tour
Boombox Zombie Boombox Zombie2 Ranged Basic None Day 1
Neon Conehead Neon Conehead2 Melee Armored None Day 1
Neon Buckethead Neon Buckethead2 Melee Armored Passive: Bucket grants him extra health
Active: Restores a part of his health
Day 1
Neon Flag Zombie Neon Flag Zombie2 Melee Basic Active: Summons 3 Neon Zombies Day 2
Neon Zombie Neon Zombie2 Melee Basic None Summoned via Neon Flag Zombie
Impunk Impunk2 Ranged Basic None Summoned via Hair Metal Gargantuar


Bosses appear at the end of every level, which number's divisible by five. They have much more health than any average zombie, takes up 16 tiles and sometimes have immobile supporters that deal ranged damage to plants. All of them have a normal every-turn attack and an active skill, which does something more superior then a normal attack, but takes up time to recharge.

NOTE: All special skills of bosses have a cooldown of 4 turns, with the only exception being Prospector Zombie with his special skill taking 8 turns to fully charge.

Name Image Supporter zombies Attack Health
Special skill Appears in
American Suburbs
Treasure Yeti Treasure Yeti2 None Single-target 4 Summons a blizzard that deals damage to all plants Day 5
Trucker Gargantuar Trucker GargantuarAS None Single-target 4 Rolls a car wheel to deal damage to all plants Day 10
Primitive Tribe
Bird Rider Zombie Bird Rider ZombieAS Slingshot Zombie Single-target 4 Rushes forward on his bird to deal damage to all plants Day 5
Primitive Snail Zombie Primitive Snail ZombieAS Slingshot Zombie Single-target 5 Spews green liquid that damages all plants Day 10
Stone Carrier Gargantuar Stone Carrier GargantuarAS Slingshot Zombie Single-target 5 Throws 2 rocks that deal damage to all plants in one lane Day 15
Mammoth Rider Zombie Mammoth Rider ZombieAS Slingshot Zombie Single-target 5 Lures his mammoth with a carrot to trample and damage all plants Day 20
The Great Wall of China
Broadsword Zombie Broadsword ZombieAS Great Wall Catapult Zombie Single-target 5 Damages all plants in a lane with his broadsword Day 5
Great Wall Catapult Zombie Great Wall Catapult ZombieAS Spear Thrower Zombie Column 5 Throws flaming rocks to damage all plants Day 10
Round Hammer Gargantuar Round Hammer GargantuarAS Spear Thrower Zombie
Great Wall Catapult Zombie
Single-target 5 Causes an earthquake to damage all plants in a lane Day 15
War Chariot Zombie War Chariot ZombieAS Spear Thrower Zombies
Great Wall Catapult Zombie
Single-target 5 Shoots at all plants with the chariot's cannon Day 20
Emperor Zombot Emperor ZombotAS Great Wall Catapult Zombie Single-target 6 Summons 3 Spear Thrower Zombies and boosts their attack for 3 turns Day 25
Ancient Egypt
Tomb Raiser Zombie Tomb Raiser Zombie2 Explorer Zombie
Ra Zombie
Single-target 6 Tosses his bone up into the air, dealing damage to all plants Day 5
Ra Zombie Ra Zombie2 Explorer Zombie
Ra Zombie
Single-target 6 Steals health from the plant with the lowest health on screen Day 10, Day 25
Hero Cleopatra Zombie Hero Cleopatra ZombieAS Explorer Zombie
Ra Zombie
Single-target 6 Dances to restore her health and summons 3 Ra Zombies Day 15, Day 20, Day 30
Pirate Seas
Swashbuckler Zombie Swashbuckler Zombie2 Seagull Zombie
Torch Kung-Fu Zombie
Single-target 6 (Day 5)
7 (Day 20)
Swings on his rope to deal damage to all plants Day 5, Day 20
Barrel Roller Zombie Barrel Roller Zombie2 Torch Kung-Fu Zombie Single-target 7 Breaks his barrel to deal damage to all plants in the lane Day 10
Seagull Zombie Seagull Zombie2 Torch Kung-Fu Zombie Single-target 7 Releases his seagull to deal damage to the plant with the lowest health in the front column Day 15, Day 25
Pirate Captain Zombie Pirate Captain Zombie2 Torch Kung-Fu Zombie Single-target 7 Releases his parrot to drop a bomb to deal damage to all plants Day 30
Wild West
Chicken Wrangler Zombie Chicken Wrangler Zombie2 Pianist Zombie Single-target 7 Releases single chicken to deal damage to all plants Day 5
Prospector Zombie Prospector Zombie2 Pianist Zombie 2x2 area 7 Destroys himself to deal massive damage to all plants Day 10
Pianist Zombie Pianist Zombie2 Pianist Zombie Single-target 7 Plays a hurtful tune to deal damage to all plants Day 15
Zombie Bull Zombie Bull2 Pianist Zombie Single-target 7 Rams towards plants, dealing damage to all plants in a lane Day 20
Sheriff Gargantuar Sheriff GargantuarAS Pianist Zombie Single-target 7 Shoots to deal damage to all plants Day 25
Shaman Zombie Shaman ZombieAS Pianist Zombie Single-target 7 Lures vultures to deal damage to all plants Day 30
Kongfu World
Drinking Zombie Drinking Zombie2 Qigong Zombie Single-target 7 Beats up a single plant in the front column, dealing massive damage to it Day 5
Hammer Zombie Hammer Zombie2 Qigong Zombie Single-target 7 Spins with his hammer to deal damage to all plants in the lane Day 10
Qigong Zombie Qigong Zombie2 Qigong Zombie Single-target 7 Uses a quigong technique to deal damage to all plants Day 15
Sword Zombie Sword ZombieAS Qigong Zombie Single-target 7 Momentarily summons copies of himself to deal damage to all plants Day 20
Kunai Zombie Kunai ZombieAS Qigong Zombie Single-target 7 Attacks with kunai, dealing massive damage to a single plant in the front column Day 25
Qigong Gargantuar Qigong Bronze2 Qigong Zombie Single-target 7 Sends an earthquake with his staff to deal damage to all plants in the lane Day 30
Journey to the West
Tudigong TudigongAS Rake Thrower Zombie Single-target 7 Sends earthwaves to deal damage to all plants Day 5
Bear Mountain Lord Gargantuar Bear Mountain Lord GargantuarAS Rake Thrower Zombie Single-target 7 Tosses his axe into the air to deal damage to the plant with the lowest health in the front column Day 10
Yellow Brows Gargantuar Yellow Brows GargantuarAS Rake Thrower Zombie Single-target 8 Deals massive damage to a single plant in front column and covers it with his hat, stunning it for 2 turns Day 15
Skeleton Demon Zombie Skeleton Demon ZombieAS Spider Demon Imp Single-target 8 Summons a bat swarm to deal damage to all plants Day 20
Spider Demon Imp Spider Demon ImpAS Rake Thrower Zombie Single-target 8 Shoots cobwebs to deal damage to all plants Day 25
Ox-Demon King Zombot Ox-Demon King ZombotAS Rake Thrower Zombie Single-target 8 Summons fire tornadoes with its Iron Fan to deal damage to all plants Day 30
Viking World
Dragon Zombie Dragon ZombieAS Horn Zombie Single-target 8 Summons a dragon horde to deal damage to all plants in the front column Day 5, Day 15
Horn Zombie Horn ZombieAS Horn Zombie Single-target 8 Blows the horn to summon 3 Horn Zombies Day 10, Day 20
Dragon Rider Imp Dragon Rider ImpAS Horn Zombie Single-target 8 Punches its dragon, so it breathes fire to deal damage to all plants Day 25, Day 30
Far Future
Shield Zombie, mech Shield Zombie2 Disco Jetpack Zombie Single-target 8+shield Grants a protective shield that acts like additional health to itself Day 5
Disco-tron 3000, mech Disco-tron 30002 Disco Jetpack Zombie Single-target 8+shield Summons 3 Disco Jetpack Zombies Day 10
Gargantuar Prime, mech Gargantuar Prime2 Disco Jetpack Zombie 3 adjacent plants 8+shield Summons 3 Bug Bot Imps Day 15, Day 25
Mecha-Football Zombie, mech Mecha-Football Zombie2 Disco Jetpack Zombie Single-target 8+shield Runs over plants, dealing damage to all of them Day 20
Zombot Tomorrow-tron, mech Zombot Tomorrow-tron2 Disco Jetpack Zombie Single-target, can target plants from middle column 8+shield Has two ablities (switches between them each activation):
1. Summons 6 Bug Bot Imps
2. Transforms all Bug Bot Imps into random mechs.
Day 30
Dark Ages
Wolf Zombie Wolf Zombie2 Wizard Zombie Single-target 8 Blows the bellows to deal damage to all plants Night 5
Cavalry Zombie Cavalry Zombie2 Wizard Zombie Single-target 8 Rides its horse to deal damage to all plants in the lane Night 10
Archmage Zombie Archmage Zombie2 Wizard Zombie Single-target 8 Deals damage to all plants and freezes them for 2 turns Night 15
Zombie King Zombie King2 Wizard Zombie Single-target 8 Summons 3 Wizard Zombies Night 20
Dark Ages Gargantuar Dark Ages Gargantuar2 Wizard Zombie Single-target 8 Yells at all plants, dealing damage to them Night 25
Zombot Dark Dragon, mech Zombot Dark Dragon2 None Column 8+shield Breathes fire to deal damage to all plants and set them on fire for 2 turns
Must be killed in 23 turns or fewer, or damaged by active ability after being killed, to be defeated
Night 30
Neon Mixtape Tour
MC Zom-B MC Zom-B2 Boombox Zombie Single-target 8 Summons 4 Boombox Zombies Day 5
Punk Zombie Punk Zombie2 Boombox Zombie Single-target, targets plants from farther columns first 9 Summons 4 Boombox Zombies Day 10
Arcade Zombie Arcade Zombie2 Boombox Zombie Single-target 9 Breaks his arcade machine to damage all plants Day 15
Bass Zombie Bass Zombie2 Boombox Zombie Single-target 9 Plays his bass to damage all plants Day 20
Hair Metal Gargantuar Hair Metal Gargantuar2 Boombox Zombie Single-target 9 Summons 3 Impunks Day 25
Zombot Multi-stage Masher Zombot Multi-stage Masher2 Boombox Zombie Single-target 9 Summons 3 Neon Coneheads Day 30

Removed zombies[]

These zombies were in the game at one point but were removed either before the game was released or in a subsequent update.

V ยท E Zombies (Plants vs. Zombies: All Stars)

A zombie marked with โ€  has been removed from the game prior to its shutdown.
