Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
For the XP in Plants vs. Zombies Adventures, see XP (PvZA).

The XP system is a ranking system in Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 and Plants vs Zombies: Battle for Neighborville. Instead of the old ranking system, this ranking system is more based on the players’ skills. There is an XP bar for each character. XP is rewarded like the old ways of getting Coins in-game in the first Garden Warfare, such as getting vanquishes or healing a teammate, that will reward the player XP. When a character is leveled up, they may get an upgrade for that character depending on what level their character is at. When a character levels up, they glow for a couple of seconds. When a player reaches rank 100, there will be a new rank plate that reads “1”, and there will be a new rank plate every 100 ranks. Everybody, regardless if they are max rank in the first game, will start from rank 1.

There is an XP Multiplier as which its name suggests multiplies the amount of XP earned. The XP Multiplier can be seen in the Quest Board. Just note that if the player does not play the game for some time, the XP Multiplier will go down.

Level 10 is the max level for a character, so the player will not earn any more XP that will add to their bar. However, the player can still level up their character by promoting them. To promote them, just go to bobble heads in Backyard Battleground and there will be an arrow above the character that reached Level 10. Go to the character stats at the bobble heads to promote them, and once it is done, the player will earn 20,000 coins. Characters can be promoted from Specialist to Master, where one can no longer level up or promote their character. Other players can know the player promoted their character when the player vanquishes them and there will be a color and a promotion name around their gamertag.

In Battle for Neighborville, you can still promote characters, at the section labeled "Promotions" in Giddy Park. You still get upgrades for promoting, just ones that are specific to the character. There are also levels beyond the Master rank, being the Grand Master levels 1 to 5. You do not earn upgrades for doing these, as they are purely cosmetic.


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Doing certain actions yields XP. (Multiply by 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, or 2.00 for their respective XP Multipliers)

Action Meaning XP earned
Vanquished Plant/Zombie/Gnome Vanquished a summoned weed, zombie or Basic/Shieldy/Shooty/Explody Gnome 5
Vanquished Potted Plant/Zombie Bot Vanquished a Grow-a-Pot or Build-a-Bot turret 10
Vanquished Plant/Zombie/Gnome Hero Vanquished the Plant/Zombie AI minion that belongs to the class available to play for the normal players or a Giga Gnome 25
Vanquished Plant/Zombie/Gnome Champion Vanquished a tougher Plant/Zombie/Gnome Hero with a gold medal 50
Vanquished Plant/Zombie/Gnome Boss Vanquished a tough plant/zombie/gnome (boss) minion 100
Player Vanquish Vanquished the first online player after your respawn 100
Vanquish Streak Vanquished several players in a row without getting KO’d (does not stack with “Player Vanquish”) 100
Assist Helped your ally vanquishing the enemy by doing enough damage to them 25
Shared Vanquish Assisted your ally by doing more damage to the enemy than them. Acquired with the Hero/Champion/Boss/Player Vanquish/Vanquish Streak bonuses 5
Revenge from the Grave! Vanquished an enemy after getting KO’d 100
1st Strike Caused the first vanquish of the match (received when the vanquish takes place, not at the end of the match) 250
Summoned A Weed/Zombie Summoned a weed/zombie from Soil/Gravedirt of Summoning 5
Defender Bonus/Capture Vanquish Vanquished a player capturing/defending the objective in Turf Takeover 50
Zone Defense/Attack Vanquish Vanquished a player capturing/defending a zone in Suburbination 25
Critical Vanquish Vanquished a player/hero with critical damage 5
Multi-vanquish Vanquished multiple plants/zombies/gnomes at once 10
Wave Complete Survived and defended the garden/graveyard from the wave of zombies/plants in Garden/Graveyard Ops 50
Capturing Objective Stayed in the Garden/Graveyard as the offense team while there are more offense than defense players in the area in Turf Takeover (up to 10 times per objective) 10
Grow a Plant/Build a Bot Placed a Grow-a-Pot or Build-a-Bot turret at the certain spots 10
Healing Restored enough HP to your ally 10
Zone Neutralized Neutralized your enemy’s base in Suburbination 50
Zone Captured Claimed the base as your team’s in Suburbination 100
Pot/Bot Vanquish Had your Grow-a-Pot or Build-a-Bot turret vanquished an enemy unit 10
Summoned Plant/Zombie Vanquish Had your summoned weed/zombie vanquished an enemy unit 20
Crazy Orb Acquired/Denied Gathered an enemy/ally Crazy Orb in Vanquish Confirmed 25
Gnome Armed Reached a garden/tombstone while holding the gnome in Gnome Bomb (does not stack with “Gnome Armed by Teammate”) 50
Gnome Armed by Teammate Had your ally reached a garden/tombstone while holding the gnome in Gnome Bomb (does not stack with “Gnome Armed”) 10
Bomber Vanquished Vanquished the player holding the bomb in Gnome Bomb 25
Gnome Defused Defused a Gnome Bomb on your garden/tombstone 25
Plant Regrown/Zombie Resurrection Revived your vanquished ally 50
Burrow Stun Stunned a Chomper while he was using Burrow or Sprint Burrow with Engineer’s Sonic Grenade or Proximity Sonic Mine 10
Damage Blocked Blocked damage with Citron’s Peel Shield 10
Goatify Transformed a zombie/gnome into a goat by Rose’s Goatify or Psychedelic Goat 10
Goat Vanquish Vanquished an enemy Goatified by Rose or a regular goat 25 (goatified enemy)

5 (regular goat)

Mech Vanquish Vanquished an Imp in his Z-Mech form 50
Vanquished Pirate in Barrel Vanquished a Captain Deadbeard while he was inside the Barrel Blast 50
Vanquished Leaping Corn Vanquished a Kernel Corn while he was using Husk Hop 25
Smoldering Madness Vanquish Vanquished an enemy using Torchwood’s Smoldering Madness 10
Smoke Screen Had an enemy player’s whole screen covered with Foot Soldier’s Zombie Stink Cloud or Super Stink Cloud 10
Goop Assist Helped vanquishing an enemy by slowing them down with Chomper’s Goop or Super Sticky Goop 10
Heal Assist Had your ally vanquished an enemy while healing them (i.e. with Sunflower’s Heal Beam or Scientist’s Heal Beam of Science) 10
Jinx Assist Helped vanquishing an enemy by jinxing them with Nec'Rose’s Staff of Jinxing 10
Damage Buff Assist Had your ally vanquished an enemy while powering them up with Hover Goat-3000’s Damage Buff Booster Beam 10
Speed Buff Assist Had your ally vanquished an enemy while speeding them up with Hover Goat-3000’s Tubular Turbo 10
Freeze Assist Helped vanquish an enemy by freezing them with the primary weapon of any Ice Plant/Zombie variant 10
Suppression Assist Helped vanquish an enemy by supressing them with the primary weapon of any Torchwood/All-Star variant 10
Cover Assist Helped vanquish an enemy by having an ally use your Tallnut Battlement/Dummy Shield as protection 10
Spikeweed Assist Helped vanquish an enemy by getting them stuck in your Spikeweed 10
Gravity Grenade Assist Helped vanquish an enemy by trapping them in a Gravity Grenade 10
Item Returned Returned a purple chicken/PopSmart in Ops 15
Checkpoint Reached Crossed a checkpoint in Ops (Does not apply to Chomper Pizza or Zomburger deliveries) 15
Boot Escort Pushed the Bootering Ram in Seeds of Time as Zombies 10
Energy Ball Defender Vanquished an enemy near a Space Ball your team controls on Moon Base Z 25
Team Scored Had your team rolled a Space Ball into your team’s hole on Moon Base Z 10
Fish XP Gave 5 stars to the fish in the sewers in the Backyard Battleground 750 (regardless of XP multiplier)


Listed in order:

  • Recruit (the starting rank)
  • Advanced
  • Specialist
  • Elite
  • Super Elite
  • Master
  • Grand Master 1
  • Grand Master 2
  • Grand Master 3
  • Grand Master 4
  • Grand Master 5

Character upgrades (GW2 only)[]

Upgrade Level Obtained Function Unique to
Health Regeneration Delay Upgrade Beginner Level 5 This upgrade decreases the delay before health regeneration begins! All
Zoom Upgrade Beginner Level 9 This upgrade increases the zoom distance of your primary weapon! All except Chomper
Health Regeneration Upgrade Specialist Level 5 This upgrade increases how quickly your health regenerates! All
Speed Upgrade Specialist Level 9

(Beginner Level 9 for characters without the Zoom Upgrade)

This upgrade allows you to move faster! All
Reload Upgrade Advanced Level 5 This upgrade decreases your reload time! Characters with finite ammo
Ammo Upgrade Advanced Level 9 This upgrade increases the number of times you can fire before reloading! Characters with finite ammo
Damage Upgrade Elite Level 5 This upgrade increases your primary weapon damage! All
Health Upgrade Super Elite Level 5 This upgrade increases your maximum health! All
Overheat Upgrade Advanced Level 9 This upgrade increases the duration of which you can fire before overheating! Characters with infinite ammo
Fire Upgrade Elite Level 5 This upgrade increases the amount of damage the fire effect of your weapon deals! Fire variants
Toxic Upgrade Elite Level 5 This upgrade increases the amount of toxic damage your weapon deals as well as your toxic aura! Toxic variants
Ice Upgrade Elite Level 5 This upgrade allows you to freeze enemies faster! Ice variants
Super Meter Upgrade Elite Level 5 This upgrade decreases the amount that you need to fill your Super Meter! Legendary characters


See also[]

V · T · E
Plants vs. Zombies Money (Coin silver dollar; Coin gold dollar; Diamond2) · Sun (SunFA) · Chocolate (Chocolate) · Fertilizer (Fertilizer) · Bug Spray (Bug spray) · Tree Food (TreeFood)
Plants vs. Zombies Adventures Coin (Coins-icon) · Zombuck (Zombucks) · Gem (Gems-icon) · Sun (Uncle-Sunnybags-Achievement)
Plants vs. Zombies 2 Money (Pvz2silvercoin; Pvz2goldcoin) · Sun (Sun PvZ2) · Gem (Diamond1) · Sprout (Stack 1) · Gauntlet (HD Gauntlet) · Mint (Mint PvZ2) · Fuel (Penny Fuel)
Plants vs. Zombies 2 (Chinese Version) Costume Voucher (CostumeVoucher)
Garden Warfare Coin (PvZ GW Silver Coin) · Skip Challenge Star
Garden Warfare 2 Coin (PvZ GW Silver Coin) · Star · Rainbow Star · XP
Plants vs. Zombies Heroes Gem (Diamond1) · Coin (PvZH Hero Coin Icon) · Spark (PvZH Spark Icon) · Tickets (Tickets)
Battle for Neighborville Coin · Rainbow Star · Prize Bulbs (Prize Bulb) · Tacos · Marshmallow · Sheriff badges · XP