Its description references the popular song U Can't Touch This by American rapper MC Hammer, more specifically the popular line, "Stop! Hammer time!"
Class: Solar
Tribe: Trick
Ability: Destroy a Zombie with 3 or less.
Set - Rarity: Premium - Rare
Card description[]
It's hammer time. #hadtobesaid
Update history[]
Update 1.4.14[]
Rarity change: Rare → Uncommon
Update 1.16.10[]
Rarity change: Uncommon → Rare
Basically a cheaper and watered-down version of Squash, Whack-a-Zombie is perfect for destroying soon-to-be annoying zombies with low strength like Jester, Zombie King, Aerobics Instructor, Stompadon, Team Mascot, Tomb Raiser Zombie or basically anything along those lines. Additionally, it can take out some annoying 3 strength zombies such as Dolphin Rider, Pool Shark, Abracadaver, etc. However, since this trick can't destroy zombies with 4 or more strength, it becomes less useful in the later rounds, since there are more zombies that have more than 3 strength. In that case, play Scorched Earth, Weed Whack or Water Balloons to lower the zombie's strength to allow this trick to destroy it.
Whack-a-Zombie can easily destroy your important zombies in an instant, so beware. You can keep all your zombies' strength at 4 or more, or better, play Parasol Zombie to give them the Untrickable trait. However, against Wall-Knight, take caution doing the former, as he can also use Doom-Shroom and Shamrocket.
The best counter is to use a late-game control deck, which will likely have fewest zombies with 3 or less strength and thus will clutter your opponent's deck.
Whack-a-Zombie's statistics
HD Whack-a-Zombie
Whack-a-Zombie's card
Whack-a-Zombie's grayed out card
Whack-a-Zombie's card image
Whack-a-Zombie being played (1)
Whack-a-Zombie being played (2)
Whack-a-Zombie on the advertisement for the Solar Flare Ally Pack
Whack-a-Zombie being the featured card in the menu for the July 14th, 2017 Daily Challenge
Whack-a-Zombie's statistics
Whack-a-Zombie's silhouette
The player receiving Whack-a-Zombie from a Premium Pack
The player receiving Whack-a-Zombie from a Premium Pack
Whack-a-Zombie on the advertisement for the Chompzilla Hero Pack
Whack-a-Zombie on the advertisement for the Solar Flare Ally Pack
In other languages[]
Please note that only official translations are used.