It is based on herbicide, more commonly known as "weedkillers," which are toxic substances used to destroy plants in real life. These are often administered via spraying, hence the term "Weed Spray".
Its description mentions Peashooter, Sunflower, and Wall-Nut, and alludes to the fact that they all have less than 2 strength (1 for Peashooter and 0 for Sunflower and Wall-Nut), thus making them susceptible to this trick.
Class: Hearty
Tribe: Trick
Ability: Destroy each Plant with 2 or less.
Set - Rarity: Premium - Super-Rare
Card description[]
Act now! Rids your lawn of pesky weeds... and Peashooters and Sunflowers. Also Wall-Nuts.
Update history[]
Update 1.16.10[]
Rarity change: Rare → Super-Rare
Weed Spray is a much stronger version of Rolling Stone, destroying all plants with 2 strength or less rather than just one. This card is a perfect counter to early-game rushes and Spineapple decks, and can be especially detrimental towards plant heroes such as Nightcap, Solar Flare, and Wall-Knight who rely on a good early game or good defense.
However, this doesn't mean that Weed Spray is completely superior. It is a waste against single targets unless the situation is dire, and it can't be played on turns 1 and 2. Thus, it is best to put both Weed Spray and Rolling Stone in your deck.
Also, do not play this when there are 2 or less 2-strength plants on the field, as it would be a waste and it would be better to play multiple Rolling Stones or a Celestial Custodian (in an Environment) instead. Perhaps it is one of the most dangerous counters of Pecanolith decks, as while plants' health equate to strength, they do not have any technical strength,
As Z-Mech, consider swapping out Weed Spray for The Chickening, as Weed Spray will leave all plants with 3 strength or more unharmed, so its usefulness declines as more powerful plants can be played, whereas the Chickening can harm anything that is not shielded. However, just in case you face a nut deck, do not replace it completely, as The Chickening is effective against glass cannons but has little effect on high-health plants.
Note that due to being a trick, Weed Spray can synergize with Trick-based decks, most specifically as Rustbolt. However, it lacks tribe synergization.
Also, avoid playing it when Galacta-Cactus, Pear Cub, or Punish-Shroom along with many other mushrooms are on the field, as they will most likely activate their abilities when destroyed.
It is a dangerous move to rush a Hearty hero with weak plants (those with 2), as they may play Weed Spray to destroy all of them, wasting a lot of your cards that could be used to defend yourself later on.
Mega-Grow heroes can counter it easily with boosting cards and Umbrella Leaf (although Umbrella Leaf should be heavily boosted first), as well as Kabloom heroes with Berry Angry. Also, nut decks can counter this trick too if they are using Three-Nut.
Weed Spray's statistics
Weed Spray's card
Weed Spray's card image
HD Weed Spray
Weed Spray being played
Being played (animated)
The player earning Weed Spray after completing the 8th step of Rustbolt's Hero Quests titled "Can O' Destruction"
Weed Spray on Z-Mech's Premium Pack
Weed Spray's bottle sprites
Weed Spray's effect sprite (1)
Weed Spray's effect sprite (2)
Weed Spray's effect sprite (3)
Weed Spray's statistics
Weed Spray's statistics
Weed Spray's card
Weed Spray's grayed out card
Weed Spray's silhouette
Weed Spray's silhouette
The player receiving Weed Spray from a Premium Pack
The player receiving Weed Spray from a Premium Pack
Three Weed Spray cards in the mulligan section along with a Portal Technician card
In other languages[]
Please note that only official translations are used.
Weed Spray
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
잡초 스프레이
Brazilian Portuguese
Landscaper is seen holding a can which resembles Weed Spray. However, the can Landscaper holds deducts up to 2 strength from a selected plant.