Venus Flytrap is a premiumuncommonplantcard and a member of the Solar class. She costs 3 to play and has 3/1. She does not have any traits, and her ability heals the plant hero for the equal amount of damage she does. Her closest zombie counterpart is Nurse Gargantuar.
Her ability to heal as she damages is based on her All Stars appearance's Plant Food ability, which allows her to deal immense damage to a zombie and heal herself for half the amount of damage dealt.
Her description references how Venus flytraps leave their "mouth" open to eat their prey.
Class: Solar
Tribe: Flytrap Plant
Traits: None
Ability: When this does damage, heal your Hero for that much.
Set - Rarity: Premium - Uncommon
Card description[]
"Mom always said, 'If you leave your trap open like that, you'll catch Zombies.' So I did."
Update history[]
Update 1.14.13[]
Set - Rarity change: Basic - Common → Premium - Uncommon
Update 1.60.79[]
▲ Strength change: 2 → 3
▼ Health change: 2 → 1
An effective utilization of Venus Flytrap is pairing her with cards that strengthen her , like Cro-Magnolia (Solar Flare exclusive), Fertilize, or Pea Patch (Chompzilla exclusive). The latter option would work better since it can be played the turn before this card comes out. If you feel exceptionally cheeky, use it with The Red Plant-It for a massive stat boost and heal bonus.
Using Venus Flytrap with Pepper M.D. is also a very effective strategy, as she buffs it continuously for as long as she lives for.
This card won't be as much of a threat as many new players think it is. If your opponent is running it, it's a good sign that they are running a heal deck. If they have a Pepper M.D. on the board, remove it immediately, since this plant will give it +2/+2 continuously.