Veloci-Radish Packmate is a triassiclegendaryplantcard in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes and a member of the Kabloom class. It costs 3 to play and has 1/3. It does not have any traits, and its ability makes a Veloci-Radish Packmate with the Team-Up trait in front of it, while its Dino-Roar ability gives it +1.
It is based on the radish (Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. sativus), an edible root vegetable of the Brassicaceae family that was domesticated in Europe in pre-Roman times; and the Velociraptor, a genus of dromaeosauridtherapod dinosaur that lived approximately 75 to 71 million years ago during later parts of the Cretaceous Period.
Its name is a combination of "Veloci-Radish," a portmanteau of "Velociraptor" and "radish," referring to its appearance; and "hunter," referring to the Velociraptor's predatory behavior.
Its description and ability allude to the common belief of Velociraptors being pack hunters. Veloci-Radish Packmate, a scrapped card during the development of Triassic Triumph (which had the same stats and Dino-Roar ability as it, while also having Team-Up), is also proof to this.
Class: Kabloom
Tribes: Root Animal Plant
Traits: None
Abilities: When played: Make a copy of this with Team-Up here. Dino-Roar: This gets +1.
Set - Rarity: Triassic - Legendary
Card description[]
Dedicated pack hunters, one roars a distraction while the other strikes from the side.
Update history[]
Update 1.24.6[]
Added to the game.
Update 1.60.79[]
Name change: Veloci-Radish Hunter → Veloci-Radish Packmate
Veloci-Radish Packmate may not seem like much for a legendary, but it is essentially a 2/6 on turn 3 due to its ability, which is fantastic for its cost.
Since Veloci-Radish Packmate fights in twos, it functions differently from other Dino-Roar cards that boast huge stats. That means that this has both pros and cons. It is less vulnerable to anything that can destroy it, which is a huge plus. It can also boost Potted Powerhouse twice as much. But if one gets destroyed, the firepower on its lane is also cut by half.
Much like Shroom for Two and Pair of Pears, Veloci-Radish Packmate will not make a copy if played in a Water lane (with Lily Pad, for example), or in a lane with a Team-Up plant.
Since the Kabloom class has Berry Angry and Cro-Magnolia, you can easily boost both Veloci-Radish Packmates. If you are playing as Captain Combustible or Spudow, you can also give them health boosts. While Spudow works better for health, Captain Combustible has good card draw, which makes the Veloci-Radish Packmates stronger, along with any Dino-Roar plants used by him.
While you can use Veloci-Radish Packmate as an attacker, you can use it for other purposes. For example, Pineclone can transform both Veloci-Radish Packmates into Pineclones, increasing your total damage output. While Shroom for Two and Pair of Pears can do the same, Veloci-Radish Packmate has more health and/or costs less. It also synergizes well with Molekale as it transforms both dinosaurs to random 4-sun plants. Since Veloci-Radish Packmate makes a plant, it can activate Muscle Sprout and Astro-Shroom's ability, and since the Veloci-Radish Packmate made by the original has Team-Up, it can boost Go-Nuts.
However, Veloci-Radish Packmate has a few downsides. First, unlike other Dino-Roar cards who can boost their health (Bananasaurus Rex, Apotatosaurus, Tricarrotops), heal (Aloesaurus), or have a trait that makes it more powerful or annoying (Apotatosaurus, Tricarrotops, Lima-Pleurodon), Veloci-Radish Packmate has nothing going for it in terms of long-term survivability. While it does make a copy of itself in front of it, it is only a temporary solution as Veloci-Radish Packmate never has high health to even begin with, which means its copy can be easily destroyed with anything that does a lot of damage. Once that happens, Veloci-Radish Packmate is all on its own, as its Dino-Roar ability only boosts its strength. While you can boost Veloci-Radish Packmate or protect it when alone, it will already be outclassed by other Dino-Roar cards by then.
As of Dino-Roar, it is weak compared to the other Dino-Roar abilities, at least the ones that boost offensive power. While it is viable if you draw many cards due to the strength gain being doubled thanks to Veloci-Radish Packmate's ability, the Kabloom class is infamous for its lack of card draw. This problem persists if you are playing as Spudow or Solar Flare.
Veloci-Radish Packmate, while weak as an individual, can cause trouble due to its ability to make a copy of itself. This means that they will do heavy damage if left alone. Fortunately, while it is hard to wipe both of them at once, destroying at least one cuts the firepower on the lane by half, which is easy as Veloci-Radish Packmate has low health, and cannot boost it on its own. Any zombie with a lot of strength can destroy it, although most of them tend to have low health, and thus will be destroyed.
If you want to play Rolling Stone, Weed Spray, or Knockout, do it before Veloci-Radish Packmate gains too much strength. Although it cannot destroy them at once, The Chickening or Extinction Event are fine choices too.
Strikethrough zombies also counter Veloci-Radish Packmate hard, the best example being Line Dancing Zombie, as she can destroy both Veloci-Radish Packmates at once, assuming their health hasn't been boosted. Since her ability lets you move her to any lane, you also do not have to worry if Veloci-Radish Packmate is played on another lane.
Statistics (1.60.79)
Veloci-Radish Packmate's card
Veloci-Radish Packmate unlocked
Veloci-Radish Packmate's grayed out card
Veloci-Radish Packmate's card image
HD Veloci-Radish Packmate
Veloci-Radish Packmate's textures (1)
Veloci-Radish Packmate's textures (2)
Veloci-Radish Packmate being played
Veloci-Radish Packmate on the field
Veloci-Radish activating its ability
Two Veloci-Radish Packmates on the field due to the original Veloci-Radish Packmate's ability
Two Veloci-Radish Packmates attacking
Veloci-Radish Packmate destroyed
Veloci-Radish Packmate activating its Dino-Roar ability