Plants vs. Zombies Wiki

The staff are planning big changes. Massive changes, in fact. .I won't spoil.

But these recent changes...

Sometimes, it feels like the staff are whining that they don't have enough control over everything. And that they should call all the shots.

Perhaps I sound accusatory.

But with the recent decisions made, it seems like the staff are just too serious about things. Too strict. Too much of a good thing has consequences.

Aren't we supposed to be a fun-loving community? Why are we trying to make this a business?

Why is there a pattern in that the open, nice, fun side of users disappear the more they ascend ranks? 

Responsibility doesn't mean that you have to be a robot, an enforcer. It means you have to do your job and know when to be serious while still maintaining your original personality. Emphasis on that last part.

It seems that current staff are too caught up in their jobs, their roles. They lose what they were originally were. 

Don't deny it. Many staff members are this way. TULO. PoR. 

Are we staff doing this the right way?

Make of this what you will, but remember, this is just my opinion.
