Plants vs. Zombies Wiki

Many peaple are saying stuff like OoOohH EA RUINED POPCAP. And how ea runied popcap reputation. Also a youtuber named Waluigi The Master made a video titled PopCap Games Was My Childhood... EA Ruined It! Im sorry waluigi and everyone but..that is COMPLETE...UTTER....BULLSHI-

You better be prepared becuase what im about to say will shok you on many levels.



So while you are shaking and rattling and rolling over the floor let me explain. Main peaple say that EA is ruinnig popcap but this isn't the case. Popcap are licensed by EA. EA Aren;t actually the ones making games or the decisions on the games. Even though Popcap has enployees working at EA. But the point is that Popcap is making the games not EA. For example , Pokemon Sword/Sheild has gotten some hate. Peaplea re blamming Game Freak instead of Nintendo. This is fare. Nintendo owns Game Freak & EA owns PopCap.  Even though these 2 are owned by bigger comapanies. There still the ones making the games in the end. Just because EA is scumming doesen't mean that PopCap isn't equally scummy. 

So i hope my blog helped you learn that Popcap isn't better than EA.


Alright there are some things that i have to point out

I'm not trying to defend EA. I think they are scummy. But many peaple just belive that PopCap is inncoent with no proof.
