Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
Plants vs. Zombies Wiki

Disclaimer: Unfinished, you can offer your ideas in the comments.


Name What you need What do
A Trap! Pole Vaulting Zombie, Potato Mine, Wall-nut Make Pole Vaulting Zombie jump through Wall-nut to Potato Mine
Sunny Day Any sunproducing plant (Recommended: Sun-shroom) Make 5000 Sun through the level
We do not need staff here. Potato Mine, Ra Zombie Destroy Ra Zombie with Potato Mine.
We are not Egyptian slaves. All plants and zombies in 2-18. Complete Location 2.
Sir, your bucket! Magnet-shroom, Buckethead Zombie Throw bucket with Magnet-shroom
Dragon Defeated All plants and zombies in 3-21 Complete Location 3.

Location 1: Day Lawn.[]

Num. of levels: 7


Name Image Cost Ability First seen
Peashooter 75 Shooting peas at zombies Level 1-1 (seed packet & plant)
Sunflower 50 Making 50 sun every 23 seconds After Level 1-1 (seed packet)

Level 1-2 (plant)

Wall-nut 50 Very durable (4000 HP) After Level 1-3 (seed packet)

Level 1-4 (plant)

Cabbage-pult 100 Shooting cabbages at zombies but a bit faster than Peashooter After Level 1-6 (seed packet)

Level 1-7 (plant)


Name Image HP Feature First seen
Basic Zombie 200 No. Level 1-1
Conehead Zombie All: 500

Zombie: 200 Cone: 300

His cone hat makes him a bit resistant to damage. Level 1-1
Flag Zombie 220
  1. Appears only at big waves
  2. A bit faster than basic zombies.
Level 1-1
Buckethead Zombie All: 1500

Zombie: 200 Bucket: 1300

His bucket makes him extremely resistant to damage. Level 1-3
Pole Vaulting Zombie 500
  1. Jumps the first plant he runs into
  2. Fast.
Level 1-6


After Level 5/Before Level 6

Dave: Oh, Penny, Pole Vaulting Zombie is coming! I remember him from 2009!

Penny: I don't know him.

Dave: Oh..

After Level 7

Dave: Penny, this is taco! Oh, taco, I gotta eat it now! (eats taco) This was, so, GOOD! I gotta eat it again! Penny, time travel me!

Peashooter: Oh, gosh, not this agaaaaaaaaaaaa-


Location 2: Ancient Egypt[]

Num. of levels: 18.

Plants (new):

Name Image Cost Ability First seen
Potato Mine 25 Explodes when zombies touches her In "Lock and Loaded": Level 2-2 (seed packet & plant)

Recieved: After Level 2-6 (seed packet) Level 2-7 (plant)

Bloomerang 175 Can hit up to three targets in their lane, twice each coming and going! In "Lock and Loaded":

Level 2-2 (seed packet & plant)


After Level 2-2 (seed packet)

Level 2-3 (plant)

Bonk Choy 175 Rapidly punch nearby enemies that are ahead or behind them. After Level 2-8 (seed packet)

Level 2-9 (plant)

Snow Pea 200 Shooting frozen peas making it hard for zombies to advance. It can shoot ice pea which froze all zombies in the 3x3 radius for 5 seconds. After Level 2-12 (seed packet)

Level 2-13 (plant)

Cherry Bomb 150 Explodes in 3x3, explodes damages 2400 HP. "Lock and Loaded":

Level 2-2 (seed packet & plant) Recieved: After Level 2-13 (seed packet) Level 2-14 (plant)

Inferno 275 Swirl up devastating fire tornados that sweep zombies back, burning and damaging them. After Level 2-17 (seed packet)

Level 2-18 (plant)(Ancient Egypt Boss Battle)


Name Image HP Feature First seen
Basic Mummy Same as Basic Zombie Level 2-1
Conehead Mummy Same as Conehead Zombie Level 2-1
Flag Mummy Same as Flag Zombie Level 2-1
Buckethead Mummy Same as Buckethead Zombie Level 2-2
Ra Zombie 440
  1. After death, he sticks his staff into the plant on the cage, destroying it.
  2. The staff attracts suns.
Level 2-3
Pharaoh Zombie All: 1600

Sarcophagus: 1380 Zombie: 220

When he loses his sarcophagus, he gets faster Level 2-5
Mummy Imp 180 Faster than basic zombies Level 2-7
Explorer Zombie 500 Carries a torch that can instantly destroy your plants. Level 2-8
Zombie-cleopatra 620 Spawns 4 Basic Mummys around her after 4 seconds on the lawn Level 2-13
Mummy Gargantuar 3100
  1. Can't be killed with one insta-plant
  2. Throws Imp to 3rd row from house.
  3. Kills every plant with one hit
Level 2-14
Egypt ZomBoss 23 700 Boss Level 2-18 (Boss of Location)


Before Level 1:

Peashooter: Huh? Where are we? Are we in Egypt?

Dave: Penny, how much time I have to wait my taco?


Cabbage-pult: Oh no..

After Level 7/Before Level 8:

Dave: Cleopatra?! Uh, this stupid Cleopatra! Alive spawner! Or..undead.

Potato Mine: (looks at Penny) Something fells..Off to me..

After Level 18:

Zomboss: NOOOO-(teleports)

Peashooter: Where did he go?

Wall-nut: Probably in Dark Ageeeeeeee-


Location 3: Dark Ages.[]

Num. of levels: 21.

Plants (new):

Name Image Cost Ability First seen
Puff-shroom 0 Shooting spores at zombies in 4 squares distation Level 3-1 (seed packet & plant)
Hypno-shroom 75 Hypnotising zombies when he eats him After Level 3-2 (seed packet)

Level 3-3 (plant)

Sun-shroom 25 Making 50 sun every 22 seconds, when he grows, 75 sun every 24 second. After Level 3-5 (seed packet)

Level 3-6 (plant)

Grave Buster 50 Eats graves. "Lock and Loaded":

Level 3-7 (seed packet & plant) Recieved: After Level 3-10 (seed packet) Level 3-11 (plant)

Fume-shroom 100 Shoots fumes that damage all zombies in a line "Lock and Loaded":

Level 3-7 (seed packet & plant) Recieved: After Level 3-7 (seed packet) Level 3-8 (plant)

Pea-nut 150 Combination of Peashooter and Wall-nut. After Level 3-12 (seed packet)

Level 3-13 (plant)

Magnet-shroom 125 Magnetise all metal helmets of zombies and throws them to zombie after 21 second (helmet damages 600 HP) "Lock and Loaded":

Level 3-7 (seed packet & plant) Recieved: After Level 3-15 (seed packet) Level 3-16 (plant)

Doom-shroom 175 Explodes in 5x7 radius, explosion damages 2500 HP. Level 3-18 (seed packet)

Level 3-19 (plant)(Dark Ages Boss Battle)


(due to Penny's glitches, zombies in Ancient Egypt may appear in portals)

Name Image HP Feature First seen
Peasant Zombie Same as Basic Zombie Level 3-1
Flag Peasant Same as Flag Zombie Level 3-1
Jester Zombie 600 Returns projectiles that are shot at him. Level 3-1
Conehead Peasant Same as Conehead Zombie Level 3-2
Buckethead Peasant Same as Buckethead Zombie Level 3-2
Bandit Zombie 500 Becomes invisible after being 6 seconds on the lawn, you need kill him fast, 'cause if he will become invisible, he will come to your home and will not be killed. Level 3-5
Wizard Zombie 580 Transforms plants into passive sheep. Level 3-9
Dragon Imp 200
  1. Same as Imp.
  2. Does not really care about fire plants
Level 3-9
Knight Zombie All: 1600

Helmet: 1400 Zombie: 200

His helmet makes him extremely resistant to damage. Level 3-12
Hard Wizard 1400 Same as Wizard Zombie but faster in 2.6 times. Level 3-17
Blacksmith Gargantuar Same as Gargantuar Instead of regular Imp, throws Dragon Imp Level 3-18
Dark Ages ZomBoss 40 000 Boss Level 3-21 (Boss of Location)


Before Level 17:

Dave: Oh man, not that Gray Wizards! Do we have a lawn or a sheep farm here?

Cabbage-pult: (in head) How to look at it.

After Level 21:

Puff-shroom: So, Dave, you fixed Penny?

Dave: Not yet, but I will get my taco!

Sun-shroom: Wow, that is SOOOOOOO matter.
