Plants vs. Zombies Wiki


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It's about time I have to reveal myself. I have hidden this enough.

This has made me feel bad for a whole year now, and it's time to confess it myself.


I hacked PvZ 2.

Yes. Current levels are so hard, and I don't have enough patient to beat them, so I decided to hack.

I used a mod to get a bunch of coins, and a bunch of gems, and all premium plants like Cold Snapdragon and Grapeshot and Chomper and Blooming Heart. I also bought these upgrade too, and of course, few pinata to level up my plants.

I know this is a terrible thing, but truth have been told. I have hidden this for long time, but I can't hide them all forever. I need to confess it at some day, and today should be the day I do that.

Once again, I'm terribly sorry.

User talk:Specialedition12 04:49, December 1, 2017 (UTC)