Plants vs. Zombies Wiki

IPod achievements IPod achievements 16 September 2010

Achievements bug (?)

As my user-name already says, I am playing in order to collect all iPhone/iPod Achievements.

And I had them ALL - I swear! :-)

Now I changed from user 1 to user 2, and when I changed back to user 1, all recently acquired achievements were gone. x-( x-( x-(

When I change user now, I come into a screen, I have never seen before (see picture). If I am not mistaken, then all the new achievements from the last update are gone (appear as not earned)

I am wondering what kind of bug this is.

Has anybody experienced the same?

(next episode) :-)

(did some "tests" in the meantime and came to this conclusion)

The bug I was reporting is structural, I earned two of the new achievements (from the latest update, from July), namely Last Mown Standing and Flower Power. …

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IPod achievements IPod achievements 14 September 2010

iPhone/iPod Achievements

BTW - this is the first time that I am writing a blog and/or walkthrough - please comment! I had some difficulties getting two achievements, namely Pyromaniac and Chill Out. So I decided to share my strategies (after I finally succeeded) :-)

To collect achievements, it is best to play in Quick Play

Pyromaniac has to be played at a night level (I finished the game in a day level, waking the Doom-shroom with a Coffee Bean, and didn't get the Achievement) x-(


Sunflower, Twin Sunflower, Sun-shroom

Potato Mine and Imitator Potato Mine

Doom-shroom, Cherry Bomb, Jalapeno

Kill the first few zombies with Potato Mines. If there is a group, use a Cherry Bomb.

Try to build a defensive wall from Potato Mines.

Use the Doom-shroom only for the last two waves.


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