Plants vs. Zombies Wiki

Welcome to my first top 20 blog! Read and I hope you will enjoy! Don't forget to leave comments! ;)
The Useful Five

The 20th and best here is Our gem's.

This Plant Food ability is very useful when you have a full lawn of Sun producing Plants. Otherwise it will (possibly) burn only 1 zombie.

Let's move to the second useful one here or the 19th which is Cattail's.

This one is very effective during battles with good defensive plants, It will help you to kill zombies. It's only cons is that this cloud is really weak and can't kill a Gargantuar except if he was about to die. If you are wondering why this is better than Electric Blueberry's, then continue reading.

18th Pe-pe-pepper! 18th

The third useful or the 18th useless is our Chinese plant's.

I don't say that it's Plant Food ability is bad but it is different. Well, this one doesn't hit all zombies as other catapults plant and it doesn't have strong damage. It is not bad in needs but sometimes useless.

Here is the 17th useless Plant Food ability.

Now if you think using Plant Food on multiply Squashes is a good idea , then you are WRONG! If you are asking me why is this a bad idea? Well If 2 squashes are fed with Plant Food they will squash the same zombies. Which make it a great waste of Plant Food. However it will be useful if you have too much zombies in only 2 tile of the lawn.

16th Sons, Sons! 16th

Now time for the 16th and last useful one aka Crocado.

This one seems to be useful, but not really. It will kill some zombies when the main Guacodile rush. However it can kill high health zombies as Buckethead Zombie. Only useful when you use it on 2 Guacodiles.

Helpful in some cases Five

15th Zombie's Lover! 15th

Now let's start the second part of this blog. Here is the first one of this part and the 15th which is Hearts'.

This Plant Food ability is really useful when you have a lot of zombies. However every thing has pros and cons. This Plant Food ability may be weak sometimes and I think it is not a wise idea to use it against Newspaper Zombie. It also may buff zombies making them immune to damage.

The 14th is Our most loved OP plant's.

I don't say this Plant Food ability is useless. But it is just unneeded, since it can just kill a Buckethead Zombie with 2 NDS. But this Plant Food ability is nothing against Gargantuars.

Now let's move to the 13th, which is Lilic's.

Of course you wonder how is this one a bad one. Well, why do u waste a Plant Food instead of wasting 100 sun? Why do you get Lily Pad's in unwanted places? It is pretty much better to waste 100 sun instead of 1 Plant Food. It is only useful when you have no sun.

The 12th or the 4th Useful in some cases is the Opened Flower's.

This Plant Food ability is someway similar to Split Pea's. I mean both of them shoot forwards and backwards. But this one isn't very useful since the thrown boomerangs in the left or right aren't very needed as they don't do high damage. This Plant Food ability is only good when You have weak zombie in front, behind, on left or on right of this plant.

Now make way for the last useful one in some cases and the 11th, Scaredy-shroom's shorter brother.

This one isn't really useful nor useless. It isn't very good when uyou have to much zombies on your lawn, since it will turn zombies into more Spore-shrooms or harm them only. It is a waste of your Plant Food on Modern Day - Day 33 since it can't damage Zombot Aerostatic Gondola. However, it is useful againist Zombot Multi-stage Masher.

The Bad Five

10th Randomness! 10th

Now time to move to another part which is The Bad Five. The 10th is the Cattail's killer's.

This one is totally useful in needs. But what if Only a few zombies in the lawn? It will hardly kill them and its needles will just rotate and rotate and ROTATE, Until they destroy your mind. In my opinion it is good if there are a lot of zombies on your lawn, otherwise don't use it.

The 9th useless is Tangled Kelp.  

This one is very useless and waste of Plant Food, Because when u feed it will will just pull 3 random zombies which is 100% useless, because this like you are killing who will be easy to kill. Also if you used it's Plant Food ability without zombies on the lawn it will pull the air.

The 8th and one of the worst is Princess Toddy's.

This one is a very bad one. Why? Because it won't give you enough sun and it won't even eat all zombies. It can't even eat zombies in front of it and if there is no zombie in front of it, then you just wasted your Plant Food, as she will be busy staring or starving. Don't ever waste your Plant Food on such a plant.

The 7th useless Plant Food ability is Sweet Potato's.

It is very useless since it just attract zombies to it and heal itself. I mean Why do we need to attract zombies for a few seconds? It also puts more zombie in its lane which makes the chance of it getting killed bigger and the chance of losing bigger. Well, the only benefit of it is that you heal your Sweet Potato without wasting sun.

6th THREE! 6th

The 6th and last one of this part is the Stalker brothers'.

This Plant Food ability is totally unneeded. Why do you waste your Plant Food on such a weak ability? It just summon 3 of itself in random area which have the chance of 50% to be planted in places you don't want. It doesn't even heal itself.

The More Useless Two

The 5th and first one of the more useless ones is Berry's.

So of course you are confused, Why is Lightning Reed's better than this Electric Blueberry's. First, when you feed it, it's cloud will disappear if no zombies, unlike Lightning Reed's which will wait for zombies. Seconds, it will choose the weakest zombies (possibly) which is useless , since this cloud instantly kill any zombie. Third this cloud only target 3 random zombies unlike Lightning Reed's which will target many zombie. ow I think you understood why this is a waste of Plant Food.

Now time for the 4th one which and the last of the more useless ones is Insectivorous'.

Why do you spend a Plant Food on Chomper? Why don't you just simply plant more chompers? This is a great wast of Plant Food specially if there is a Gargantuar. It just swallow 3 zombies then push zombies. Well for me I would use a Hurrikale instead.

The Worst Three

3rd Sunny Shield 3rd

The 3rd and first worst one here is Darkflower.

Well, it doesn't need explaining. It just produce the amount of sun which it produce every few seconds which is a waste of your Plants Food. You can just wait for it too produce sun and also it's shield is totally useless since it is weaker than a Wall-nut then Why is it even needed? This Plant Food ability is only good in some cases.

2nd Nothing! 2nd

Let's move to the 2nd useless here is the Repleaced by Shadow-shroom guy! This Plant Food ability is a total waste of your Plant Food. Because Nightshade only shoot 3 petals then restore its petals, which is done without using Plant Food. So my advice is never use your Plant Food on it.

Now it is time for the most useless Plant Food in the whole game which is Rose's.  

This Plant Food ability is the most useless Plant Food ability I've ever seen. What does it do? It just do its ability which is defeating 1 zombie or dealing damage to Gargantuars and machines. Which totally stupid and unneeded. So, Never EVER use Plant Food on it.
