Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
If you were looking for plants in Plants vs. Zombies which were planted on other plants for their effect, see Upgrade plants.

Upgrades are utilities that enhance the gameplay positively, such as having the ability to launch lawn mowers or increasing the maximum Plant Food capacity. There are fourteen Upgrades in Plants vs. Zombies 2, in which seven are Power Ups (four in the Chinese version) and seven are bonuses.

Like plants, upgrades are usually found on world maps. There are also some upgrades that cannot be obtained this way and instead sold in the in-game store for real money.

Unlockable Bonuses[]

Ancient Egypt[]

Plant Food Boost2

Plant Food Boost[]

Unlocked: Mummy Memory (pre-1.7); after completing Ancient Egypt - Day 17 (1.7 and above)

Description: Hold onto one more Plant Food during a level!

Sun Boost2

Sun Boost[]

Unlocked: Last Stand (pre-1.7); After completing Ancient Egypt - Day 21 (1.7 and above)

Description: Start with 25 extra sun in the bank!

Pirate Seas[]

Shovel Boost2

Shovel Boost[]

Unlocked: Cannons Away (pre-1.7); After completing Pirate Seas - Day 12 (1.7 and above)

Description: Get an additional 25% of sun cost back when shoveling up plants!

Extra Seed Slot2

Extra Seed Slot[]

Unlocked: Last Stand (pre-1.7); After completing Pirate Seas - Day 21 (1.7 and above)

Description: Lets you choose another plant type every level!

Wild West[]

Wall-nut First Aid2

Wall-nut First Aid[]

Unlocked: Save Our Seeds (pre-1.7); after completing Wild West - Day 15 (1.7 and above)

Description: Fully repair damaged defensive plants by planting on top of them.

Instant Recharge

Instant Recharge[]

Unlocked: Not OK Corral (pre-1.7); After completing Wild West - Day 20 (1.7 and above)

Description: Instantly refresh a seed packet by dragging and dropping Plant Food on it.

Shovel Perk2

Shovel Perk[]

Unlocked: Last Stand (pre-1.7); after completing Wild West - Day 11 (1.7 and above)

Description: Get an additional 25% of sun cost back when shoveling up plants!

Far Future[]

Mower Lunch2

Mower Launch[]

Unlocked: After completing Day 20

Description: Manually launch one mower by tapping and holding!

Kongfu World (China only)[]

Shovel Increase2

Shovel Increase[]

(阳光铲; pinyin: yángguāng chǎn)
Unlocked: After completing Powder Keg III (pre-1.8); collecting 190 stars (1.8 and above)

Description: Upgrade of the Shovel Bonus. After shoveling plants, more sun is returned.
In Chinese: 升级阳光铲,当铲掉植物后,可以回收更多阳光。

Sun Increase2

Sun Increase[]

(强化初始阳光; pinyin: qiánghuà chūshǐ yángguāng)
Unlocked: After completing Last Stand III (pre-1.8); collecting 160 stars (1.8 and above)

Description: Can carry more sun at the beginning of the level.
In Chinese: 在关卡开始能携带更多阳光。

Sky City (China only)[]

Basic Gun

Basic Artillery[]

(普通火炮; pinyin: pǔtōng huǒpào)
Unlocked: After completing Day 3.

Description: Get "Dave's" gun on the ship, to obtain auto-attack abilities.
In Chinese: 获得 "戴夫" 号飞船上的主炮装置, 获得自动攻击能力

Basic Shield

Basic Shield[]

(普通护盾; pinyin: pǔtōng hù dùn)
Unlocked: After completing Day 13.

Description: Get "Dave's" shield device, to increase extra ship endurance.
In Chinese: 获得 "戴夫" 号上的护盾装置, 额外增加飞船耐久

Premium Bonus Upgrades[]

Sun Bonus2

Sun Bonus[]

Price: $0.99

Description: Start with 25 extra sun in the bank!

Plant Food Bonus2

Plant Food Bonus[]

Price: $0.99

Description: Hold onto one more Plant Food during a level!

Shovel Bonus2

Shovel Bonus[]

Price: $0.99

Description: Get an additional 25% of sun cost back when shoveling up plants!

Bonus Seed Slot2

Bonus Seed Slot[]

Price: $0.99

Description: Lets you choose another plant type every level!

Note: Can be rented for a single playthrough for 650 coins.


Upgrades has a gallery!
Upgrade Shop
Visit this page to see it.
Upgrade Shop


  • All upgrades are removed in the Boosted Zombies Bash Epic Quest.
  • All upgrades, with the exception of Wall-nut First Aid, Instant Recharge, and Mower Launch, are disabled in Arena.