It is based on the plant in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes with a similar appearance.
Its name is a combination of "typical," referring to its description, and "beanstalk," the real-life plant part it is based on.
Class: Mega-Grow
Tribes: Leafy Bean Plant
Traits: None
Ability: When played next to a Leafy Plant: This gets +1 and Conjure a Leafy card.
Set - Rarity: Triassic - Uncommon
Card description[]
"Everyone's magic in their own special way. Everyone except me."
Update history[]
Update 1.24.6[]
Added to the game.
Update 1.26.3[]
▲ Sun cost change: 5 → 4
Update 1.30.4[]
Ability change: When played next to a Leafy Plant: Draw a card. → When played next to a Leafy Plant: Conjure a Leafy card.
▲ Sun cost change: 4 → 3
▼ Strength change: 4 → 3
▼ Health change: 4 → 3
Update 1.60.79[]
▲ Ability change: When played next to a Leafy Plant: Conjure a Leafy card. → When played next to a Leafy Plant: This gets +1 and Conjure a Leafy card.
Typical Beanstalk is a simple 3/3 for 3 unit, which gives it a pretty average statline to work with.
And its ability, as it obviously implies, has synergy with the Leafy tribe, which includes major stand-ins of the respective tribe like Savage Spinach, Muscle Sprout and the like. But, while this supports that specific subset of plants, that subset of plants doesn't really have a real/serious competitive presence or strategy.
So, this card may have a place in said deck, but the deck isn't particularly good. However, it has a fine statline, so it isn't completely unplayable. Being relatively accessible and having a decent statline to work with, this could find some use in more budgeted Mega-Grow decks, but otherwise, it is not recommended in any competitive deck. This is simply outclassed by many 3 cards in the game and doesn't fit very much into any competent decks.
In summary, this card is a considerable option if you plan to develop a leafy deck, but leafy decks aren't exactly a very developed strategy at the moment, so that isn't recommended. However, while being an uncommon card and having a playable statline, it has some utility in less expensive decks, but these are its only uses.
Typical Beanstalk is a very ordinary unit. It doesn't pose any specialized constant ability, and it doesn't have any major presence in any real strategy, so there's not a lot to be worried about aside from being a bit more tricky to remove due to its unique statline. The player should go about how most static units would be removed.
Statistics (1.60.79)
Typical Beanstalk's card
Typical Beanstalk's grayed out card
Typical Beanstalk's card image
Typical Beanstalk being played and activating its ability (animated)