Twin Sunflower is relatively frail compared to other 2 plants, but if kept alive, they give you an even greater advantage because their ability is twice as effective as Sunflower's. It is best to use this card with expensive cards that cost 5 or more, for example Astrocado, Cob Cannon and Brainana.
Each Solar hero has their own way of using Twin Sunflower:
Solar Flare can use the extra sun to push out her rushes earlier, while using damaging tricks like Banana Bomb and Berry Blast to destroy threatening zombies.
Chompzilla can use boosting cards such as Grow-Shroom, Fertilize, or even Onion Rings on Twin Sunflower, which allows it to survive longer and actually fight zombies. If you are afraid of it being destroyed by a trick, you can make it Untrickable with Umbrella Leaf.
Rose can Freeze or Bounce zombies that will otherwise destroy Twin Sunflower. She can also boost their strength using Go-Nuts since they're also Team-up plants.
Compared to Sunnier-Shroom, Twin Sunflower has a little less health. However, Twin Sunflower can be played earlier and has better synergization for the Solar class due to being in the Flower Tribe, whereas Sunnier-Shroom works only with Solar Flare. However, you can use both cards, which is especially useful if your opponent removes one of them or if your deck has a lot of expensive cards.
Twin Sunflower is an extremely annoying plant due to it providing a huge advanatge to your opponent. As Twin Sunflower will most likely be protected by another plant, Strikethrough zombies and removal cards are the most effective way to destroy it.
The Beastly, Crazy, and Hearty classes have their share of removal cards, while the Sneaky class has access to Strikethrough zombies. (The Brainy class does not have either, but this issue is basically nonexistent as all heroes lead two different classes.)
Please note that only official translations are used.
Twin Sunflower
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Unlike Solar Flare, who attacks zombies with fireballs, they attack zombies with small sun. This is also the case with Sunflower, Sun-Shroom and Sunnier-Shroom.
Their description mentions one of the two types of twins, namely fraternal and identical (the latter of which also includes conjoined twins). The joke refers to the assumption that Twin Sunflower would be identical twins, but the description says that they are rather fraternal twins.
Their sound effect is much different from Sunflower when they produce sun.
They and Sunnier-Shroom are the only plants that produce 2 at the start of each turn.