Its overall design and description reference the experiment done by NASA plant researchers in which potatoes were shown to be able to grow on Mars, which is also called "the Red Planet."
Its name is a portmanteau of "the Red Planet," referring to its appearance, and "plant-it," referring to the potatoes planted on it.
The term "TLC" mentioned in its description is an acronym for "tender loving care," which is "to be treated in a kind and caring way."
Class: Mega-Grow
Tribe: Root Environment
Ability: Plants here get +5/+5.
Set - Rarity: Galactic - Super-Rare
Card description[]
It may seem an inhospitable place for Plants, but with a little TLC and some patience, it'll grow more than just potatoes. Much more.
Update history[]
Update 1.16.10[]
Added to the game.
This is a powerful environment that gives all plants in that environment a huge stat boost, allowing even the weakest plants to wreak serious havoc and last a few turns. And because it is an environment, it will be able to affect many plants over time, until removed. Due to this, using plants with Team-Up is recommended, as you can increase the damage output heavily on that lane. Grass Knuckles does this the best. Captain Combustible can play Invasive Species here, turning it into a monstrous 10/9 for 3 sun.
The only issue is that this is an expensive environment and if the zombie hero manages to save their brains, they can replace this environment with one of theirs, wasting the amount of sun you used. So it's best to use this if the zombie hero is dealing brute force to the plant hero, or if they wasted all their brains on zombies.
However, this environment can be played before or after a plant is played in it, which can be useful if you had played a powerful plant on board. This combo can work effectively with plants that have the Double Strike trait like Bananasaurus Rex to do lots of damage each combat. However, be aware of most instant-kill cards, especially from the Brainy and Beastly classes.
There is also a special technique using Grape Power or Grape Responsibility to massively boost plants played here since even when this environment is replaced by another one, the plant will still keep the boost.
This environment is extremely dangerous, as its gargantuan boost persists even if it is overridden, and you must counter it immediately. Playing one of your own cheap environments is a valid solution, and Excavator Zombie works too, as he will bounce both it and the plants inside, forcing your opponent's costly replay. Rocket Science, Primordial Cheese Shover and Locust Swarm can also destroy said plant easily. useful for weakening and possibly destroying the plants in this environment. If all else fails, resort to using Deadly zombies or Bouncing plants on that environment, or block the lane with a weak zombie. Just take note that Mega-Grow heroes may use bonus attacks or Double Strike plants to thwart your plans, not to mention the dangers from other classes.
The Red Plant-It's statistics
The Red Plant-It's card
The Red Plant-It's grayed out card
The Red Plant-It's card image
The Red Plant-It's textures
The Red Plant-It on the field
The Red Plant-It’s unused animation
In other languages[]
Please note that only official translations are used.
The potatoes in the environment bear a striking resemblance to the oranges with faces in Citron's comic and the arena of said hero's mission.
It has an unused animation where the potatoes in the environment jump up and down. It was likely meant to be played when doing its ability. It is only able to be seen by hacking.
Some of the potatoes in the animation lack mouths, eyes or faces altogether. It is unknown if this was intentional or a mistake.