Teleportation Station is a super-rarezombiesuperpowerenvironmentcard in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes, and a member of the Brainy class. It costs 1 to play, and its ability gives the zombie hero a Teleport card at the start of each turn, as long as there is a zombie on it. This persists until another environment overrides it.
Ability:Start of turn: If there's a Zombie here, gain a Teleport.
Rarity: Super-Rare
Card description[]
Teleportation is a relatively new technology. Has a few kinks that need ironing out. So yeah, sometimes things get a little...mixed up.
Update history[]
Update 1.16.10[]
Added to the game.
This environment can be quite useful if used correctly. As long as there is a zombie alive in this environment at the end of each turn, you will get a free Teleport card into your hand. This can allow you to play a zombie during the trick phase to avoid plant threats as well as drawing free cards if you play Teleport cards.
But you must remember to have a zombie in this environment or otherwise, it won't give you a Teleport card. It is recommended to use high health zombies like Dr. Spacetime, Teleportation Zombie, or Wormhole Gatekeeper in that environment to keep drawing more Teleports. If you run Neutron Imp, this environment does allow him to do a bonus attack if you play Neutron Imp first and then this environment, clearing weak plants out of the way. If you seek that the plant hero may play a powerful card to destroy that zombie, use Beam Me Up or teleport in one zombie to ensure a zombie in that environment as long as the zombie survives in the combat. Another strategy is to use cards that cannot be hurt that turn, such as Zombot Battlecruiser 5000 or Zombie Coach. However, this is only possible with Conjuring since Huge-Gigantacus does not have the Hearty class.
Keep in mind that if you keep following this strategy longer, you will have too many cards in your hand, causing your block meter to not activate so be aware.
Oddly, this environment benefits Dr. Spacetime as the mechanic of the environment actually Conjures a Teleport card. Having at least one Dr. Spacetime will allow you to draw a Teleport card that cost 0 brains, allowing you to play zombies in the Tricks phase without an additional cost.
While not a threatening environment to plants, this can help the zombie hero a lot as it has the ability to play a zombie during the tricks phase and drawing a free card. This is really dangerous in the late game as they can play as many zombies while being unharmed to plant threats and drawing more cards than usual.
The best way to stop it is to destroy a zombie in that environment to prevent the ability from activating using cards like Guacodile or Spring Bean or overriding the environment with one of yours.
Teleportation Station's statistics
Teleportation Station's sprites
Teleportation Station's card image
Teleportation Station activating its ability
A gigantic Teleportation Station due to a glitch
In other languages[]
Please note that only official translations are used.