Its description references the term "sweet tooth," a liking or "weakness" for sweet foods. It is also a reference to its ability to move zombies onto its lane.
Class: Mega-Grow
Tribe: Pea Plant
Traits: None
Ability: When played: Move a Zombie to this lane.
Set - Rarity: Galactic - Uncommon
Card description[]
Zombies may only have four teeth left, but one of them's a sweet tooth.
Update history[]
Update 1.16.10[]
Added to the game.
Compared to Sweet Potato, Sweet Pea costs 1 more and lacks the Team-Up trait. However, its 2 strength means it can fight on its own, and unlike Sweet Potato, you can benefit this using Torchwood or The Podfather to increase its strength and do a lot more damage.
Just like Sweet Potato, you can move troublesome Amphibious zombies on the aquatic lane out to its lane to destroy them easily, making Sweet Pea useful for Chompzilla and Captain Combustible who both lack Amphibious plants. It is also a great counter to Arm Wrestler, even greater than Sweet Potato, since it can single-handedly take it down.
Since Sweet Pea can move a zombie into the lane it is on, it can end up destroying most of your weaker zombies like Fishy Imp and Arm Wrestler. In addition, unlike Sweet Potato, it can benefit in pea decks where Torchwood can cause a problem there. But if Sweet Pea is played on that turn and is not boosted, Rolling Stone or Weed Spray can destroy it. If it does get boosted, Rocket Science can destroy it.