Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
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Sweaty Palms was the sixth map stage in Plants vs. Zombies Adventures. It was set on a beach. It introduced the Conga Leader and the Conga Dancer zombies to the player. The player had to complete Level 23 in order to obtain the Sea Salt. After completing Sweaty Palms, reclaiming The Fire Station Lot and carpooling some friends, the player could access U of Z.


Its name is a portmanteau of the words "sweaty palms," with "sweaty" meaning perspiration, which is the production of fluids secreted by the sweat glands and with "palms" meaning the central region of the front of the hand, and the word "palms", a botanical family of perennial climbers, acaules, shrubs and trees commonly known as palm trees. Sweaty also refers to what humans do when it is too hot, referencing the hot desert.


It appeared to be a beach resort on a long stretch of sand. Two bodies of ocean water were seen in the top right and bottom right corners. Various umbrellas and chairs could be found spread across the land. A tiki hut was seen near the top center and the Adventures Statue, The Birth of Crazy Dave, could be found in the top right corner.


Sweaty Palms contains 23 stages.

No. Zombies Zombucks Experience-Icon
1 ZombieA Conehead ZombieA Barrel ZombieA Buckethead ZombieA Rocket ZombieA Conga LeaderA Conga DancerA 720 70
2 ZombieA Conehead ZombieA Barrel ZombieA Buckethead ZombieA Rocket ZombieA Conga LeaderA Conga DancerA 765 75
3 ZombieA Conehead ZombieA Buckethead ZombieA DJ Zom-BA Rocket ZombieA Conga LeaderA Conga DancerA 815 80
4 ZombieA Conehead ZombieA Barrel ZombieA DJ Zom-BA Conga LeaderA Conga DancerA 860 85
5 ZombieA Conehead ZombieA Barrel ZombieA DJ Zom-BA Rocket ZombieA Conga LeaderA Conga DancerA 910 90
6 ZombieA Conehead ZombieA Barrel ZombieA Buckethead ZombieA Rocket ZombieA Conga LeaderA Conga DancerA 1005 100
7 ZombieA Conehead ZombieA Barrel ZombieA Buckethead ZombieA DJ Zom-BA Rocket ZombieA Conga LeaderA Conga DancerA 1055 105
8 ZombieA Conehead ZombieA Barrel ZombieA Buckethead ZombieA Rocket ZombieA Conga LeaderA Conga DancerA 1100 110
9 ZombieA Conehead ZombieA DJ Zom-BA Rocket ZombieA Conga LeaderA Conga DancerA 1150 115
10 ZombieA Conehead ZombieA Barrel ZombieA Buckethead ZombieA DJ Zom-BA Rocket ZombieA Conga LeaderA Conga DancerA 1195 120
11 ZombieA Conehead ZombieA Barrel ZombieA Buckethead ZombieA DJ Zom-BA Rocket ZombieA Conga LeaderA Conga DancerA 1440 145
12 ZombieA Conehead ZombieA Barrel ZombieA Buckethead ZombieA DJ Zom-BA Rocket ZombieA Conga LeaderA Conga DancerA 1535 155
13 ZombieA Conehead ZombieA Buckethead ZombieA DJ Zom-BA Rocket ZombieA Conga LeaderA Conga DancerA 1630 165
14 ZombieA Conehead ZombieA Barrel ZombieA DJ Zom-BA Rocket ZombieA Conga LeaderA Conga DancerA 1725 175
15 ZombieA Conehead ZombieA Barrel ZombieA DJ Zom-BA Rocket ZombieA Conga LeaderA Conga DancerA 1825 185
16 ZombieA Conehead ZombieA Barrel ZombieA Buckethead ZombieA DJ Zom-BA Rocket ZombieA Conga LeaderA Conga DancerA 2015 200
17 ZombieA Conehead ZombieA Barrel ZombieA Buckethead ZombieA DJ Zom-BA Rocket ZombieA Conga LeaderA Conga DancerA 2110 210
18 ZombieA Conehead ZombieA Barrel ZombieA Buckethead ZombieA Rocket ZombieA Conga LeaderA Conga DancerA 2205 220
19 Conehead ZombieA DJ Zom-BA Rocket ZombieA Conga LeaderA Conga DancerA 2300 230
20 Conehead ZombieA Barrel ZombieA Buckethead ZombieA DJ Zom-BA Rocket ZombieA Conga LeaderA Conga DancerA 2400 240
21 Conehead ZombieA Barrel ZombieA Buckethead ZombieA Rocket ZombieA Conga LeaderA Conga DancerA 2420 240
22 Conehead ZombieA Barrel ZombieA Buckethead ZombieA DJ Zom-BA Rocket ZombieA Conga LeaderA Conga DancerA 2580 260
23 Conehead ZombieA DJ Zom-BA Rocket ZombieA Conga LeaderA Conga DancerA 2740 275



  • The Sweaty Palms map was one of the three maps that the player encountered two new zombies at once. The other maps are The Boonies and Mildew Meadow.
  • In the ocean to the left, there was a zombie that is wearing a shark fin on its head, which was a reference to the gag where a person wears a rubber or plastic shark fin, goes into the ocean and tries to scare the people swimming in the ocean and the people on the beach.
  • On an island on the right, the player could see Crazy Dave's Statue resembling Sandro Botticelli's the "Birth of Venus".
  • Sweaty Palms was the first area to be a beach.
  • In the middle of the map, there was a zombie in the sand with long red hair, a bikini made of blue seashells and a fake mermaid fin made of sand. This was most likely a reference to the main character Ariel from the Disney film The Little Mermaid.
V ยท T ยท E
Plants vs. Zombies
Player's House Day ยท Night ยท Pool ยท Fog ยท Roof (Night Roof)
Other Zen Garden (Mushroom Garden ยท Aquarium Garden ยท Tree of Wisdom) ยท Crazy Dave's Twiddydinkies
Plants vs. Zombies: Endless Edition
Adventure Mode The Zombies Are Coming ยท Nightfall ยท Backyard Emergency ยท Fog ยท Roof Battle (Night Roof)
Journey to the West
The Land Demon War of the Spider Woman (Dave's Backyard Garden) ยท Three Fights With Skeleton Demon ยท Subdue the Yellow-Browed Monster ยท Outsmart the Fire Child ยท Battle of the Ox-Demon
The Sea Demon Fight the Sea Demons ยท Brave the Dragon King's Palace
Plants vs. Zombies: Great Wall Edition
Adventure Mode Day ยท Night ยท Pool ยท Fog ยท Roof (Night Roof)
Survival The Great Wall (Night) ยท Rural Backyard
Journey to the West War of the Spider Woman ยท Three Fights With Skeleton Demon ยท Subdue the Yellow-Browed Monster ยท Outsmart the Fire Child ยท Battle of the Ox-Demon
Plants vs. Zombies Adventures
Road Trip The Boonies ยท Dire Spires ยท Cadaver Cavern ยท Park-n-Perish ยท Killjoy Park ยท Sweaty Palms ยท U of Z ยท Frostbite Falls ยท Mildew Meadow ยท Grey Matter Gardens ยท The Sever Glades ยท The Sand Dooms ยท Zombitorium Manor
Player's Town Starting Area ยท The Plantagon Lot ยท The Workshop Lot ยท The Car Lot ยท The Post Office Lot ยท The Cafe Lot ยท The Fire Station Lot ยท The Flaming Lot ยท The Police Station Lot ยท The Bamboo Lot ยท The Fitness Lot ยท The Chilly Lot ยท The Sunny Lot ยท The Unlucky Lot
Plants vs. Zombies 2
Adventure Mode Ancient Egypt ยท Pirate Seas ยท Wild West ยท Frostbite Caves ยท Lost City ยท Far Future ยท Dark Ages ยท Neon Mixtape Tour ยท Jurassic Marsh ยท Big Wave Beach ยท Modern Day
Thymed Events Player's House ยท Backyard Big Top ยท The Zombosseum ยท ZCorp Takeover
Other Penny's Pursuit ยท Arena ยท Zen Garden
Plants vs. Zombies 2 (Chinese version)
Adventure Mode Ancient Egypt ยท Pirate Seas ยท Wild West ยท Kongfu World ยท Far Future ยท Dark Ages (Fright Theater) ยท Big Wave Beach ยท Frostbite Caves ยท Sky City ยท Lost City ยท Neon Mixtape Tour ยท Jurassic Marsh ยท Modern Day ยท Steam Age ยท Renaissance Age ยท Heian Age
Secret Realms Fairytale Forest ยท Haunting Halloween ยท Celebrating Chinese New Year ยท Children's Playpark ยท Parkour Party ยท Anniversary Carnival Party ยท Frostbite Caves Resurgence ยท Auspicious Snow Welcomes Spring ยท Walking in the Snow to Seek Spring
Other Battle ยท Penny's Pursuit ยท Arena ยท Ztalemate Escape
Plants vs. Zombies Online
Worlds Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum ยท Ancient Egypt ยท Pirate Seas ยท Far Future ยท East Sea Dragon Palace
Plants vs. Zombies: All Stars
Worlds American Suburbs ยท Primitive Tribe ยท The Great Wall ยท Ancient Egypt ยท Pirate Seas ยท Wild West ยท Kongfu World ยท Journey to the West ยท Viking World ยท Far Future ยท Dark Ages ยท Neon Mixtape Tour
Other Ranked Mode ยท Dave Cup
Plants vs. Zombies 3
Main Neighborville ยท Lost Keys Lake ยท Mt. Quesogrande
Blocks Your House ยท Taco Park ยท Green Screens Theater ยท Dave's Workshop ยท Jubilee Nightclub ยท Sunnyfield Farm ยท Silicorn Lab ยท Shallot Graveyard ยท BBQ Beach ยท Mulchburger Fast Food ยท Savings & Lawn Bank
Other Devour Tower