Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
PvZH Spark Icon

A spark

Sparks are the crafting currency in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes, introduced in the 1.4.14 update. Sparks can be obtained by recycling cards that the player owns or from Hero Quests, and are used to craft new cards of the player‘s choice.

To craft a card, the player only needs to access a plant/zombie's statistics page in the Collection, and once selected, two choices will appear, craft and recycle. Any of these two options can be reversed until the player leaves the Collection.

The player has to be connected to the Internet in order to craft cards. If not, after exiting, they won't get any cards and will have their sparks back.

Card prices[]

Rarity Crafting Recycling
Basic - Common 25 PvZH Spark Icon 0 PvZH Spark Icon1
Uncommon 50 PvZH Spark Icon 15 PvZH Spark Icon2
Rare 250 PvZH Spark Icon 50 PvZH Spark Icon
Super-Rare 1000 PvZH Spark Icon 250 PvZH Spark Icon
Legendary 4000 PvZH Spark Icon 1000 PvZH Spark Icon
Event (Weekly) 1000 PvZH Spark Icon3 250 PvZH Spark Icon4
Event (Paid) 2000 PvZH Spark Icon5 500 PvZH Spark Icon5

1. Cannot be recycled
2. 10
PvZH Spark Icon prior to Update 1.8.23
3. 2000
PvZH Spark Icon for the cards released on the previous update; only applies to cards that have been released.
4. 75
PvZH Spark Icon prior to Update 1.14.13.
5. Paid Event Cards released prior to Update 1.22.1 had their values changed, even if they costed less before.

An important thing to take into account is that cards nerfed in the most recent patch of the game will have their Spark cost increased to match their crafting cost to compensate for players who may have specifically crafted such cards. An example of this is Briar Rose, which was nerfed in the last balance changes, and as such, its recycling cost is of 4000 PvZH Spark Icon instead of 1000 PvZH Spark Icon like most other legendary cards.

Below is a list of all cards that currently have their recycling cost paired up with their crafting cost:

Card Set - Rarity PvZH Spark Icon cost
Planet of the Grapes Galactic - Uncommon 50 PvZH Spark Icon
Barrel of Barrels Colossal - Uncommon 50 PvZH Spark Icon
Shelf Mushroom Triassic - Rare 250 PvZH Spark Icon
Sergeant Strongberry Premium - Super-Rare 1000 PvZH Spark Icon
Disco-Naut Galactic - Super-Rare 1000 PvZH Spark Icon
Solar Winds Galactic - Super-Rare 1000 PvZH Spark Icon
Fireweed Colossal - Super-Rare 1000 PvZH Spark Icon
Sunflower Seed Colossal - Super-Rare 1000 PvZH Spark Icon
Strawberrian Triassic - Super-Rare 1000 PvZH Spark Icon
Briar Rose Premium - Legendary 4000 PvZH Spark Icon
Valkyrie Premium - Legendary 4000 PvZH Spark Icon


V · T · E
Plants vs. Zombies Money (Coin silver dollar; Coin gold dollar; Diamond2) · Sun (SunFA) · Chocolate (Chocolate) · Fertilizer (Fertilizer) · Bug Spray (Bug spray) · Tree Food (TreeFood)
Plants vs. Zombies Adventures Coin (Coins-icon) · Zombuck (Zombucks) · Gem (Gems-icon) · Sun (Uncle-Sunnybags-Achievement)
Plants vs. Zombies 2 Money (Pvz2silvercoin; Pvz2goldcoin) · Sun (Sun PvZ2) · Gem (Diamond1) · Sprout (Stack 1) · Gauntlet (HD Gauntlet) · Mint (Mint PvZ2) · Fuel (Penny Fuel)
Plants vs. Zombies 2 (Chinese Version) Costume Voucher (CostumeVoucher)
Garden Warfare Coin (PvZ GW Silver Coin) · Skip Challenge Star
Garden Warfare 2 Coin (PvZ GW Silver Coin) · Star · Rainbow Star · XP
Plants vs. Zombies Heroes Gem (Diamond1) · Coin (PvZH Hero Coin Icon) · Spark (PvZH Spark Icon) · Tickets (Tickets)
Battle for Neighborville Coin · Rainbow Star · Prize Bulbs (Prize Bulb) · Tacos · Marshmallow · Sheriff badges · XP