It is based on the magic beans Jack traded for the cow in the popular English fairy tale, Jack and the Beanstalk.
Its name is a combination of "sow," referring to its animation when it is played, and "magic beans," the imaginary beans it is based on.
Its description mentions the cow that Jack traded for magic beans in said fairy tale.
Class: Smarty
Tribe: Leafy Bean Trick
Ability: Shuffle five into your deck.
Set - Rarity: Premium - Super-Rare
Card description[]
Totally worth the cow.
Update history[]
Update 1.16.10[]
▲ Ability added: Draw a card.
Rarity change: Rare → Super-Rare
Update 1.24.6[]
▼ Ability removed: Draw a card.
▲ Tribe added: Leafy
Update 1.60.79[]
▲ Ability change: Shuffle four Magic Beanstalks into your deck. → Shuffle five Magic Beanstalks into your deck.
Note that you do not get Magic Beanstalks right after you play this trick. Instead, you have to get them via drawing cards. Cards that draw more cards, such as Flourish, Party Thyme, and Sage Sage can help you get Magic Beanstalks faster. Another way of increasing your chances to draw Magic Beanstalks is to try to play it near the late-game, as there is a higher chance of drawing a Magic Beanstalk as your deck is being depleted.
If you think it is safe to use 2 sun for an uncertain but highly beneficial future investment, go ahead. However, if there's a threat like Mini-Ninja, Tennis Champ, or Cuckoo Zombie on the field, it is better to focus on your defenses.
This trick also benefits Admiral Navy Bean and Bean Counter, as it gives you more bean cards, on top of being a bean card itself, which both activate their abilities.
If you use Dino-Roar cards, this card is a way to activate their abilities since it adds cards that each draw another card into your deck.
However, be careful of Quickdraw Con Man. While this trick doesn't draw a card, the Magic Beanstalks that it shuffles into your deck do.
There is not much you can do against this card. However, be careful as this can syngergize with other beans, especially Bean Counter and Admiral Navy Bean. Additionally, be prepared near the late-game as the plant hero may draw a Magic Beanstalk which could destroy your defenses easily and draw more cards.
Statistics (1.60.79)
Sow Magic Beans' card
Sow Magic Beans' grayed out card
Sow Magic Beans' card image
Sow Magic Beans being played
Sow Magic Beans being played to defeat Super Brainz via two Admiral Navy Beans' abilities
Sow Magic Beans on the advertisement for the Mayflower Pack
Sow Magic Beans on the advertisement for the Mayflower Pack
Sow Magic Beans on the advertisement for the Mayflower Multipack
Sow Magic Beans' statistics
Sow Magic Beans' statistics
Sow Magic Beans' statistics (pre 1.60.79)
Sow Magic Beans' card
Sow Magic Beans' silhouette
The player receiving Sow Magic Beans from a Premium Pack
In other languages[]
Please note that only official translations are used.
Sow Magic Beans
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Semis de haricot magique
Magische Bohnen aussäen
Semi di fagioli magici
마법 콩 심기
Brazilian Portuguese
Plantar Feijões Mágicos
Горсть волш. бобов
Plantar frijoles mágicos
The ability animation for Sow Magic Beans was completely abandoned from said update. However, the ability animation still plays during daily challenges and possibly other areas, such as Admiral Navy Bean and Bean Counter.