He has the Armored 1 trait, and his ability redirects all damage that is supposed to go to the plant hero to him.
This ability stacks with each Soul Patch on the field (in terms of total health) and persists until all Soul Patches are removed from the field. His closest zombie counterpart is Planetary Gladiator.
His name is a reference to the small patch of facial hair he has, known as the soul patch.
His appearance and description seem to refer to the hippie culture commonly associated with the mid-1960s.
His description mentions Cherry Bomb and Sour Grapes and implies that they are very angry (and need to calm down via meditation).
Class: Guardian
Tribes: Flower Root Plant
Trait: Armored 1
Ability: If your Hero would get hurt, this gets hurt instead.
Set - Rarity: Premium - Legendary
Card description[]
Has been gently encouraging Cherry Bomb and Sour Grapes to attend his meditation class.
Update history[]
Update 1.2.11[]
▲ Strength change: 4 → 5
Update 1.16.0[]
▲ Tribe change: Vine Plant → Flower Root Plant
Soul Patch is a fantastic clutch card with excellent stats for his cost, allowing you to rebuild your defenses or stall a few turns for victory while he holds the line.
But while Soul Patch has a lot of health, it can be depleted very quickly due to him redirecting any damaging done to you as well. Therefore, you need to boost Soul Patch's survivability to get the most out of him, and the best option is to play shielding cards like Root Wall, Peel Shield, and Force Field which allows Soul Patch to absorb and nullify as much damage as he can, making both it and you completely invulnerable to direct damage.
If that is not an option, play a Team-Up plant like Wall-Nut in front of him. Then, to prevent as much damage done to him as possible, fill the other lanes with plants.
Wall-Knight can use him in a Flower deck where, he can boost the efficiency of Power Flower's ability for a long time thanks to his high health, while Briar Rose punishes opponents that try to use strong zombies to destroy him. And while the chances are slim, he can also be Conjured by Cosmic Flower to gain Strikethrough. Also, he can use sun producing cards like Sunflower to play him earlier or in a heal deck to help him last longer.
Since he is also a root, Starch-Lord can give him a small initial boost, making him harder for your opponent to deal with when he is played, not to mention that Starch-Lord also Conjures a root at the start of every turn, with a chance of him being obtained.
Using Pecanolith and Soul Patch together is a useful combo, as it essentially gives him 10 strength, being able to destroy any non-boosted zombie fronting him. However, he will get weaker as he takes damage, so again, try to keep his health high with health-boosting cards or shield him.
Citron and Beta-Carrotina are able to Bounce him with Rescue Radish, restoring him to full health, and then play him again. However, Bouncing him and then replaying him on the same turn can only be done starting from turns 10 and on due to the Guardian and Smarty classes lacking any cards that would otherwise provide a sun bonus, so it can be quite risky to Bounce him before that if your health isn't high.
Additionally, they are able to play Soul Patch on the aquatic lane using Lily Pad, which can be devastating against any opponent with less potent removal cards or Amphibious zombies.
Soul Patch's greatest weakness is Deadly zombies with at least 2 strength (which are all of them excluding Cosmic Imp), including Zombot Sharktronic Sub (which is more dangerous, as its ability essentially makes everything damaging Deadly). Since Soul Patch will take damage if an empty lane is attacked, said zombies will be able to instantly destroy him.
Instant-kill cards also pose a threat to him. Tricks can be prevented by Umbrella Leaf (this is only possible as Grass Knuckles), but there is no way of preventing the instant-kill abilities of Primordial Cheese Shover, Mondo Bronto (When it activates its Dino-Roar ability) and Zombot 1000. In the case of Zombot 1000, your only way of avoiding it is to win the game before it could be played.
As Grass Knuckles, if you deduce that your opponent doesn't have any Primordial Cheese Shovers, Zombot 1000s, Mondo Brontos, Pogo Bouncers, Excavator Zombies, Sumo Wrestlers, Rodeo Gargantuars or environments left in their deck, you can play Soul Patch in Force Field and then play Umbrella Leaf on the same lane to prevent yourself from taking any damage for the rest of the game. Playing a second Umbrella Leaf in an adjacent Force Field Lane further renders all 3 plants completely invulnerable to tricks.
When your opponent has this plant on the field, try to Bounce him away, or destroy him with instant-kill cards such as Locust Swarm, Cut Down to Size, and Rocket Science. Bouncing him is already a good option because he is very expensive and therefore, while your opponent won't hesitate playing him again, doing so will significantly cut down their other options, leaving you with a slight advantage of having more cards to counter this plant.
If too many plants are on the ground, a Sneaky hero can use Zombot Stomp to their advantage by bouncing all plants there. If he and plants that synergize with him are played on the ground, the set-up time required would be more than enough to serve the zombie hero any good.
Additionally, zombies with the Deadly trait that have more than 1 strength are recommended as they can instantly destroy this plant if they attack on an empty lane or Soul Patch itself. Zombot Sharktronic Sub, with a combination of a damaging trick or zombie ability that does at least 2 damage, is also recommended, though it's mostly restricted to Impfinity.
If you are against a flower or root deck containing Soul Patch, destroy any Power Flowers, Briar Roses, and Starch-Lords before he synergizes with them and causes more trouble. This is especially noteworthy if the zombie hero is facing Wall-Knight as he has access to all of them, but for any other Guardian hero there will be much more options to tackle Soul Patch in most cases.
Please note that only official translations are used.
Soul Patch
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Supplément d'âme
Toppa di rovi
소울 패치
Brazilian Portuguese
lit. "Saviour"
Porción de alma
lit. "Soul Patch"
If he is on the player's side, his attack animation is much quicker than usual.
He has the highest base health out of all fighters in the game, at 10.
As of a certain update, the zombie no longer attacks again in the direction of Soul Patch. This fixed a glitch where the game wouldn't respond after playing Bungee Plumber on the plant hero. Since the Bungee Plumber directly does damage to its target and Soul Patch redirects it, the game softlocks.
However, if a Deadly zombie with 2 strength or more manages to attack the plant hero, Soul Patch will do his animation but receive no damage. That zombie will then attack again in the direction of Soul Patch, destroying it as a result of its trait.
There was a glitch where if Soul Patch was supposed to take an attack, an instant block occured, even though it has been removed. Instant blocks still occured even after he has been destroyed.
He has an unused idle & block animation only seen in early versions of the game. it is unknown why it was removed, however it could be due to poor coding. The same thing happens with Stealthy Imp.