Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
Zombies don't breathe. They don't need air. So why does Snorkel Zombie need a snorkel to swim underwater? Answer: peer pressure.

โ€”Snorkel Zombie's Plants vs. Zombies almanac description

For other uses, see Snorkel Zombie (disambiguation).

Snorkel Zombie is a recurring character within the Plants vs. Zombies franchise. Snorkel Zombies approach the house by submerging underwater, avoiding most attacks until forced out of the water by eating a plant or leaving the water.

As of Plants vs. Zombies 3, Snorkel Zombie has appeared in three games.


Plants vs. Zombies[]

Main article: Snorkel Zombie (PvZ)
Snorkel Zombie1

In the original Plants vs. Zombies game, as well as all Chinese spin-off games based on it, Snorkel Zombie is the twelfth Zombie encountered in Adventure Mode, first appearing in Level 3-3. Snorkel Zombie can only appear in the Pool lanes, diving in and avoiding all straight-shot attacks until he reaches a plant. Snorkel Zombie is the only Pool-only zombie to lack an on-land counterpart.

Snorkel Zombie is the star of the mini-game Zombiquarium, where the player must spend sun to buy more Snorkel Zombies so they can give the player more sun back, a single Snorkel Zombie costing 100 sun and the trophy costing 1,000. The player has 20 seconds to feed a Snorkel Zombie before it dies, feeding the Snorkel Zombie by dropping a brain down to eat, costing 5 sun each.

Snorkel ZombieGWE

In Plants vs. Zombies: Great Wall Edition, he reappeared in a different diving uniform with a reed to breathe under water instead of a snorkel.

Plants vs. Zombies 2[]

Main article: Snorkel Zombie (PvZ2)
Snorkel Zombie2

Snorkel Zombie returns in Plants vs. Zombies 2, as the first special Zombie appearing in Big Wave Beach. Snorkel Zombie works the same way as the original game, submerging underwater to avoid straight-shooting attacks until he is forced to submerge. However, due to the differences of the Pool of the first game and the Ocean in Plants vs. Zombies 2, Snorkel Zombie can be easier or harder to deal with depending on the level, as every lane now has a water lane, but end at a certain point, eventually forcing Snorkel Zombie to leave the water.

Snorkel Zombie has 150 more health than the previous game (350 DPS versus 200 DPS) and has received a redesign, his snorkel facing the other direction, losing his tank top, and having two bright yellow flippers rather than one dark red flipper.

Plants vs. Zombies Heroes[]

Main article: Snorkel Zombie (PvZH)
Snorkel ZombieH

The latest appearance of Snorkel Zombie is in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes. Snorkel Zombie is an Uncommon zombie in the Premium set and is a member of the PvZH Beastly IconBeastly class.

Snorkel Zombie is a member of the Party tribe, costs 1BrainPvZH, has 2StrengthPvZH/1HeartPvZH, and the Amphibious trait. Snorkel Zombie uses his design from Plants vs. Zombies, rather than Plants vs. Zombies 2.


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Visit this page to see it.


  • Snorkel Zombie is the only zombie that returns in Plants vs. Zombies 2 from the first game that isn't introduced in Player's House or Modern Day.
V ยท E
Recurring characters
Plants vs.
Peashooter ยท Sunflower ยท Cherry Bomb ยท Wall-nut ยท Potato Mine ยท Snow Pea ยท Chomper ยท Repeater ยท Puff-shroom ยท Sun-shroom ยท Fume-shroom ยท Grave Buster ยท Hypno-shroom ยท Scaredy-shroom ยท Ice-shroom ยท Doom-shroom ยท Lily Pad ยท Squash ยท Threepeater ยท Tangle Kelp ยท Jalapeno ยท Spikeweed ยท Torchwood ยท Tall-nut ยท Sea-shroom ยท Plantern ยท Cactus ยท Blover ยท Split Pea ยท Starfruit ยท Pumpkin ยท Magnet-shroom ยท Cabbage-pult ยท Flower Pot ยท Kernel-pult ยท Coffee Bean ยท Garlic ยท Umbrella Leaf ยท Marigold ยท Melon-pult ยท Gatling Pea ยท Twin Sunflower ยท Gloom-shroom ยท Cattail ยท Winter Melon ยท Spikerock ยท Cob Cannon ยท Imitater
Plants vs.
Fire Peashooter ยท Bamboo Shoot ยท Chilly Pepper ยท Power Flower
Plants vs.
Zombies 2
Bloomerang ยท Bonk Choy ยท Snapdragon ยท Coconut Cannon ยท Chili Bean ยท Lightning Reed ยท Laser Bean ยท Citron ยท E.M.Peach ยท Magnifying Grass ยท Red Stinger ยท Sweet Potato ยท Witch Hazel
Plants vs.
Zombies 2

Carrotillery ยท Dandelion ยท Tactical Cuke
Plants vs.
Venus Flytrap ยท Endurian
Plants vs.
Warfare 2
Rose ยท Kernel Corn
Plants vs.
Night Cap
Plants vs.
Browncoat Zombie ยท Flag Zombie ยท Conehead Zombie ยท Buckethead Zombie ยท Newspaper Zombie ยท Screen Door Zombie ยท All-Star ยท Disco Zombie ยท Backup Dancer ยท Ducky Tube Zombie ยท Snorkel Zombie ยท Balloon Zombie ยท Digger Zombie ยท Zombie Yeti ยท Gargantuar ยท Imp ยท Dr. Zomboss
Plants vs.
Great Wall
Talisman Zombie
Plants vs.
MC Zom-B
Plants vs.
Zombies 2
Zombie Chicken ยท Wizard Zombie ยท Zombot Sharktronic Sub
Plants vs.
Foot Soldier ยท Engineer ยท Scientist ยท Super-Fan Imp
Plants vs.
Warfare 2
Z-Mech ยท Super Brainz ยท Captain Deadbeard