It costs 1 to play, and its ability moves a selected zombie onto a selected lane and gives it +1. Its closest plant counterparts are Bubble Up and Gardening Gloves.
It is based on the object in real life with the same name and purpose: To confuse the enemy and utilize their confusion to one's advantage.
Its description is a reference to how inhaling too much smoke can cause lung problems.
Class: Sneaky
Tribe: Trick
Abilities: Move a Zombie. It gets +1.
Set - Rarity: Basic - Common
Card description[]
Good for eluding the enemy. Bad for the lungs.
Smoke Bomb is best used in the early game, where the lanes are generally open, so a zombie can get out of the line of fire and have a clear shot at the opponent. An example is to move Anti-Hero zombies to deal heavy damage to the plant hero quickly. Additionally, the fact that the moved zombie gets +1 makes this trick even more useful, as the zombie hits harder.
Smoke Bomb is also a good card to use in trick decks since it is cheap and can be played in most situations. It is mostly suited in rush and aggro decks due to the fact that they tend to win the game early and will therefore ensure the smoke bomb is utilized at its maximum potential.
As Super Brainz, Smoke Bomb faces a bit of competition from his signature superpower, Carried Away. Carried Away could be potentially game-changing, as its bonus attack can allow a zombie to deliver a devastating hit before combat. Meanwhile, Smoke Bomb is more consistent as it can be included into the deck as a normal card, and the +1 is difficult to dismiss, so their uses are dependent on current circumstances.
Smoke Bomb can save a zombie you thought you would surely destroy, and allow it to hit harder. Space Cowboy, as well as other zombies with either high strength or the Anti-Hero trait will most likely be the primary targets, so it is worth prioritizing on taking them down first.
As for its counters, there is not much aside from swarming the field with as many plants as you can. You can also track the zombie down with Corn Dog, although Corn Dog will surely be destroyed. Or, since it is a trick, Forget-Me-Nuts (increases cost of zombie tricks by 1), Sportacus (deals 2 damage to the zombie hero every time they play a trick), Black-Eyed Pea (gets boosted when a zombie trick gets played), Brainana (disables tricks for a turn), or Dark Matter Dragonfruit (increases cost of zombie tricks by 6) can discourage or prevent your opponent from playing it, though the former three tend to be more useful, as Brainana and Dark Matter Dragonfruit are too expensive to stop early game Smoke Bombs.
Smoke Bomb's statistics
Smoke Bomb's card
Smoke Bomb's card image
A text message explaining Smoke Bomb's use
Smoke Bomb being played
Being Played (animated)
Smoke Bomb's card
Smoke Bomb's textures
The player having the choice between Smoke Bomb and Sunflower as the prize for completing a level
In other languages[]
Please note that only official translations are used.