It is based on the plant from Plants vs. Zombies with a similar appearance, and a pilot, a person who controls the flight of an aircraft.
Its name is a portmanteau of the words "sky," referring to its appearance and ability, and "Peashooter," the Plants vs. Zombies plant it is based on.
Class: Mega-Grow
Tribe: Pea Plant
Traits: None
Ability: When played on Heights: This gets +2/+2.
Set - Rarity: Premium - Uncommon
Card description[]
The youngest Peashooter ever to earn a pilot's license. Also the only Peashooter ever to earn a pilot's license.
Skyshooter can be a good alternative to Cabbage-Pult from mid to late game, as its sun cost is too high in the early stages. However, as the game progresses, the opponent might have stronger fighters and tricks to destroy this plant easily. However it might come in handy when the opposing hero has nothing to counter this up.
Being a pea plant, The Podfather can give it a medium boost, while Lily of the Valley can also abuse its ability. With Torchwood, The Podfather and Skyshooter's ability, it ends up with a monstrous stat of 11/8 right after it is played. While you might need to beware of instant-kill tricks, all Mega-Grow heroes have access to Umbrella Leaf for that.
Another problem about Skyshooter is its ability since without it, the plant is outclassed by Fire Peashooter in all aspects. Green Shadow and Grass Knuckles can use team-up plants, with the latter even having Gardening Gloves to move a plant off the heights, but other heroes will have to wait until the existing plant there is destroyed, which can be a problem.
This plant can potentially be a big threat due to how well it can synergize with some plants. Cakesplosion and Cuckoo Zombie can instantly destroy it. You can also play cards such as Sumo Wrestler, Rodeo Gargantuar, or Terrify to move a plant onto the heights to prevent Skyshooter from activating its ability.
However, if your opponent doesn't play it on the heights for whatever reason, you can just use weak zombies or tricks to take it out easily, as it's essentially just a double cost Fire Peashooter without its ability.