Incredibly hot and full of electricity. So much ouch.
Update history[]
Update 1.6.27[]
Design change: Sizzle now explodes like Sun Bombs in Plants vs. Zombies 2.
Update 1.60.79[]
▲ Sun change: 5 → 3
Sizzle does the highest amount of immediate single target damage out of all plant tricks, at 5. This allows it to remove many mid to late-game threats like Copter Commando, Walrus Rider, Shieldcrusher Viking, and Zombot Sharktronic Sub. Generally, it should be played to destroy, or at least cripple zombies with high health, like Gargantuars. Moreover, it can also be played to get rid of Amphibious zombies if you are playing as a hero that lacks Amphibious defenses, such as Captain Combustible.
However, Sizzle is slightly expensive to play. Unless you really have to, Sizzle should not be played on weak zombies, and instead should be saved until your opponent plays a powerful one. It also suffers from the inability to hit your opponent and a lack of tribe. If you are running a berry deck, you won't need this trick anyway, as Berry Blast boosted by Sergeant Strongberry can do the same amount of damage for only 2 (unless it is used against Armored zombies such as Knight of the Living Dead).
It is ok to put Sizzle in your deck as Solar Flare now, even though she has instant-kills to finish threats more neatly; Squash, for example is able to remove zombies regardless of health and does not activate "When hurt" abilities but is not completely superior to Sizzle as it costs 2 less. As for Captain Combustible and Nightcap however, Sizzle can earn a place in their decks due to them lacking reliable instant-kill cards. Spudow should only play this against zombies with low strength like Jester and Dr. Spacetime, as Doom-Shroom and Shamrocket are better otherwise.
If possible, play a false threat to distract your opponent so they won't destroy or heavily damage your key zombies. Or, you can play Gravestone zombies, but you need to be careful if your opponent is Spudow or Nightcap, as they may play anti-gravestone cards such as Grave Buster or Grave Mistake to counter them. Parasol Zombie and Zombie Coach can also protect your zombie(s) from Sizzle.
Statistics (1.60.79)
Card (1.60.79)
Sizzle's card image
Sizzle's grayed out card
HD Sizzle
Being played (animated, 1.60.79)
Sizzle being played (1)
Sizzle being played (2)
Sizzle being played (3)
Sizzle on the advertisement for the Solar Flare Ally Pack
Sizzle's statistics
Sizzle's card
Sizzle's statistics (pre 1.60.79)
Sizzle's card
Sizzle's silhouette
Sizzle's silhouette
The player receiving Sizzle from a Premium Pack
The player receiving Sizzle from a Premium Pack (before update 1.6.27)
Sizzle on the advertisement for the Solar Flare Ally Pack
In other languages[]
Please note that only official translations are used.