It costs 2 to play and has 2. It doesn't have any traits, and its ability transforms it into a random plant that costs 6 or less at the start of the next turn. Its closest zombie counterpart is Mystery Egg.
It is based on a seedling, a young plant sporophyte developing out of a plant embryo from a seed.
Its description references its ability to turn into a random plant.
Class: Kabloom
Tribe: Seed Plant
Traits: None
Ability: Start of Turn: This transforms into a random Plant that costs 6 or less.
Set - Rarity: Basic - Common
Card description[]
It's the tiny seed of a... nobody actually knows.
Update history[]
Update 1.2.11[]
Plants transformed from Seedling now activate their "When played" abilities if they have one.
Update 1.60.79[]
▲ Health change: 1 → 2
Using Seedling is a slightly risky move, as even though it has the ability to transform into powerful plants like Super-Phat Beets or even legendary plants like Three-Headed Chomper, it can also transform into a weak or useless plant, like Peashooter or even into itself, or a plant that doesn't work with your deck, like The Podfather in a non-pea based deck.
Make sure to protect Seedling while it is on the field with plants that have the Team-Up trait, such as Shellery, since if taken out by a zombie, Seedling will not be able to transform into anything, wasting 2 sun and a potential free plant. You can also play it in Force Field so that it doesn't get taken out by a zombie and it can transform. However, only Spudow can do this naturally, and by the time you could consider Force Field, there are many other strong plays you could make.
If possible, play this card in the earlier turns, as less dangerous zombie fighters will appear due to the low number of brains the zombie hero may have, especially if the zombie hero has 0 brains and if any of the lanes are freely open. However, the player will still need to rely on luck on whether it will survive, as a zombie trick can easily destroy this.
The player can use tricks such as Fertilize to increase the health of Seedling, however, its health boost will not affect the plant it transforms into. Therefore, boosting tricks are not recommended, even if necessary, as the boost will be lost when it transforms. Instead, environments are a better idea. For example, Captain Combustible can play The Red Plant-It so that Seedling will gain a boost, which will still apply for the plant it transforms into since environments affect all plants in it.
Very rarely, Seedling may transform into Brainana. If that happens, your opponent will lose all their brains immediately at the start of the turn. In that case, you should apply maximum brute force against your opponent as their ways of recovering damage suffered are extremely limited, giving you a chance to greatly weaken their defense. However, keep in mind that cards which cost 0 can still be played, whether thanks to its base cost (like Swabbie) or the help of other cards (like Flag Zombie), and there are also cards that can give brains back, such as Gentleman Zombie.
Seedling also synergizes well with cards that require you to play plants for their ability. Muscle Sprout can be potentially boosted twice, however only Captain Combustible can primarily do this. It can also be used with Astro-Shroom 2 unblockable damage for each on the field. Seedling can also be played in Pair Pearadise to potentially activate its ability twice, or at least have two copies of a plant if one of them survives.
Usually, the AI in single player missions will never target this with zombies or tricks unless it blocks the way for a zombie, so playing Seedling may be a good idea to possibly get a strong plant.
Due to its low amount of health, you can simply use any low-cost zombie to destroy it, or cheap tricks such as Bungee Plumber or Rolling Stone. Take advantage of its low health with Frenzy zombies, such as Smashing Gargantuar, since they should be able to destroy the Seedling in one attack, which allows them to attack again, damaging anything behind it, and stat-degraders like Nibble or Acid Rain.
Please note that only official translations are used.
Simplified Chinese
lit. "Seedling"
Traditional Chinese
lit. "Plant Sapling"
Jeune pousse
Brazilian Portuguese
A Seedling can turn into another Seedling as it costs less than 6 sun.
Prior to update 1.12.16, viewing Seedling's stats during the "Fight!" phase would allow the player to see what it is transforming into, before it begins its animation to do so.
In AI battles, a player can tell whether or not something is going to be done to Seedling by tapping it and seeing if it transforms into a plant or not. If Seedling doesn't show what plant it transforms to, this means that Seedling is bound to be destroyed.
If it transforms into a plant with a "When played" ability, one will only see the end of the ability animation as the ability's animation will start before the Seedling has completed the transformation, causing the beginning to become hidden by Seedling's transformation animation.
It, Mirror-Nut and Sweet Potato all fire off the same projectile when attacking (a rainbow beam).
Formerly, its attack was firing a shockwave, in similarity to the one in Dandy Lion King's attack and that of many other cards.