He does not have any traits, and his ability draws a card if 6 or more sun has been made on the turn he is played. His closest zombie counterpart is Cell Phone Zombie.
Ability: When played: If you made at least 6 this turn, draw a card.
Set - Rarity: Premium - Rare
Card description[]
Got his start writing messages for fortune cookies.
Update history[]
Update 1.2.11[]
Set - Rarity change: Basic - Common → Premium - Uncommon
Update 1.14.13[]
Rarity change: Uncommon → Rare
Sage Sage is mostly like a Cell Phone Zombie whose ability can only be activated in the late-game. While Sage Sage has slightly better stats compared to Cell Phone Zombie, his situational ability makes Sage Sage inferior until 6 is made. An alternative to Sage Sage would be Morning Glory, who is cheaper and has better stats and more universal synergy.
However, despite the cons, Sage Sage still has his uses due to the Solar class' lack of card draw, which is crucial if you want to use Dino-Roar cards, unless you are playing as Chompzilla who leads the Mega-Grow class with good card draw. If you want to use this, though, it is advised that you run a ramp deck to activate his ability sooner, or simply wait until you can spam him later in the game.
It is not recommended to play Sage Sage while Quickdraw Con Man is on the field, as you will take unblockable damage from drawing a card.
Because he is used for his ability and not his stats, Sage Sage should not be that much of a threat. Sage Sage's ability encourages your opponent to play him much later in the game, when plants with stats these low have nowhere to stand.
However, if Sage Sage is played in the early game, be careful since he can still take your zombies down. Use weaker zombies to destroy him, as he only has 1 health. Total Eclipse and Trapper Territory keeps your zombies safe from him, as your opponent will never play him there. You can also play Quickdraw Con Man to discourage your opponent from playing this plant.
Sage Sage's statistics
Sage Sage's grayed out card
Sage Sage's card image
HD Sage Sage
Sage Sage's textures
Sage Sage being played
Sage Sage attacking from the player's point of view
Sage Sage attacking from the opponent's point of view