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Rural Backyard (农家后院; pinyin: Nóngjiā Hòuyuàn) is a Survival Mode-exclusive area in Plants vs. Zombies: Great Wall Edition. It is the backyard of a rural house, but unlike the front lawn (where the day and night stages take place) there are six rows on the lawn instead of five. The middle two rows are the pool, which requires the player to plant Lily Pads before most other plants.
Before the player buys Pool Cleaners, Lawn Mowers in the pool rows will kill only the first zombie or a compact group of zombies that steps out of the water and then splash into the pool. During the final wave of a round, Goose Tube Zombies of allthreetypes will surface from a 4x2 rectangle at the far right of the pool with or without seaweed on their heads.