Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
Flexibility is of key importance to the Red Stinger. โ€œI do stretching exercises every morning,โ€ he says. โ€œIt's important to stay physically and mentally nimble.โ€

โ€”Red Stingerโ€™s almanac entry in Plants vs. Zombies 2, and the quote part reused for Plants vs. Zombies Heroes.

For other uses, see Red Stinger (disambiguation).
Red Stinger HD

Red Stinger is a recurring plant character within in the Plants vs. Zombies franchise. Red Stinger's style of defense varies based on location, with the ability to either be a powerful attacker, tough defender, or right in between.

As of Plants vs. Zombies 3, Red Stinger has appeared in three games.



Red Stinger is based on the torch ginger (Etlingera elatior), also known as the red ginger, a flower found in tropical areas.

The meaning of his in-game name, however, is left unclear. As he does not sting anything, the most probable possibility is that "Red Stinger" is actually a pun on "red ginger," an alternative name of the plant he is based on. Internally, the projectiles are named "stingers," indicating that they are the stinging part.


Plants vs. Zombies 2[]

Main article: Red Stinger (PvZ2)
Red Stinger2

Red Stinger's first appearances is in Plants vs. Zombies 2, unlocked after beating Day 1 of Lost City. Red Stinger costs 150 sun with a fast recharge, but his ability changes depending on his location. When planted in columns 1-3, he fires two petals which deal 30 damage per petal, when planted in columns 4-6, he only deals 15 damage but has 900 HP and when planted in columns 7-9, he can't attack at all, but has 1,500 HP.

He is a member of the Appease-mint family, who boosts Red Stinger's petals by either 200 damage or 150 damage depending on location while he is on the lawn, while Red Stinger's Plant Food effect lets him fire a laser beam, slowing zombies down and dealing 690 damage to every zombie in the lane. The plant food ability is still weaker than Laser Bean, though.

Plants vs. Zombies: All Stars (China only) (Archived content)[]

Main article: Flame line
Red StingerAS

Red Stinger next appeared in the Chinese-exclusive turn-based game Plants vs. Zombies: All Stars as the second member of the Flame line, evolving from Coniferous Blaster and evolving into Firebloom Queen. His line specialized in dealing massive damage to single targets via bomb charges.

His active ability was Directional Blasting, which attacked the closest target in his lane 4 times in a row, with each projectile also being a fully charged bomb while his passive ability was Bombs Away! which let Red Stinger's normal attacks stack bomb charges. Bomb charges exploded once certain amount were stacked (4 in Red Stinger's case) or if the enemy could be defeated by them to deal heavy damage to the effected target.

His soulmates were members Tree line for a health boost, members of the Bomb line for an attack boost, and members of the Spray Mushroom line and Coconut line for a boost to his critical hit chance.

Plants vs. Zombies Heroes[]

Main article: Red Stinger (PvZH)
Red StingerH

Red Stinger's latest appearance is in the turn-based mobile card game Plants vs. Zombies Heroes, as a Event Flower in the PvZH Guardian IconGuardian class. He costs 4SunPvZH to play and usually has 2StrengthPvZH/7HeartPvZH with Team-Up. When this card is played behind another plant, he will become a 7StrengthPvZH/2HeartPvZH instead.

Unlike other event cards, Red Stinger was released for the iOS-exclusive Games for Red charity event, which made him exclusive to iOS users until April 11th, 2017, which allowed any player to craft Red Stinger for 2,000 sparks.


Red Stinger has a gallery!
Flame line Ability1
Visit this page to see it.
Flame line Ability1


  • A Level 1 Red Stingerโ€™s fully defensive form is weaker than the Level 1 Wall-Nut.
  • Despite him being a defensive and offensive at the same time, he does not get healed by Wall-Nut First Aid.
  • One of his costumes is a Robin Hood hat. The feather is changed to yellow because he is already red.
V ยท E
Recurring characters
Plants vs.
Peashooter ยท Sunflower ยท Cherry Bomb ยท Wall-nut ยท Potato Mine ยท Snow Pea ยท Chomper ยท Repeater ยท Puff-shroom ยท Sun-shroom ยท Fume-shroom ยท Grave Buster ยท Hypno-shroom ยท Scaredy-shroom ยท Ice-shroom ยท Doom-shroom ยท Lily Pad ยท Squash ยท Threepeater ยท Tangle Kelp ยท Jalapeno ยท Spikeweed ยท Torchwood ยท Tall-nut ยท Sea-shroom ยท Plantern ยท Cactus ยท Blover ยท Split Pea ยท Starfruit ยท Pumpkin ยท Magnet-shroom ยท Cabbage-pult ยท Flower Pot ยท Kernel-pult ยท Coffee Bean ยท Garlic ยท Umbrella Leaf ยท Marigold ยท Melon-pult ยท Gatling Pea ยท Twin Sunflower ยท Gloom-shroom ยท Cattail ยท Winter Melon ยท Spikerock ยท Cob Cannon ยท Imitater
Plants vs.
Fire Peashooter ยท Bamboo Shoot ยท Chilly Pepper ยท Power Flower
Plants vs.
Zombies 2
Bloomerang ยท Bonk Choy ยท Snapdragon ยท Coconut Cannon ยท Chili Bean ยท Lightning Reed ยท Laser Bean ยท Citron ยท E.M.Peach ยท Magnifying Grass ยท Red Stinger ยท Sweet Potato ยท Witch Hazel
Plants vs.
Zombies 2

Carrotillery ยท Dandelion ยท Tactical Cuke
Plants vs.
Venus Flytrap ยท Endurian
Plants vs.
Warfare 2
Rose ยท Kernel Corn
Plants vs.
Night Cap
Plants vs.
Browncoat Zombie ยท Flag Zombie ยท Conehead Zombie ยท Buckethead Zombie ยท Newspaper Zombie ยท Screen Door Zombie ยท All-Star ยท Disco Zombie ยท Backup Dancer ยท Ducky Tube Zombie ยท Snorkel Zombie ยท Balloon Zombie ยท Digger Zombie ยท Zombie Yeti ยท Gargantuar ยท Imp ยท Dr. Zomboss
Plants vs.
Great Wall
Talisman Zombie
Plants vs.
MC Zom-B
Plants vs.
Zombies 2
Zombie Chicken ยท Wizard Zombie ยท Zombot Sharktronic Sub
Plants vs.
Foot Soldier ยท Engineer ยท Scientist ยท Super-Fan Imp
Plants vs.
Warfare 2
Z-Mech ยท Super Brainz ยท Captain Deadbeard