He has the Bullseye trait, and his ability does 1 damage to the plant hero for each card they draw or conjure. This ability stacks with each Quickdraw Con Man on the field and persists until all Quickdraw Con Men are removed from the field.
His description is a reference to the proverb "forewarned is forearmed," meaning "prior knowledge of possible dangers or problems gives one a tactical advantage." It is also a pun, since "four" and "fore" are homophones.
The description might also be a reference to his beta incarnation, "Four-Armed Bandit," a fighter with 4/4 stat, whose evolution ability Conjures a zombie, a trick and an environment.
Class: Crazy
Tribes: Monster Zombie
Trait: Bullseye
Ability: When the Plant Hero draws a card, do 1 damage to them.
Set - Rarity: Colossal - Super-Rare
Card description[]
How did he know the Plants were coming? Because four-armed is forewarned.
Update history[]
Update 1.22.12[]
Added to the game.
Update 1.24.6[]
▼ Health change: 4 → 3
Update 1.60.79[]
▼ Tribe removed: Pirate
Arguably one of the strongest cards in the game, Quickdraw Con Man is extremely dangerous. He has 3 health, the Bullseye trait, and a persistent anti-draw ability, all in a 1-brain zombie. Quickdraw Con Man is easily an auto-include, a card that you can throw into nearly every Crazy deck and get good results from.
While not exactly the most popular strategy, milling your opponent so that they cannot block is a strategy that this definitely gains some use in. Because of his ability's anti-draw nature, it helps other Crazy cards like Exploding Fruitcake and Unexpected Gifts. It might be just 1 damage, but that is still worthwhile with Bullseye, especially against opponents that lack healing cards.
There is also utilizing this card's Bullseye for more aggressive playing above the persistent ability. First of all, all Crazy heroes have access to strength-boosting cards like Sugary Treat, which is able to make him a formidable threat that can deal massive unblockable damage to the opponent or their plants. Cards that deal direct damage like Bungee Plumber and Exploding Fruitcake can destroy plants and open up lanes for Quickdraw Con Man to hurt the plant hero, as well as protecting him from being damaged or destroyed. Additionally, synergies with cards from the other classes can also be of great help.
Electric Boogaloo and Z-Mech have a large assortment of boosting, but Hearty's support probably is more beneficial to Quickdraw Con Man because Hearty supports very fast and aggressive play, with its overall field support. Also, Quickdraw Con Man has a lot of health, so Hearty's specialty in health boosts and healing suits this zombie. Beastly, on the other hand, is more of a singular boost, and they are often expensive. That probably wouldn't work too well with Beastly if you are looking to use Quickdraw Con Man for his Bullseye trait. The only thing that could possibly work is Area 22, but aside from that, most boosting cards in the Beastly class just feel out of place, and don't benefit Quickdraw Con Man enough.
Professor Brainstorm can't exactly do much with him aside from using him alongside Regifting Zombie and Wormhole Gatekeeper, which is pretty little synergy all together, but that is still enough damage to feel like it is worth it. Since both of their stats are decent for their cost, and both draw enough cards (Regifting Zombie gives you extra cards and makes him do 1 damage to the plant hero, while Wormhole Gatekeeper can make his ability activate twice a turn) to make Quickdraw Con Man's damage mean a bit more, this combination can be deceptively insidious and effective, but it has nothing more to offer.
As for Impfinity, the synergy between this card and the Sneaky tribe has become limited ever since the removal of his pirate tribe. Preserving this zombie through the use of moving, bouncing and freezing cards like Smoke Bomb, Backyard Bounce and Frosty Mustache is possible, and giving him the Deadly trait using cards like Barrel of Barrels can partially make up for his lack of base strength, but only when he's in front of a plant. However, it might be better to just synergize it with other cards from the Crazy class.
But this card is strong on its own, so you're free to use anything else, as he doesn't need a lot of support. Quickdraw Con Man is simply a cheap, expendable card with a powerful ability. If required, Z-Mech and Impfinity do best.
Quickdraw Con Man can be very difficult to face. You would probably want to put something in front of him to whittle him down in combat. The most ideal example would be a plant with 2/2 or more so that it at least trades. Of course, many Crazy heroes will never hesitate to include Bungee Plumber in their decks to protect him so it can be difficult in practice.
It is a good idea to refrain from drawing extra cards if this is on the field unless you think it is worth it, as you will take more damage than if you don't.
If you can take him out right away with something cheap, go ahead. Superpowers are probably the least recommended to use, but by all means, use them if they are your only option. Haunted Pumpking, Primal Potato Mine, Bonk Choy, Galacta- Cactus and a couple of superpowers are the only single cards that can take him down on turn 1. Puff-Shroom paired with a 2-strength plant or Weed Whack also works. Particularly, when Quickdraw Con Man is played on the heights, a combination of Kernel-Pult and Puff-Shroom can remove him without any of them removed, though at the risk of clogging an important lane.
Things like Whack-a-Zombie and Sizzle can take him out later, but you'd be better off using Berry Blast or other similar cards because most things that can defeat him cost more than he does.
Another way to make the Zombie Hero think twice about playing this card is by using cards with Dino-Roar, which benefit from card draw. All Plants with Dino-Roar will gain a stat boost from drawing cards, except for Aloesaurus and Lima-Pleurodon. Aloesaurus will completely nullify Quickdraw Con Man's ability, as it heals all Plants and the Plant Hero by 1. Lima-Pleurodon is not recommended due to the fact that it shuffles in Magic Beanstalk, which draw cards and activate Quickdraw Con Man's ability.
The best counter to this zombie is Soul Patch, as Quickdraw Con Man's regular attack and ability will be completely absorbed by him, plus Soul Patch himself will not take any damage due to his Armored 1 trait. However, you need to cleverly control the field and/or heal yourself to make sure you can survive until turn 7, and watch out for Electric Boogaloo and Impfinity, who can easily remove him with Bouncing, Deadly, and instant-kills.