Punk Zombie is the fifth zombie encountered in Neon Mixtape Tour in Plants vs. Zombies 2 (the sixth in the Chinese version). He is the first zombie encountered that corresponds to a specific jam (the second in the Chinese version). When the punk jam is playing, he will start tap dancing and kick the plants he encounters to the nearest empty tile to the left, if there is no empty tiles are available, the plant will be kicked off the lawn directly, similarly to Mecha-Football Zombie. He can be killed instantly by Magnet-shroom, which attracts his head, due to the fact that his head is full of metal.
Punk Zombie has a large thick pink mohawk with a blue streak filling in a quarter near the back. A large piercing is somehow attached to the top of the mohawk. His piercings are placed on one where his ear should be (left) and another on his right eyebrow. He has a septum piercing, a labret piercing, and a side labret piercing as well. His eyebrow, earlobe, septum and side labret piercing are all thick silver hoops. The piercing in his mohawk is a captive bead ring and his labret piercing is a flat back labret stud.
He wears a plain red shirt covered by a black leather jacket with what appears to be an imprint of a skull on the back. On his shoulder(s) is three silver spike studs and under, on the rest of the sleeves are three silver dome studs spread down evenly. He wears a black leather belt and a black choker with the same studs that resembles the collar of the Zombot from the first game. At the end of the jacket is a giant silver safety pin. The pants he wears are maroon tartan with orange stripes.
His combat boots are black with the front portion being steel-toe with four large silver spikes at the tips. He also has a pair of fingerless black leather gloves.
Almanac entry[]
Punk Zombie
Moshes plants back a space when his jam is playing.
Modern Day: Days 9, 20, 25, 34, 43 and "Electrical Boogaloo" Epic Quest - Step 1
Like all other special-ability zombies in Neon Mixtape Tour, Punk Zombie is only a problem during his jam. Combining the increased speed of zombies and incoming Neon Bucketheads or Hair Metal Gargantuars protecting him, Punk Zombie can destroy defenses with ease.
An easy way to defeat him is to use Magnet-shroom to take his head and kill him instantly. This action requires a relatively small recharge time for Magnet-shroom compared to other metallic objects. However, when these zombies come in large hordes, multiple Magnet-shrooms or the use of Plant Food may be needed. As a bonus, using Magnet-shroom can also give you an achievement, Head Banger . If you don't have Magnet-shroom available, you can use whatever strategy you used against Mecha-Football Zombie, except that he cannot be stunned by an E.M.Peach. Plants such as Spikerock and Celery Stalker can help to defeat him, as he cannot push Spikerocks or Celery Stalker (when hiding).
Laser Bean and Fume-shroom are useful for killing multiple Punk Zombies in groups, as well as other zombies. It is not recommended to use Laser Bean and Fume-shroom when a Glitter Zombie is nearby though. Guacodile is useful against this zombie, given that it pushes Guacodile, which will then rush and heavily damage all of the zombies in the row, which will kill the Punk Zombie and other weaker zombies. Primal Peashooters are also useful against this zombie. Due to their ability to push zombies backwards, they can keep a single Punk Zombie away from your other plants, as well as Glitter Zombies and MC Zom-Bs. However, be careful when Arcade Zombie's arcade machines are nearby, as the peas will hit the arcade machine, acting like a barrier. Spore-shrooms and Witch Hazels are a good choice as Punk Zombie can only move one plant at a time, unlike Mecha-Football Zombie or Ankylosaurus. The newly created Spore-shrooms and Puff-shrooms can serve a distraction to him as he will waste time having to target them first.
Magnifying Grass is also a great way of effortlessly dealing with Punk Zombies as Punk Zombie has low health and his speed during his jam is increased more than other zombies, allowing Magnifying Grass to shoot him without having to shoot through other zombies. Additionally, Magnifying Grass can kill Punk Zombie with only one shot and its Plant Food ability can kill multiple Punk Zombies easily. However, always be aware of your sun amount. A Pea Pod with 5 heads is a good idea as they can easily destroy a Punk Zombie with 3 shots.
Infi-nut's force field is very useful to stop several Punk Zombies as they kick the force field instead of the actual plant behind it. However, the force field is vulnerable to Glitter Zombie, MC-ZOM-B and Hair Metal Gargantuar.
Escape Root is an effective way if you have another plant close to the Punk Zombie and you don't want him to push it further as the plant will be protected when swapped. In addition, the Escape Root cannot be pushed and will convert to an explosive plant instead which will instantly destroy him and other zombies, depending on the explosive plant summoned.
Hocus Crocus is a good choice against Punk Zombies as they tend to move a lot faster than other zombies during the punk jam. Additionally, she can teleport them back, which prevents them from pushing your plants any further.
Punk Zombies are surprisingly useful in levels such as Save Our Seeds. Kicking the endangered plant will move it back from harm from any other zombie. However, the player still needs to kill the Punk Zombie before he completely kicks the endangered plant out of the lawn.
His head is absorbed by Magnet-shroom in much less time than other metallic objects.
His head, unlike other metallic objects, goes around the Magnet-shroom and disappears instead of getting attracted to the center of the plant and shrinking until it disappears.
His head cannot be shot to zombies with Magnet-shroom's Plant Food ability.
He will stop jamming if he gets hypnotized.
He will lose an arm even if the Magnet-shroom pulls his head off.
A glitch found in the game is that while being brought back to the last column by Thyme Warp, Magnet-shroom can still take away Punk Zombie's head. This will result in a headless Punk Zombie with full health (due to Thyme Warp's healing) which acts like a normal Punk Zombie that is immune to magnet-shroom.
The only time he can eat a plant while the punk jam is playing is when he encounters plants like Grave Buster. He will not push the Grave Buster for it cannot be on a blank tile or on another Tombstone.
He is voiced by Patrick Gunn according to the credits.
In Modern Day, he moves slower, due to the lack of jam speeds in that world.
In Blastberry Vine's Tournament, he can kick plants onto graves.