Its ability is based on its ability to knock back zombies in said game.
Its description and its statistics (excluding its cost, technically) make a reference to prime numbers, which are numbers only divisible by one or itself, and how "primal" sounds similar to "prime" (1 is not considered a prime number, but 2, 3, 5, 7, ,11 and 31 are).
Class: Smarty
Tribe: Pea Plant
Traits: None
Ability: When this hurts a Zombie, Bounce that Zombie.
Set - Rarity: Triassic - Uncommon
Card description[]
Found in groups of 3, 5, 7, 11, and 31.
Update history[]
Update 1.24.6[]
Added to the game.
Although this plant is decent for a 1-sun plant, there are better turn 1 plays to make than it. Instead, Primal Peashooter's main use is to Bounce zombies that are causing trouble on the field for a cheap price.
Primal Peashooter benefits from cards like Torchwood and The Podfather due to its pea tribe, but keep in mind that Primal Peashooter must accumulate enough strength, as the ones it can't destroy get their stats reset. Primal Peashooter is also a great addition to a Bouncing deck with Jelly Bean, because every time Primal Peashooter hurts a zombie, Jelly Bean will get +1/+1. However, only Green Shadow, Citron, and Beta-Carrotina can boost Primal Peashooter's health to use it for long.
Just like any Bouncing card, good zombies to Bounce include those that get more dangerous the longer they stay on the field, such as Energy Drink Zombie, Aerobics Instructor, and Unlife of the Party, as well as Nurse Gargantuar as a special example as their abilities will not activate even if they do damage, while bad choices are zombies with "When played" abilities, unless Primal Peashooter has enough strength to destroy them instead.
Unlike other Bouncing cards, Primal Peashooter has no limits on how many zombies it can Bounce, as long as it can do damage to them (and optimally survive to fight another turn). However, since Primal Peashooter needs to do damage to the zombie, damaging, stat-degrading, and instant-kill cards can destroy it before it can Bounce anything, Freezing cards can stop it from attacking, while shielded zombies and Knight of the Living Dead (only if Primal Peashooter's strength isn't boosted at all) do not take damage from its attack. Primal Peashooter is also limited in terms of placement, and cannot deal with threats on aquatic lanes unless it is played on Lily Pad.
Primal Peashooter may be a weak plant statwise and will most likely be destroyed after one attack, but its ability is dangerous since it can Bounce your zombies and remove their boosts. Not even Frenzy zombies will do a bonus attack after destroying Primal Peashooter.
You can take advantage of its ability by playing zombies with "When played" abilities on Primal Peashooter's lane. However, if your zombie becomes a bigger threat than its ability, your opponent may not hesitate to Bounce it.
Please note that only official translations are used.
Primal Peashooter
Simplified Chinese
lit. "Pirmal Peashooter"
Traditional Chinese
lit. "First Generation Peashooter"
원시 완두콩 슈터
Lanzaguisantes primitivo
Unlike in Plants vs. Zombies 2, Primal Peashooter shoots two normal peas instead of a rock-like pea, as it shares the same sprites and animations as Repeater.