She does not have any traits, and her ability gives her +1/+1 every time a plant gains strength, health, or both on the field while she is held in the plant hero's hand.
It is currently unknown what exact plant Potted Powerhouse is based on, but she somewhat appears to be a zucchini with leaves sprouting around it. It does not have the Squash tribe, however.
Her name is a combination of "potted," referring to the fact that she lives in a pot, and "powerhouse," referring to her ability.
Class: Mega-Grow
Tribe: Leafy Plant
Traits: None
Ability: While in your hand: This gets +1/+1 when a Plant gains Strength or Health.
Set - Rarity: Premium - Super-Rare
Card description[]
She loves living out of a pot. It's not for every Plant. But to her, it's home.
Update history[]
Update 1.2.11[]
▲ Strength change: 1 → 3
▲ Health change: 1 → 3
▼ Sun cost change: 4 → 5
Update 1.60.79[]
▲ Strength change: 3 → 4
▲ Health change: 3 → 4
Potted Powerhouse can be a devastating plant if played well, similar to how a Valkyrie will end up in the hands of Professor Brainstorm . Her ability can be paired with self-boosting plants such as Muscle Sprout and Doubled Mint, or with most Dino-Roar plants since they tend to boost either their strength or health when you draw cards (think Apotatosaurus, Bananasaurus Rex, Tricarrotops, Veloci-Radish Hunter, and Veloci-Radish Hatchling), and if protected with a plant with the Team-Up trait or with more health, she can end the game very early.
Shielding this plant with the superpower Root Wall is a good idea to avoid damage from zombie tricks or fighters, but only if you are Grass Knuckles. Take note that healing abilities in plants like Geyser do not boost the Potted Powerhouse, even if the health increases. Another good idea is to try and shuffle it into your starting hand, so that way you can buff it earlier.
Using Anti-Hero plants can help this because every time a zombie in front of an Anti-Hero plant is removed, (either by destroying or moving it), the Anti-Hero ability activating on the plant will, in turn, activate this plant's ability. Only Captain Combustible can do this normally. You can also use Banana Peel to move the zombie blocking it back and forth. If you get lucky enough, you will keep Conjuring another Banana Peel, boosting Potted Powerhouse even more.
Any plant or trick that boosts multiple plants can boost this by a lot. These include (NOTE: The ones in bold mean Captain Combustible can only perform this strategy. The ones in italics mean Grass Knuckles can only perform this strategy. The ones in bold and italics mean Captain Combustible and Grass Knuckles can only perform each strategy respectively):
Berry Angry, Storm Front - Best when more plants are on the field, especially Team-Up plants.
Spineapple, Loco Coco - Best with a lot of 0 plants on the field. Can also apply to nut decks.
Steel Magnolia & Cro-Magnolia - Best with plants that are closer to each other, especially Team-Up plants, but take note that Cro-Magnolia requires a plant to Evolve on for the ability to trigger.
Vegetation Mutation - Best when there are more plants on heights and environments.
Consider playing Plant Food or Espresso Fiesta when this plant has high strength as she would most likely get destroyed immediately or blocked by a zombie. This will damage whatever is in front of her for a lot, assuming Potted Powerhouse has been boosted enough.
As Grass Knuckles, you should avoid playing Potted Powerhouse when Three-Nut is on the field, as Three-Nut will forcibly set its strength to 3 and erase any previous strength boosts. Three-Nut also has no meaningful synergies as it does not activate Potted Powerhouse' ability.
Avoid Bouncing this plant with Rescue Radish (Green Shadow only) as he will reset her stats to 3/3, requiring you to boost her again.
Potted Powerhouse is just as strong as a Valkyrie in terms of mechanics. If you leave this plant and other self-boosting plants alone, she could become a tremendous threat. Try disposing of this plant as soon as possible. When fighting against a Mega-Grow hero, try to focus on getting rid of any plants that boost themselves such as Pea Pod or Bananasaurus Rex, because leaving these plants alive could possibly be boosting a Potted Powerhouse in the plant hero's hand.
If it gets out of hand, try to Bounce this plant or save tricks such as Rocket Science and Locust Swarm. A deadly, disposable zombie, such as Cosmic Imp or Smelly Zombie, will also work.
Please note that only official translations are used.
Potted Powerhouse
Simplified Chinese
lit. "Luxuriant Potted Plant"
Traditional Chinese
lit. "Potted Plant Powerhouse"
Super-plante en pot
Kraftpaket im Topf
Centrale elettrica invasata
천하장사 화분
Brazilian Portuguese
Potência Envasada
"Vased Potencial"
Эл. станция в горшке
Poder en maceta
"Potted Power"
Since Potted Powerhouse's stats are increased while she is in your hand, her stats do not appear green when played. However, when Shrink Ray or Landscaper is played to lower Potted Powerhouse's strength, the stats become green as if she were boosted while on the field, as long as the resulting stats are higher than her original stats.
This has been patched since update 1.14.13, because her stats become green while in your hand and when played as long as her stats are higher than her base stats.