It costs 1 to play and has 1. It has the Team-Up trait, and its ability does 2 damage to a Zombie on its lane when it is destroyed.
In the boss battle of the mission The Great Cave Raid, Spudow starts with a Potato Mine on the middle lane. In the boss battle of the mission Attack of the Explosive Spuds!, Spudow starts with a Potato Mine, and makes a new one at the start of each turn.
It is based on the plant with the same name and appearance (specifically, his Plants vs. Zombies 2 counterpart).
Class: Guardian
Tribe: Root Plant
Trait: Team-Up
Ability: When destroyed: Do 2 damage to a zombie here.
Set - Rarity: Premium - Uncommon
Card description[]
"I'm starchy and explosive!"
Update history[]
Update 1.14.13[]
Set - Rarity change: Basic - Common → Premium - Uncommon
Potato Mine's role is to remove early-game zombies, and also protect any valuable plants using its Team-Up trait, essentially making it a frail glass cannon shield that can only do damage once. While that seems inferior compared to dedicated early-game walls and glass cannons, especially Shellery, you get to make use of Potato Mine upon it being destroyed in any phase, unlike most plants that get completely wasted when destroyed before the Fight! phase. Aside from that, any strategies regarding Team-Up shields and early-game attacks apply to this plant as well.
Potato Mine's biggest weakness is that its ability cannot hurt your opponent, so it will be wasted if it is destroyed when there isn't a zombie on its lane. Thus, cards with damaging abilities and Space Cowboy (as he will move before Potato Mine activates its ability) are huge counters to it.
Zombies with the Frenzy or the Strikethrough trait can also bypass Potato Mine's shielding properties; however, this issue is relatively minor in the early game as there are only a few early-game zombies with such traits. And finally, Knight of the Living Dead and shielded zombies completely nullify its ability.
If Potato Mine is played in front of a zombie, use Sumo Wrestler, Terrify, or Rodeo Gargantuar to move it. If Potato Mine is on a lane with no zombies due to it being moved or simply being played there to protect a plant, you can safely destroy it since its ability can only harm your zombies and not you.
Rolling Stone, Bungee Plumber, Nibble, and Conga Zombie are some of the best options to destroy it from afar. Knight of the Living Dead and shielded zombies are able to destroy Potato Mine themselves without taking any damage.
Or, if you are a Beastly or Hearty hero, you can boost the zombie's stats to help it survive Potato Mine's ability (and an attack from the plant behind it).