However, Poison Oak being an oak tree is a visual pun on the word "oak" in "poison oak," as the poison oak, in real life, is a woody vine instead of an actual tree.
Poison Oak does not have the best stats for a 6-sun plant, but it still can tank a few hits while fighting back with decent strength. But keep in mind that it is meant to attack your opponent and can be overwhelmed by zombies of the same cost, such as Deep Sea Gargantuar, Wizard Gargantuar, and Zombot Sharktronic Sub. Therefore, you should consider carefully when and where to play Poison Oak.
The safest situation to play it is when your opponent uses all their brains to play zombies, allowing you to play Poison Oak safely on an unoccupied lane, although you are better off blocking attacks with it if the combined zombies' damage is greater than Poison Oak's damage, unless its attack will win you the game.
Each Kabloom hero has their own strategies with Poison Oak:
Solar Flare can make more sun, allowing her to play Poison Oak earlier and make it harder for your opponent to counter it.
Captain Combustible can boost it with tricks like Fertilize or Blazing Bark, making it hit harder, move zombies in its way with cards like Banana Peel, or play Time to Shine on it to either clear its path or do 9 damage straight to his opponent. He can also take advantage of its Anti-Hero in an attempt to boost Potted Powerhouse.
Spudow is a slight mix of Nightcap and Captain Combustible, as he has both Team-Up plants like Pea-Nut or Prickly Pear, as well as moving cards like Gardening Gloves or Bubble Up (to move Poison Oak itself, in this case). He can also use Spikeweed Sector to destroy weak zombies that are blocking it.
But in spite of these, Poison Oak is generally a weak plant as it is unreliable and expensive, and also rivaled by few other plants that do the same job; Poison Ivy and Poison Mushroom function better as Anti-Hero plants, and if you want to look for expensive finishers, Kernel Corn and Gloom-Shroom are far better due to them having field-clearing abilities.
Destroy it as quickly as you can before it ends up doing 9 damage to you. You can block Poison Oak with zombies until it is destroyed. However, the easiest and fastest way to destroy it is to use instant-kill cards such as Cut Down to Size, Locust Swarm, and Rocket Science.
Using Fire Rooster along with Zombot Sharktonic Sub against it can also finish it off very quickly. Deadly zombies can also destroy it in a single hit. If you predict that your opponent might play this, do not spend all your brains on zombies, as otherwise, you will be left with nothing to block it.
Please note that only official translations are used.
Poison Oak
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Quercia velenosa
Brazilian Portuguese
Ядовитый дуб
Roble venenoso
It has the highest Anti-Hero stat in the game, with Anti-Hero 5.
It also has the highest base stats out of the Anti-Hero Cards
Its description mentions Poison Ivy and Poison Mushroom, which are coincidentally all the Anti-Hero plants in the game.
It has an unused animation where it shoots out the poison from its trunk like a cannon and grunts. This was probably when Anti-Hero did something else or when Poison Oak had an ability.