Its description and idle animation are a reference to how in real life, when some animals (including humans) come into contact with poison ivy, the area of the skin that came into contact with the plant becomes itchy.
Class: Kabloom
Tribes: Leafy Berry Plant
Trait: Anti-Hero 4
Abilities: None
Set - Rarity: Premium - Uncommon
Card description[]
"Guess who's itching for a fight? This guy right here!"
Update history[]
Update 1.12.6[]
▲ Tribe added: Berry
Update 1.14.13[]
Set - Rarity change: Basic - Common → Premium - Uncommon
Poison Ivy is mostly used as an anti-hero plant due to its high strength when no zombies are in its lane. You should generally try to clear its way with tricks like Spring Bean and Berry Blast so it can take a quarter of your opponent's health.
Due to it being a berry plant, it can synergize with Sergeant Strongberry, so that 7 damage can be done to the zombie hero, or 3 damage to a zombie on its lane. It can also help boost High-Voltage Currant as a result.
Any zombie that has 3 or more strength and/or 2 or more health can destroy Poison Ivy in combat, while a Gravestone zombie serves as an effective blocker since it is immune to almost every trick. However, you should still beware since your opponent may also have some tricks up its sleeve, namely moving tricks.
it has an unused animation where it grows bigger, gets angrier & flexes its muscles. This was most likely when Anti-Hero did something else, or when it had an ability.