Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
Chinese Dave Bust
This article is about content available solely in the People's Republic of China.
A plague has swept this era.
This article is about content that is no longer available. As such, it is archived.

Plants vs. Zombies: Great Wall Edition (植物大战僵尸: 长城版; pinyin: zhíwù dàzhàn jiāngshī: chángchéng bǎn) was a Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies which was released on May 18, 2012. It featured re-skinned zombies and Great Wall which fit the Great Wall theme, and some minor gameplay changes.

On iOS, it was known as Plants vs. Zombies: China Edition (植物大战僵尸中国版;pinyin: zhíwù dàzhàn jiāngshī zhōngguó bǎn).

In the 1.12 update on Android, Journey to the West episodes were added into the game, which were later added into Plants vs. Zombies: Endless Edition. In the 2.1 update on Android, the game was renamed to Plants vs. Zombies: Journey To The West Edition (植物大战僵尸西游版; pinyin: Zhíwù dàzhàn jiāngshī xīyóu bǎn). The Journey to the West episodes could now be played for free in this game. Note that Hero Plants and some of the newer plants from Plants vs. Zombies: Endless Edition, along with the underwater chapters, were exclusive to Plants vs. Zombies: Endless Edition.

It has since been removed from the Google Play Store in all countries and the App Store of most countries including China due to the game's official support ended. The remaining countries can now download the game for free from the App Store (does not work with newer iOS versions such as iOS 11).

Exclusive Features[]

China Museum[]

China Museum was a survival mode exclusive of the game that included areas such as Survival Modes:

Future Stars Level (Android Exclusive)[]

Future Stars icon It was a re-skinned version of Seeing Stars.


Main Article: Mall

Game icons[]


Returning Plants[]

New Plants[]

  • Pepper-shaped firecracker plant (lawnmower) (iOS)
  • "Jalapeno-which-can-destroy-all-zombies-on-the-lawn" (summons Jalapenos on every lane) (Only in iOS)


Returning Zombies (iOS)[]

Returning Zombies (Android)[]

New Zombies (iOS)[]

New Zombies (Android)[]

Update history[]


Main article: Plants vs. Zombies: Great Wall Edition/Concepts


Plants vs. Zombies: Great Wall Edition has a gallery!
PvZ Great Wall Edition Logo HD
Visit this page to see it.
PvZ Great Wall Edition Logo HD


  • Sounds in Android version of this game are lower quality compared to original. This is because of heavy sound compression, done by developers due to most Chinese hardware being inferior to worldwide hardware at that time.
    • As a result, the only song that plays in Android version is Grasswalk.
    • However, many Chinese players at that time argued that the hardware was totally capable of running the full game and complained about the compression.
    • The iOS version, however, doesn't suffer from these problems.
  • This is the second Chinese Plants vs. Zombies game where there is more than one Survival: Endless mode, the first one being Plants vs. Zombies: Endless Edition.