It costs 4 to play, and its ability gives a selected plant +1/+1, then makes it do a bonus attack. Its closest zombie counterparts are Yeti Lunchbox and Lurch for Lunch.
Abilities: A Plant gets +1/+1 then does a Bonus Attack.
Set - Rarity: Premium - Rare
Card description[]
The most important meal of the day.
While this trick only gives a small stat boost for its sun cost, the fact that it can make a plant do a bonus attack makes it more powerful. Using it with Re-Peat Moss can make it do two bonus attacks, which can be devastating if its strength is high.
Party Thyme is also a useful plant to use with this trick, as you draw an extra card. As Chompzilla, playing it on Venus Flytrap or any plant in Venus Flytraplanet can allow it to attack once more in order to heal her again.
While mostly ignored, the added stat boost is very considerable at times. Using it correctly allows certain plants to make quick work of zombies with the Armored trait, or maybe let your plant take one more hit from a certain zombie.
This can be used more effectively on plants with attacking traits:
Double Strike plants like Gatling Pea and Bananasaurus Rex can take out a zombie that stands in their way, allowing it to damage the zombie hero twice during the "Fight!" phase.
Splash Damage plants can take out powerful threats or Deadly zombies, as well as do damage to the other zombies next to it. Note that the Splash Damage isn't affected and is always the same. Only Green Shadow can do this normally.
Anti-Hero plants can take out a weak zombie on its way to do a whopping damage to the opposing hero on the "Fight!" phase. Only Captain Combustible can do this normally.
Counters to this trick are Bonus Track Buckethead and Gargantuar Mime, as Bonus Track Buckethead can disable that plant's bonus attack while Gargantuar Mime can copy that plant's bonus attack, unless you use it on Imitater, which happens to be a weak plant, so remove them first before playing it.
There is not much that you are able to do. In retaliation, bouncing the boosted plant can work. Using Deadly zombies as well can eliminate the threat.
However, the bonus attack is the unavoidable part unless the selected plant is targeting a Gravestone or shielded zombie. Additionally, playing Defensive End can increase its cost, which makes it less cost-effective.
The best counter, however, is Bonus Track Buckethead, as his ability negates the bonus attack of this trick, turning it into a weak boost for a high price. Gargantuar Mime is also a perfect solution, unless the trick is used on Imitater.
However, if none of those options are available, the only ways to prevent damage to your hero is to either time your block meter so that you get a guaranteed block, or to have a zombie tanky enough to stand two attacks. Also, avoid using all your cards and having nothing to block the plants' attacks, especially those that can lead to your defeat.