It is based on a bell pepper, a group of the species Capsicum annuum that produces fruits in different colors, and a doctor, a professional who practices medicine.
Its name is a combination of "pepper," the real-life plant it is based on, and "M.D." (doctor of medicine), referring to its appearance and ability. It could also be a pun on the soda beverage Dr. Pepper.
Its description is an allusion to its ability, as benefiting a plant's health (healing) benefits Pepper M.D.'s health too (getting more health).
Class: Solar
Tribe: Fruit Plant
Traits: None
Ability: This gets +2/+2 when a Plant or your Hero is healed.
Set - Rarity: Premium - Uncommon
Card description[]
"A toast to your health... and mine!"
Update history[]
Update ????[]
Rarity change: Uncommon → Common
Update 1.14.13[]
Set - Rarity change: Basic - Common → Premium - Uncommon
Update ????[]
Description change: Quotation marks were added on the start and end of its description.
Update 1.22.13[]
▲ Tribe change: Pepper → Fruit
Pepper M.D.'s only viable use would be as an attacker in a healing deck and can be substituted easily otherwise, but it can get pretty deadly and even unstoppable in said deck.
You can play Pepper M.D. on turn 2 safely due to the turn order and then set up from there, but it may be better to play it later and then rush out on the healing, primarily to prevent your opponent from hastily destroying it with something like Bungee Plumber or Rolling Stone, as well as to give your opponent a bit of a surprise and force them to deal with Pepper M.D. The Solar class has many healing options, but they all vary in effectiveness:
Ketchup Mechanic, Lil' Buddy and Geyser are probably the best when it comes to boosting Pepper M.D. for various reasons. Geyser heal both the Plant Hero and every other plant on the field, causing Pepper M.D. to gain extreme amounts of stats each time its occur. Lil' Buddy is effective due to its low cost, allowing you to get 4/4 worth of stats on turn 2. Not only that, Lil' Buddy also allows you to play on lane with Pepper M.D. other strong cards like Cob Cannon and Elderberry that will allow you to deal a lot of damage. Ketchup Mechanic is a card that is good on its own, so you can always add this card to a deck with Pepper M.D.
Aloesaurus and Poppin' Poppies are second most effective cards for that. Both will be able to heal multiple times, but is expensive.
Venus Flytrap and Venus Flytraplanet are pretty average healing cards, as you get healed every time damage is done, resulting in a +2/+2 boost for Pepper M.D. per attack. Venus Flytrap is cheap, but only counts as one attack, while Venus Flytraplanet costs more, can be easily overridden, and requires the plants inside to survive the attacks thrown at them, though it can possibly count as two attacks instead of one, doubling the boost per turn. Chompzilla can even use Double-Strike plants to ensure even more healing each turn.
Power Flower is expensive and heals you only once per turn, which is objectively worse than Venus Flytrap and Venus Flytraplanet, as these two can heal more using bonus attacks (although limited to Chompzilla). However, it isn't the worst, and a +2/+2 boost per turn can still be worth it.
2nd-Best Taco of All Time, and Astro Vera are perhaps the worst out of the group. Since they only heal one target once, playing one of them results in a +2/+2 boost only once (not to mention that the last example is very expensive).
While not a healing card, the special rule of No Joke at the Junkyard works well with Pepper M.D. too, giving it +2/+2 at the start of every turn (essentially acting as a permanent Power Flower).
Since in order to activate Pepper M.D. you need to heal, let your opponent attack your hero because healing doesn't work if you have full health.
Chompzilla and Wall-Knight are the two best heroes to use Pepper M.D. Besides having access to Geyser, one of the most potent ways to boost Pepper M.D., they each have their own unique strategies to use with it.
Chompzilla can use Pepper M.D.'s ability to boost Potted Powerhouse in her hand, allowing her to grow a strong card and prepare another strong one in case Pepper M.D. fails to make an impact. She also has bonus attack cards that allow her to potentially end the game, stat-boosting cards to increase the health of plants, Umbrella Leaf to protect Pepper M.D. from tricks. While Wall-Knight doesn't have access to Umbrella Leaf or bonus attack cards, most of his plant cards from the Guardian class have high health, which will benefit greatly from the aforementioned Geyser. He also has access to Poppin' Poppies, a particularly good plant for boosting Pepper M.D.
However, there are a few things that can ruin these strategies. Instant-kill cards like Rocket Science and Locust Swarm can easily lay waste to Pepper M.D., and Deadly zombies only need a single hit to destroy it. Sneezing Zombie is also a big counter, as she prevents you and your plants from getting healed. However, Sneezing Zombie is usually only available at turn 4 onwards, with a handful of exceptions.
Pepper M.D. may have average stats, but it will be able to grow a lot to wreak havoc easily, especially since your opponent will be running a healing deck with Lil' Buddies. You can stop Pepper M.D. before it gets too powerful by using tricks such as Bungee Plumber or Rolling Stone, or attack it with a zombie. Beastly heroes can also use Sneezing Zombie to shut down plant healing.
But if Pepper M.D. does get too powerful, instant-kill cards like Rocket Science, Locust Swarm and Deadly zombies would be your best options. Bouncing it is also a good option as it resets its stats back to normal, although Pepper M.D. can be played again.