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Chinese Dave Bust
This article is about content available solely in the People's Republic of China.
For the international version of the game mode, see Penny's Pursuit.

Penny's Pursuit (潘妮的追击; pinyin: Pān nī de zhuījí) is a mode that was released in the 2.5.0 update in Plants vs. Zombies 2 (Chinese version). Unlike the international mode, this mode is completely different such as: a leaderboard, having seasons, and having ZomBotany zombies.


In Penny's Pursuit, there are 3 difficulties to choose from for a level: Level 1 Zombies (easy), Level 3 Zombies (medium), and Level 6 Zombies (hard). Once loaded into a level at any difficulty, the player can select Perks to use in the level. The player can choose one Perk for free, but additional Perks will cost gems to use in the level (with 5 gems cost for each perk). Different from the international version, it costs 5 fuels at any difficulty only when the player finishes the game. Quitting the game or restarting does not cost any fuel. (There's no surrender option in the Chinese version) The player can start a new level only when they have 5 or more fuels.

Depending on the difficulty, the zombies available and the objectives the player can complete may change. Also, harder difficulties can take away certain benefits and zombies have stronger health and faster eating rate than usual, the level of difficulty can also decrease the number of lawn mowers, the number of seed slots, how often sun drops from the sky, how much sun you start within a level, the amount of Plant Food you start within a level, the maximum amount of sun you can bank up, and preparation time before the first wave starts. Once the player selects their level, difficulty, and Perks for the level, they're able to play levels that are in different styles: normal zombie attacks, Arena style levels, Last Stand levels, timed levels and mini-games. There are also bonus objectives which the player can complete to upgrade their Perks. Once a level is completed, the player can receive rewards and ZPS Points, which is used to fuel a meter to fight Dr. Zomboss. The player starts fighting with Dr. Zomboess by tapping the fuel meter.

Level 1 Zombies (easy) difficulty levels fill up your ZPS by 15%, Level 3 Zombies (medium) difficulty levels fill it up by 20%, and Level 6 Zombies (hard) difficulty levels fill it up by 30%. Once your fuel meter reaches 100%, you can fight Dr. Zomboss (unless you have already fought him recently) up to 3 times for a chance to claim rewards. ZPS will not increase if you try to gain more after reaching 100% (or higher). The overall difficulty of the Zomboss level (such as starting sun, seed slots and zombie level) increases each time. After fighting Dr. Zomboss 3 times, the waiting time to regain ZPS is 10 hours. The player can also choose to get doubled award fighting Dr. Zomboss while his resting time doubles (20 hours).

Perks are upgraded in a different manner than in international version. If at least one of bonus objectives was complete, player will be presented with a choice to get a perk of a certain level. Perk level is dependent on the level player has beaten: completing level 1 will grant level 1 perks, level 2 will grant level 3 perks, and so on up until level 9 perks. Perks can be upgraded non-linear, and level 1 perk can be upgraded straight away to level 9. Player always starts with level 1 Boss Buster, Score Boost and Penny Shield perks.

Additionally, there is an exclusive currency in this version, which can allow player to buy pendant, puzzle, coin and resource for upgrading artifact. To obtain it, player must beat a random level or fighting Zomboss. The more difficult the level is, the more currencies you can receive. You can also receive these currency by completing mission from various events.

Unique to the Chinese version of this game mode are effects unique to the event. These can either make or break the level, as they can either give your plants an advantage or a disadvantage.

Similar to Arena, Endless Challenge, and PvP Mode, there is a leaderboard. The higher the score the player has, the higher their rank will be. The higher their rank is, the more rewards they will get at the end of the week.

After reaching the last league, Ruby, chests can be obtained by reaching high scores:

  • Reaching 10000 points: 10000 coins and 100 gems.
  • Reaching 12000 points: 20000 coins and 200 gems.
  • Reaching 14000 points: 50000 coins and 400 gems.

Week effects[]

Each week one effect is applied to all levels, which either boosts zombies or weakens plants. Known effects are:

  • All zombies can deflect physical projectiles, similar to Jester Zombie.
  • All zombies explode after death in 1x1 range.
  • All basic zombies and their armored variations become Buckethead Zombies.
  • All zombies are sped up.
  • Zombot gains health boost after losing each health bar.
  • All plants start damaged.
  • Plant Food can't be used on melee plants.
  • Lobber plants range is reduced.
  • Three plants from the current world are banned.

Zomboss Battles List[]

Battles Plants Zombies Boss Phases Count Portals Notes Level Difficulty Scalling
Penny's Pursuit Zombot Plank Walker Battle 1 (chinese) Choice Prospector Zombie2 Shield Zombie2 Troglobite2 Swashbuckler Zombie2 Deep Sea Gargantuar2
Summoned: Imp Pirate Zombie2 Yeti Imp2
Zombot Plank Walker2 1st difficulty: 7 phases
2nd difficulty: 9 phases
3rd difficulty: 11 phases
N/A Starts with 1200 sun N/A
Penny's Pursuit Zombot War Wagon Battle 1 (chinese) Choice Zombie Bull2 Centurion Zombie2C Bust Head Zombie2C Healer Zombie2C
Summoned: Zombie Bull Rider2
Zombot War Wagon2 1st difficulty: 5 phases
2nd difficulty: 7 phases
3rd difficulty: 9 phases
N/A Starts with 1850 sun N/A
Penny's Pursuit Zombot Tomorrow Tron Battle 1 (chinese) Choice Ra Zombie2 Future Buckethead Zombie2 Bug Bot Imp2 Mecha-Football Zombie2 Zombot Tomorrow-tron2 1st difficulty: 7 phases
2nd difficulty: 9 phases
3rd difficulty: 11 phases
N/A Starts with 1600 sun N/A
Penny's Pursuit Zombot Dark Dragon Battle 1 (chinese) Choice Conehead Peasant2 Buckethead Peasant2 Knight Zombie2 Roman Zombie2C
Summoned: Imp Dragon Zombie2 Jester Zombie2 Wizard Zombie2
Zombot Dark Dragon2 1st difficulty: 5 phases
2nd difficulty: 7 phases
3rd difficulty: 9 phases
N/A Starts with 2500 sun N/A
Penny's Pursuit Zombot Tuskmaster 10,000 BC Battle 1 (chinese) Choice Zcorpion Zombie2C
Summoned: Roman Zombie2C Roman Conehead2C Roman Buckethead2C Centurion Zombie2C Roman Shield Zombie2C Healer Zombie2C Gladiator Gargantuar2C
Zombot Tuskmaster 10,000 BC2 1st difficulty: 5 phases
2nd difficulty: 9 phases
3rd difficulty: 13 phases
PortalJM PortalLC PortalFC PortalDA Starts with 1850 sun N/A
Penny's Pursuit Zombot Aerostatic Gondola Battle 1 (chinese) Choice Bug Zombie2 Roman Zombie2C Zcorpion Zombie2C
Summoned: Roman Zombie2C Roman Conehead2C Roman Buckethead2C Centurion Zombie2C Roman Shield Zombie2C Healer Zombie2C Gladiator Gargantuar2C Lost Pilot Zombie2
Zombot Aerostatic Gondola2 1st difficulty: 3 phases
2nd difficulty: 5 phases
3rd difficulty: 7 phases
N/A Starts with 2125 sun N/A
Penny's Pursuit Zombot Dinotronic Mechasaur Battle 1 (chinese) Choice Shield Zombie2 Surfer Zombie2 Glitter Zombie2 Zombot Dinotronic Mechasaur2 1st difficulty: 5 phases
2nd difficulty: 7 phases
3rd difficulty: 9 phases
N/A Starts with 2550 sun N/A

Zombot Sphinx-inator does not appear here since he never appeared in any event.

