The phrase "Started fighting Zombies in 2009" in its description is a reference to the year that Plants vs. Zombies, the first game of the series, was released, while the phrase "and never stopped" is a reference to its appearance in every Plants vs. Zombies series game since the aforementioned game.
Class: Mega-Grow
Tribe: Pea Plant
Traits: None
Abilities: None
Set - Rarity: Basic - Common
Card description[]
Started fighting Zombies in 2009... and never stopped.
Peashooter is now the basic plant of the Mega-Grow class.
Peashooter is obviously only useful when you don't have better 1-sun cards to use. It can become a threat when boosted by Pea synergy plants such as The Podfather or Torchwood but that's the best it gets as other plants in the same class outclass it easily:
Pea Pod, an otherwise identical plant whose ability ramps its stats over time.
Party Thyme, who has decent stats and an ability that works well with bonus attacks.
Half-Banana, who also has decent stats for a 1-sun plant despite lacking any meaningful synergies.
Bonk Choy, who is usually able to efficiently trade with early game threats.
Clique Peas, a plant that's not only in one extra beneficial tribe but also boosts itself and any future copies.
This plant is considerably easy to counter due to its low base stats and it lacking any traits or abilities, so you should be able to destroy this with almost every zombie fighter, or damaging tricks such as Nibble, assuming if it was ever in play. However, if Torchwood or The Podfather is used with this, take caution, as this could easily become a minor threat for a cheap price. Fireworks Zombie and Barrel of Deadbeards can easily remove this from the field, assuming its health isn't boosted.