It is named after a P-Patch, also called a pea patch, a parcel of property used for gardening,
Its appearance is a visual pun on P-Patch, being a literal patch of peas.
Its description is a reference to Pea Patch Island, a small island in the state of Delaware where pets aren't allowed. It may also reference how it is vulnerable to Dog Walker, who can easily destroy it, both literally (as in combat) as well as in a real life scenario - trampling it over with his dog.
Class: Mega-Grow
Tribes: Leafy Pea Plant
Traits: None
Ability: Fusion: A Plant played on this gets +2/+2.
Set - Rarity: Triassic - Rare
Card description[]
Don't let the Dog Walker anywhere near it.
Update history[]
Update 1.24.6[]
Added to the game.
Pea Patch's main usage is its Fusion ability, which you can obviously use to support a plant.
However, Pea Patch does have a few rivals. Grow-Shroom is more expensive, has to be placed individually and gives the same boost, but the ability takes effect immediately, while Fertilize gives a bigger boost than both. In a Grass Knuckles deck, Pea Patch faces another rival: Pumpkin Shell, who only costs 1 sun more, but can survive better and support plants with low health. Pea Patch's only saving grace is that it costs 1 sun less than any of the aforementioned options.
Fortunately, Pea Patch does have its place in terms of Evolution, specifically Savage Spinach's and Gatling Pea's, since as a Leafy and Pea Plant it supplements their abilities well. However, Pea Patch can't survive very well unless The Podfather is on the field, so you should either protect it or use this combo later in the game.
Pea Patch has average but low stats, so you should be able to destroy it easily. However, since your opponent will play it on an empty lane in most cases, it is recommended to save some brains for a Rolling Stone or Bungee Plumber. You also have to beware of Torchwood and The Podfather, as they can make Pea Patch more dangerous to deal with.
If your opponent is running a pea or leafy deck, they will most likely be carrying Gatling Pea or Savage Spinach too. Don't give them the chance to exploit Pea Patch.