It does not have any traits, and its ability draws a card every time a plant, including it, does a bonus attack. This ability stacks with every Party Thyme on the field and persists until all Party Thymes are removed from the field.
It is based on a bundle of thyme, an evergreen herb of the genus Thymus with culinary, medicinal, and ornamental uses.
Its name is a portmanteau of the phrase "party time," referring to its birthday hat and cake, and "thyme," the real-life plant it is based on.
Class: Mega-Grow
Tribe: Leafy Plant
Traits: None
Ability: When a plant does a Bonus Attack, draw a card.
Set - Rarity: Premium - Super-Rare
Card description[]
A real extrovert, this one.
Update history[]
Update 1.2.11[]
▲ Strength change: 1 → 2
▲ Sun cost change: 2 → 1
▼ Health change: 5 → 2
Ability streamlined: Gain a teammate → Draw a card
Update 1.8.23[]
▼ Health change: 2 → 1
Update 1.14.13[]
Rarity change: Uncommon → Rare
Update 1.16.10[]
Rarity change: Rare → Super-Rare
▲ Health change: 1 → 2
Party Thyme is one of the hardest cards to use in the game, due to its situational ability and bad stats in later turns, as its ability requires bonus attack cards to be played, which can only be done starting from turn 3, where by then your opponent has a lot of ways to remove Party Thyme. such as Bungee Plumber and Extinction Event.
You could try playing the following cards to activate its ability. However, each has their own weaknesses:
Time to Shine costs only 1 sun but as a superpower, it can only be used once and usually, only Grass Knuckles and Captain Combustible has access to it, and both of them would prefer to use it on their more powerful cards such as a boosted Galacta-Cactus or Poison Ivy to finish off games.
Any card with the Double Strike trait. However, that requires the plant to survive the Fight! phase first.
Coffee Grounds can allow any plant to have said trait but the environment is easily removable, so you're unlikely to see said plant use the trait.
Repeater is the cheapest at 3 sun but its bad stats for its cost ensures that it would most likely be removed on the turn it's played.
Bananasaurus Rex is a stronger option as she can boost herself but it doesn't do anything to help Party Thyme stay on the field.
Gatling Pea is the strongest option but its cost means by then Party Thyme is useless. Party Thyme also doesn't do well in a pea deck, which already by itself isn't good for the highest levels of ranked.
Re-Peat Moss can do a series of bonus attacks by spamming tricks but using Re-Peat Moss would require you using it to finish off the opponent, making Party Thyme not very useful as by then, you need to rely on the cards you have in hand to do so, rather than relying on what Party Thyme might draw for you.
Plant Food is a more expensive Time to Shine but can be used by more heroes, and grants an extra +1/+1. However, its cost means you're better off using it as a finisher rather than as a mean to draw cards.
Pod Fighter can allow a fury of bonus attack cards by playing many small cost cards such as Shroom for Two and Lil' Buddy. However, like Plant Food, by that point, you would want to finish off your opponent, as its low stats for its cost would make it a target for your opponent's removal cards.
Espresso Fiesta is too expensive to be worth playing in any serious deck. Party Thyme and Espresso Fiesta should not be used together.
In short, this card is very bad and should not be used as all.
This card might be dangerous due to its ability but Party Thyme is not a good card. Hence you will hardly see it played in any serious deck.
In the off-chance you do encounter it, Bungee Plumber and Rolling Stone can put an end to it. Keeping ahead of your opponent stat-wise can also deter your opponent from just playing any of Party Thyme or any of its support cards, as they would most likely get destroyed before they can activate their bonus attacks.
Anti-trick cards like Fraidy Cat and Defensive End can help make playing bonus attacks via tricks not as worth. Cards that can reduce the plant's strength to zero such as Black Hole and Landscaper can also shut down bonus attacks with the exception of Plant Food.
Bonus Track Buckethead can completely nullify Party Thyme's ability while Quickdraw Con Man punishes card draws by doing 1 unblockable damage to your opponent.