His name is a portmanteau on "fairy ring," "mushroom ring," and "ringleader," referring to the fact that he is the leader of a small ring of smaller mushrooms.
Class: Kabloom
Tribe: Mushroom Plant
Traits: None
Ability: When played: This gets +2 for each other Plant.
Set - Rarity: Premium - Uncommon
Card description[]
Leadership comes with a lot of responsibility, but he knew what he signed up for.
Update history[]
Update 1.2.11[]
Set change: Basic → Premium
With enough plants on the field when you play Mushroom Ringleader, he can be an incredible one-time heavy hitter. Thus, swarming the field with plants is your ideal strategy when using this plant. Playing Pair of Pears, Veloci-Radish Hunter, and Shroom for Two results in two plants being played at once, while plants with the Team-Up trait like Shellery, Wall-Nut, and Puff-Shroom can fill up lanes with non-Team-Up plants and even protect Mushroom Ringleader.
While not related to swarming, Buff-Shroom boosts Mushroom Ringleader further while Punish-Shroom offers him insurance against harm, due to him being a mushroom plant.
Because plants play after zombies, try to play this when you have a lot of plants on the field and on an empty lane, since he can do massive damage to your opponent and finish the battle faster. It is also best to play this plant after all your other plants are played to maximize his ability.
Spudow can boost his health with Steel Magnolia, use Gardening Gloves or Bubble Up to move him to an empty lane, or use tanky Team-Up plants in front of him to protect him from zombie attacks. Combining this with Spring Bean (as Nightcap) or Squash (as Solar Flare) to clear the lane that he occupies lets him land a hit on your opponent as well.
Whatever you do, though, do not play Mushroom Ringleader alone unless you need to block the lane for a turn from a powerful zombie. Despite being a plant himself, he does not count towards his own ability. The result is your Mushroom Ringleader ending up with only 1 health and no strength, the same as a Lil' Buddy.
This plant has incredibly low health, so any damaging/health-reducing card such as Nibble, Acid Rain, Pied Piper, and Conga Zombie can easily destroy this plant. Rocket Science and Cut Down to Size help too when this gets out of control. You can also use a cheap zombie such as Cell Phone Zombie to block Mushroom Ringleader's attack and easily destroy him.
Please note that only official translations are used.
Mushroom Ringleader
Simplified Chinese
lit. "Mushroom Boss"
Traditional Chinese
lit. "Mushroom-Head Boss"
버섯 대장
Brazilian Portuguese
Главарь грибов
Seta cabecilla
If one looks closely, there are four smaller mushrooms of unknown species (or possibly baby versions of Mushroom Ringleader's species) circling him.
If one looks even closer, these mushrooms have a similar shape and color scheme to Mushroom Ringleader.
These mushrooms are also used as Astro-Shroom's projectiles and dark green versions of them can occasionally be seen peeking out from inside his craters.