Its name is a combination of the words "mushroom," the fleshy, spore-bearing fruity body of a fungus, and "boom," a loud, deep, resonant sound.
Its description has a pun: "truffle" (a type of mushroom), instead of "trifle" (to act with disrespect towards).
Classes: Kabloom, Smarty
Tribes: Mushroom Superpower Trick
Abilities: Make a 1/1 Poison Mushroom with Anti-Hero 2. Do 2 damage to a Zombie there.
Set - Rarity: Premium - Legendary
Card description[]
Nightcap and his mushroom friends are not to be truffled with.
Update history[]
Update 1.2.11[]
Name change: Toadstool Takedown → Mush-Boom
Update ????[]
Description change: Was originally Night Cap and his mushrooms friends are not to be truffled with.
If you get this trick at the beginning of the game, it is recommended to play it immediately, as most zombies that cost 1 brain are easily destroyed by this trick. If that zombie is destroyed, the Poison Mushroom made by this trick can land a hit on your opponent and do 3 damage.
However, if your opponent does not send out a zombie on the first turn (or if the zombie played is Zombology Teacher), beware, as they may be saving their brain for a trick like Bungee Plumber, which can easily destroy Poison Mushroom. It is also a bit of a waste since its ability can only do damage to a zombie fighter and not to your opponent directly.
In the mid to late game, Poison Mushroom loses its usefulness as there are much more plants that can consistently do 3 damage or more, on top of more health and a trait and/or ability. So if you get this superpower in this phase, it may be better to treat the Poison Mushroom made as a meat shield to block a lane, with the benefit of doing immediate damage.
Unless you need to block the lane for a turn, do not use this against Knight of the Living Dead or shielded zombies, as they are immune to both the 2 damage and Poison Mushroom's attack.
This trick synergizes very well with Astro-Shroom as it makes a plant, as well as Punish-Shroom since Poison Mushroom is a mushroom with very low health. But with how Mush-Boom can only be played once, it would be better to play Poison Mushroom instead if you wish for synergies.
In the early game, it is recommended to not spend your brains on zombies as Mush-Boom will immediately destroy it, causing you to lose both that zombie and 3 health unless the zombie has enough health to take 2 damage and survive.
Stalling your opponent and giving them no clear opportunity to safely play this trick works in your favor, as Mush-Boom's effectiveness diminishes when you can play zombies that Mush-Boom cannot destroy.
Of course, you can also just take 3 damage on the first turn and retaliate next turn.
AI opponents usually play this almost instantly even if there are no zombies on the field, giving you an advantage if you have damaging or stat-degrading cards.
Mush-Boom's card
Mush-Boom costing 3 sun due to Defensive End's ability
Mush-Boom's card image
Mush-Boom being played (1)
Mush-Boom being played (2)
The dragon that appears during Mush-Boom's animation
Nightcap's pose while playing Mush-Boom
Textures of the dragon
Mush-Boom's statistics
Mush-Boom's statistics, note that it was called Toadstool Takedown
Mush-Boom animated
In other languages[]
Please note that only official translations are used.
Simplified Chinese
lit. "Expanding Mushroom"
Traditional Chinese
lit. "Mushroom Bomb"
버섯 폭발
Brazilian Portuguese
Грибной взрыв
When the dragon flies around, Nightcap freezes in place until the dragon is gone. But if a card is played, the dragon instantly disappears and Nightcap also resumes his animations.