Morning Glory is a premiumuncommonplantcard in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes and a member of the Solar class. She costs 1 to play and has 2/2. She does not have any traits, and her ability gives her +1/+1 if 6 or more sun has been made on the turn she is played.
Ability: When played: This gets +1/+1 if you made at least 6 this turn.
Set - Rarity: Premium - Uncommon
Card description[]
Just don't talk to her before she's had her Coffee Bean.
Morning Glory has decent stats for a 1-sun cost plant. But when you have made more than 6 sun, she becomes even more powerful. While you can wait for the 6th turn, you can also play Sunflower or Sunburn to quickly make 6 sun. Combined with her decent stats, spamming Morning Glory when you have made 6 sun or more is a cheap and effective way of dealing with zombies that have 3 health or less. However, many other plants can outperform her quickly in the late game.
Due to her decent stats for her low cost, you can also play her at the start of the battle to get some early damage off. However, other plants would be more useful, as her ability only activates when you make at least 6 sun.
If you are facing a Hearty hero, they may have Ra Zombie or Turquoise Skull Zombie to reduce your sun once you reach turn 6, thus preventing you from activating her ability, so keep that in mind.
Even without activating her ability, Morning Glory can be a hard plant to handle on the first turn, due to her having enough health to stand 1 damage, while damaging zombies that fight her.
Since she is very cheap as well, you may have a hard time if she is spammed, and especially if her ability has activated. Use zombies with 2 strength or more, or tricks like Rolling Stone, Weed Spray, or Bungee Plumber to take her out if her ability has not activated yet, and either Zombot's Wrath, Knockout, or zombies with 3 strength or more if she has.
If you are playing as a Hearty hero, you may want to reduce your opponent's sun by using Ra Zombie or Turquoise Skull Zombie to prevent your opponent from activating her ability once you reach turn 6.
Please note that only official translations are used.
Morning Glory
Simplified Chinese
lit. "Bull-Leading Flower"
Traditional Chinese
Same as simplified Chinese
Belle de jour
Brazilian Portuguese
Glória Solar
Gloria matutina
Her description makes a reference to both Coffee Bean and its usage, to wake up sleeping mushrooms.
Despite this, Morning Glory is not a mushroom.
In the simplified Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies Heroes, her description says "Just don't ask her where the bull she leads is." This is a pun, as "morning glory(牵牛花)" in Chinese means "the flower that leads the bull."